Happy, happy magnificent, magickal, mesmerising Monday! How are you delicious lovely? Have you had a glorious week? If you remember from our reading last week, the energy of this month is one of moving from Air to Fire (ideas to manifestation) and also Discipline and Action. Thus, have you played with either of those energies in the past week? With the New Moon in Gemini on the 13th (Wednesday), this is a glorious time to really take the ideas (Air) and set wishes/intentions towards the passion and intentional action (Fire) you want to take. If you have forgotten how to make New Moon wishes, don’t worry, we have you covered!
The last few days here have been far cooler and rainier, which in a way has been quite lovely as it has saved me watering the garden, the plants are growing in leaps and bounds and it’s also meant that I have to be indoors more. Thus, those lovely housekeeping tasks that I had been putting off due to the weather being so stupendous, got done! But what I found really interesting was the whole concept of Ancestors that came up as I was doing things like polishing the furniture and taking down the cobwebs. (And no, no hallucinogens were being used whilst cleaning the house!)
How it all came about was as I finished polishing the 70 year old dining room table, I was gently smoothing a gorgeous hand tatted tablecloth over it and I realised that that particular table cloth was 99 years old! What??? My great aunt had made it as part of her wedding trousseau, and as my hand ran along the intricate hand tatted lace I could imagine her as a young woman sitting by a coal fire, with a lamp lit, gently putting together all the pieces that she would take with her when she got married and started her own home. Wow! Ancestors. Then a little while later I was sorting through papers and getting things ready to pop into the post today. I am renewing my British passport and so I had asked my mother if she happened to have a copy of my father’s long form birth certificate. She most certainly did and when it arrived in the mail there was also another long form certificate written all in Gaelic. Hmmm, what is this? It was was my father’s fathers long form birth certificate from 1883 where he was born in County Mayo Ireland and there were the names of my great grandfather and my great grandmother and the profession of the male. Holy Hannah, that was cool. I know back to three generations on the maternal side, but only 1.5 generations on the paternal side. Ancestors. So this got me to perking even more, how often do we acknowledge, invite or even explore our heritage, ancestry? I know quite a few people who have done the DNA Ancestry Testing and have been quite surprised by the results, and as cool as that is I guess I am thinking more about the faces and the energy aspect of Ancestry than the DNA piece. Does that make sense?
When I used to Karma Krew at Enlightened Warrior, one of the sayings that we used a lot was “AHO” as an acknowledgement and in various of the “processes” that would occur in this format of camp often you would hear “aho mitakuye oyasin”, which is a phrase from the Lakota language meaning “I welcome all my relations”, it acknowledges the connection to lineage and to nature. Ancestors. This in turn got me to thinking about when I meditate or when I am out in the woods, what if I were to invite the wisdom, teachings and supportive energy of my Ancestors to be with me, would it make a difference? Well I tried it yesterday out in the woods, and all I can say was it was pretty stupendous. I felt like I had my own special entourage with me, guiding me, whispering words of encouragement and holding me in an energy of love and safety. I highly encourage you to give it a try!
Phew, so with all that being said let’s crack on with the reading. I was delighted to see The Oracle of the Sacred Rebels come out to play, as I was highly curious to see which deck would pick up on the energy of Ancestors and New Moon Intentions. Then I asked the crystals who would like to come and they literally pointed me to the rocks. The rocks that are part of the biggest crystal we know of – Mother Earth. This made me giggle in delight as often when I think of Ancestors I think of “The trees and the stones, the plants and the bones.” Therefore, the reading was done outside on a bed of glorious rocks.
So are you ready? I invite you to ask your ancestors for guidance as you breathe and look at the cards. See if they are willing to come show you what you need to know for this week. If you need a bit of support with really tapping into this type of energy, I have created a pretty interesting visualisation for you. There is a little cosmic travelling, but it won’t take long and you will be totally safe. So just breathe and let’s go on a little explore.
Did you pick the cards or cards that whispered to you?
Shall we go have a little look see?
Deep within you are moved by an ancient, powerful force that cannot be tamed. It is the rising pulse of your connection to the life force. You feel it in your bones, in your blood, in your heart and in your belly. When there is something dying within, you sense it falling away, no longer needed. You sense when it is time to rest and be patiently in transition. You feel the stirring of agitation and restlessness when new life calls you to create, to act, to step forward and to take a risk. You know that you march to your own bet, that no-one else can tell you what your inner rhythms are and that you must trust in your own timing. You cannot be rushed or forced, nor can you be held back when it is time to burst forth. Life celebrates and supports the natural rise and fall of your inner rhythms.
You cannot miss what you are destined for nor will you gain anything by trying to push yourself. Trust in the life cycles within, and you will feel the perfect balance between effort and surrender, discipline and letting go.
When it is time for the rhythm of rest, you will feel a natural slowing within and be drawn into contemplation and environments are more gentle, spacious or nourishing and perhaps more peaceful. When the rhythm of play beats in your heart, you will reach out to others to connect, dance, converse, sing, make music, make love and share your wildness. You will be drawn to uplifting groups and places where you can experience a positive energetic exchange.
Your needs will be met in harmony with your rhythms. All that you will miss out on by trusting this, is anxiety. What you will gain is peace.
There are many opinions around you. Some are helpful but others are distracting you from your truth. Although it can be helpful to hear the thoughts of others, when it all comes down to it, you will have to come to your own decision. Do you know how unique you are? How your path is your path to be chosen, lived and created – only by you? Someone else cannot become the source of your decision-making power without negative repercussions for both of you in the long run.
You have become swept up in thinking things through. You have been thinking about which way to go with a matter of importance and you have got a bit stuck in the logic of the decision making process. Sometimes we have to accept that any path is a path forward and if it is not the best path, we can change our approach later on if needed. If we are slightly off base with a decision, life will often shift and move to guide us back on track. We don’t have to be perfect. In fact, there is rarely ever a perfect choice to be made – just some choices that feel more heart-honouring than others. Sometimes we can only really know in hindsight if we made the best choice possible in that moment. At the time of decision-making, we only really have our internal wisdom to rely upon. And that is all that we need.
Don’t punish or traumatise yourself with possible choices. Just making a choice will set things in motion. The best way to catalyse the situation you are in and bring about healing change, stimulate your creative juices and find a more inspired, energised and enjoyable approach to your life, is to just make a choice based on what you feel right now. Not based on anyone else’s feelings. Just yours. So ask yourself – what do I feel right now? And go from there.
On the path of life there are deciding moments where we can choose to go with the mainstream or we can dare to take a bolder, more authentic and trusting way – even if it seems riskier or less safe. To rely solely on logic and science, without incorporating the mysterious and magical is a recipe for an existence that is far too dry! The sacred rebel within our hearts will always choose a juicer approach to life. You are currently approaching such a choice point. You could say that the choice is about balance. It is less about choosing to honour either art or science, gardening or architecture, and more about integrating all approaches so that you enhance rather than hinder your life journey.
There is a time and a place for logic, strategy, planning and measurable outcomes. These are not bad tools to have but we must be vigilant not to worship them or allow them to quash or less rational, but equally valuable decision-making tools: intuition, feelings and those things you know, without knowing how you know them! The flowing, inspirational energy of the heart may have no conceivable basis in logic or reason and still be uncannily accurate. To remain rebellious we must not sacrifice the art of emotion, instinct, passion and intuition, for the science of logic and strict planning!
You are being asked to stay open to the intuitive approach in your life, your work, your creativity as well as in your spiritual journey. The intuitive approach can be likened to the method of a gardener or an artist. There is a sense of what might work where and a loose or even a detailed plan, but how the plan is carried out will depend on and respond to the flow off its surroundings. There is no need to control the situation but rather a desire to nurture an idea to fruition.
You are moving outside of the plan! You are living on the border of what is socially accepted. This is good. This is fringe-dwelling freedom. Others might not see this about you straight away as you seem pretty normal but that secret eccentric streak is just waiting to show itself. And, maybe you are an out and proud fringe dweller, completely comfortable with this way of being. Either way, you have a chance to live from the heart more deeply and expressively than ever before. You need to realise that this is a legitimate, empowered and creative way to live that honours all of who you are. You can give up forcing or squashing yourself down into a very limited set of so called desirable qualities like intellect and control. It’s time to get a bit wild and let nature take its course.
What a glorious reading! How did it feel for you? There is lots to perk at this time with both of the different energies of June, tapping into your ancestral line for support, New Moon and Summer Solstice next week. Holy Hannah! Don’t get overwhelmed, don’t avoid either. Just relax and ask for guidance and support. Two things, firstly, thank you all so much for your lovely emails and comments, I really appreciate them all and the sharing of stories. Secondly, the reading will be coming out on Tuesday of next week, as I am driving for 12 hours on Monday. This will be a lovely Summer Solstice reading and there will be an idea for ritual to help you really hook into this wonderful energy. So do make sure you are signed up for this as you won’t want to miss it. Have a fabulous week and remember to lean back into the guidance that is always there for you. Huge hugs and squeezes! (Oh yes and yummy choccie biccies with hot tea). See you on Tuesday next week.
The sacred hoop of unrequited love vibrates blue aho!!!!
Aho and Blessings!