Dearest Gentle Reader,
(Yes, I know, I know – I just love how it sounds at the moment!)
We are coming to the close of February, holy hannah, another whizz bang month it feels like with a lot of turmoil and chaos swirling in the collective!
In fact it is the last Monday of February, can you believe it! And in usual Mumma Nature style the weather has gone bonkers! Winds of 90 km/hr have been sweeping through over and over, and atmospheric rivers galore!
In other words it is frigging breezy and wet (so please don’t tell me there is no such thing as global warming!)
Which made me think that it’s appropriate that across many communities nationally, February 25th is The Coldest Night of The Year Walk.
This walk started in 2011 to raise funds and awareness around homelessness (and I loathe the phrase “unhoused”) and poverty.
The funds all go to a local charity that is on the streets and helps to fund food, clothes, support and programmes for a very vulnerable part of our communities.
Having spent my Valentine’s Day wandering through various tent housing, sharing little love packages of gorgeous cookies, and listening to some very intense stories, I am so proud that we walk to acknowledge what we see, hear and witness.
There is no turning a blind eye and dismissing with judgement.
It reminds me how fucking blessed I am. How blessed most of us are!
With the intense winds that can literally blow me over and the torrential rain, when I’m out with the doggos it feels challenging, but I know that I have a warm home to go back to. I can turn on the kettle and make a nice cuppa and my clothes if wet, I can change.
But, what if all you have is a tarp and a concrete sidewalk?
What if there is no way to get warm and dry, let alone open your fridge or cupboard to select something to eat?
For many of us, if we go outside and it’s too cold or wet, we go back into the warmth.
Life holds no 100% guarantees at all, other than you are born, you die. And having listened to a wee couple in their 80s on Valentines that had been on the street for just over a month due to the landlord tripling their rent………..
It made my heart sad.
So remember, we are part of a collective (whether you recognise it or not). Smile at someone, take a moment to talk, offer what you can – even if it is only time.
But we are all interconnected and it’s important to be aware of that.
Okay, now I will get off my soapbox! Lol.
“The Pisces New Moon on February 27th brings the last lunar cycle of the astrological year and our official entrance into Eclipse Season.
Needless to say, this February New Moon will be an impactful one and will open a portal into one of the most transformative points of the year.”
This New Moon asks us to show up as our authentic selves and trust in the innate wisdom that lives within.
What do you do best? What are your gifts and talents? Take time to celebrate your skills and all you have mastered. Acknowledge where your gifts and talents lie- and don’t say you don’t have any!
We all have things we are innately good at. So, forget societal expectations and limitations, and go deeper. Reflecting on these is a good way to inspire conscious action under the New Moon.
So with both of those things to perk, how blessed you are and the New Moon let’s crack on with the reading.
These are glorious new guides and they were adamant they wanted to come play.
They bring the full energy of the Divine Mother, Mother Mary, the Divine Feminine – you name it and they most certainly have a lot to share.
So darling one, just take a moment. Take a moment to count your blessings, take a moment to understand that you are fully interconnected (even with the people you judge and don’t like). Just breathe. Allow your gorgeous heart to open and soften and then when you are ready pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a gander shall we?

“I ask you to surrender your future thinking to me. Although your future contains the promise of great blessings, do not let this distract you from the blessing I bestow upon you in this moment. I ask you to open your arms to my blessings in the here and now. You are the sweet fruit, heavy on the vine. The time for harvest has come. This is your time.”
Many of us who love the Holy Mother are dreamers. We might be practical and hard-working, attending to the details of daily life and spiritual consciousness, but we have hope in our hearts.
Yet that hope may be for the future – our future, that of our children, of our planet.
This hope is a precious light that is needed in the world. Yet our light of hope is also needed in the here and now.
We need to be living the Divine now, not only dreaming of a more divinely aligned life in a fantasy of the future.
Live your light now; to benefit yourself and the world with your presence. Now. Yes, we are always growing, yet there is a readiness within you now.
There is something within you, something of you, that is ready. Even if the immediate reality doesn’t match a fantasy that you have once held about how life would be when you would finally share more of yourself with the world, you are still ready and this is your time to shine.
The Mother asks you to honour the light that is ignited within you now, and to act upon it with utter faith. The dreamers are needed in this present moment, you see.
We can help the sacred becoming, the healing of the world according to the Divine Mother’s grace, by how we choose to be at this time.
Now is the time to trust. There is so much waiting for you in this moment.
Gather your harvest. Let your divine inheritance come to you now, as naturally as fruit ripening on the vine.
You are needed.
“The eternal light dwells in my heart and as you enter into my heart, held safe in my love for you, that light becomes visible to you. It will show you the way through any darkness, and help you understand the purpose of past suffering, so that you can let it go and be at peace, free from confusion, shame or doubt. There is divine purpose within all that is. You have been struggling and now it is time for rest. Step into the light of my heart now, beloved, and let the darkness go. The time is drawing near for your resurrection and release.”
It is a strange paradox that when we are truly open to life, we must be prepared to die many deaths before it is time for our physical life to end.
We might suffer the deaths of relationships, of ideals, of identities, even of certain hopes and dreams. If we can mourn these deaths, give them proper attention and due acknowledgment, grieving in whatever way is respectful and truthful, then those deaths become sacred sacrifices on the altar of new life.
If we try to rush past these many deaths, pushing them to one side out of fear that they may mean something terrible or frightening, then we will suffer more than needs be.
Perhaps we become fearful if we feel that we are not in control of life and cannot prevent its powerful unfolding, because we do not trust where life is leading us. Then too, we miss our chance to make a sacrifice and feel more connected with life, and with death as a natural part of life.
We don’t need to be scared, we can accept that they are signs that we are growing and life is flowing. We can even use them to gain confidence that a new direction, a new life, is calling us. There is always so much more to come. Always. No matter how old we may be, or how jaded we may feel at times, there is always boundless life awaiting us. All that is needed is a willingness for us to be open to receiving it.
Let Our Lady of Resurrection lift you up from even the deepest sorrow and gently urge you into new light, new understanding, and new life.
Take heed, beloved, your time of darkness is swiftly drawing to a close and a new day is soon to be upon you.
Breathe, trust, embrace.
“You are my child and a royal divine being. I protect your spiritual deeping now, as you descend further into the living divine heart, and know all to be love. As the mysteries reveal themselves to you now, divine rapture awaits you. I shall keep you grounded and authentic, productive in the world that needs your light, even as I guide you into ecstatic communion with your holy nature.”
No matter where we think we are on our spiritual path, there is always somewhere, and something deeper to experience.
You are about to enter into another level of spiritual experience. This new level will be appropriate and healing for you – taking you naturally along in your spiritual progress.
What might be suitable for another is unlikely to be exactly right for you. Our Lady watches over you with all knowing tenderness and fierce protection. Only what you need, will come to you.
In order to be prepared, we might have to be challenged in a relationship that really stretches or breaks our heart. In that situation we are learning to love more unconditionally, to either let the relationship go or stay with it, depending on what is right for us.
We might experience weeks, months or even years of not really knowing, with any certainty, if we are on the right path or living the life we are supposed to be living. In that continued crisis, we are learning how to remain present, to remain open and to learn to trust, even in the absence of clarity.
Or perhaps everything in our life seems to be upside down; a loved one is struggling, or our own inability to resolve an issue that has troubled us deeply for some time, and is causing us to feel almost unbearable anguish.
No matter what the crisis or challenge, the way that we learned to respond and grow through it provided us with the development that we needed to be able to sustain the next level of divine experience.
Love is the most powerful force in our universe. It is in everything and reveals itself in unlimited ways.
To encounter this love, to be open to it, ready to receive it and be changed, illuminated, irradiated by it.
Our Lady of the Rose Crown comes to tell you that you have been in preparation and now the time is fast approaching, or is already upon you, whereby you are opening to more divine realisation. No matter what you may initially think, what you are being shown right now is more of the divine in its mysterious, creative, funny and unfathomable genius.
You truly are a magnificent royal child of the Divine. Own it!
Wowzer, wowzer, wowzer – you can’t make this shit up!
Sending you huge blessings and love as we close the month of February down. I invite you to allow your feelings to rise and be released, cleanse your heart and your mind and remember – you are here for a reason! There is something you are meant to share, so please do.

Thanks for your wisdom as always. Very much loved to receive. I am thankful for everyone who has crossed my path as each person leaves me learning something more . I am so thankful & appreciative of you Jenny. Namaste. 🥰❤️😘
That is so glorious Karen. I love how you said that.