Happy Magnificent, Magickal, Marvelous, Manifesting, Majestic first Monday of March! That’s right, March is here and Spring Equinox is coming (I’m so excited I love, love, love Spring Equinox). I find it so fascinating that even if I didn’t know what day or month it was my body let’s me know, I can literally feel the Spring energy welling up and my mind has been filled with creating and planting seeds to harvest in the Fall. Quite fascinating. In fact, one project that I have started is designing and creating a glorious garden and the minute I started sketching it out I found a massive Buddha head statue and 3 crazy cat statues on the side of the road! More on that next week once I get it figured out, let me just say it will be a magickal garden with Hawthorn’s, herbs and Big Intent!
Before we explore all the amazing deliciousness that is happening, I would like to say a huge thank you to all of you who have been writing and messaging me with regards to exploring the moons, equinoxes, rituals and seasons in more depth. That got my juices burbling last week and my amazing magickal guides hopped into the mix and gave me an incredible download. Thus, all being well, I think we will have created something for you by the Equinox. Stay tuned!
Okay, let’s look at what is burbling. First we have a new energetic theme for the month, Second, we have a glorious New Moon, and last but not least we have Mercury Retrograde! (No, running for the closet, it’s all good – quite magickal in fact.)
March is bringing us some glorious new energy! Shamanically the theme for this month is Next Step. If you remember January was Clean it Up, February was Activation and March is Next Step! Are you ready?
Let me share what Lena has to say:- “ In taking that “next step”, we are also dealing with anxiety, fear, confusion and trusting the unknown. We exit the month of February with lots of bits and pieces on our plate. Some are clear, some make no sense, some fit the puzzle, some don’t, some have come out of the blue creating sudden change, and some feel like road blocks with no clear solution……yet. There will be those of you that begin this month in a slight state of overwhelm and anxiety. Others will be excited about the possibilities and ready to launch into that next step. A lot was put into motion last month and some of it is just beginning to manifest.
The “next step” is on everyone’s mind. We all know that we are moving forward in some way. Some of you know exactly what that is and are chomping at the bit to get there already. But for many there are still unknowns, loose ends and gaps in clarity that may be producing anxiety, worry and fear. We know we are going somewhere, creating something new, we just do not have all the parts together yet, and the fear is that we will fail or be disappointed and unsuccessful in reaching our goals.
As we evolve, we are inevitably moving into a higher octave, a higher vibration, the upper room. But our fears are holding us back as we cling to what we know, as unsatisfying as that may be. There is no stopping the evolutionary process. It is like telling your hair or fingernails not to grow. The more you cling and hold back, the greater the possibility you will end up in depression and despair with blocked creativity and a feeling of stagnation.” You can read more about this energy at her site.
We have a glorious New Moon on Wednesday 6th and this New Moon is in Pisces which invites us to expand and illuminate or be held back by our shadow side. This is a moon from the transcendental realms. It holds the promise of a re-birth. It has a quality of merging the spiritual with the material. This is a moon to manifest the dream. However, its negative expression could mean among others, a lack of will, not clear intentions and non-clarity in emotions. It could mean harboring unrealistic expectations from ourselves, subdued will or lessened vitality. Which route would you rather pick? Personally I like the former far more! So most certainly take some time on Wednesday, light a candle and write out your New Moon wishes. If you are stuck as to how to do this, check out the post on New Moon wishes here.
Added to the energy of Next Step and the delicious New Moon in Pisces we have Mercury Retrograde! Whoot, whoot! (Can you say, hold onto your bloomers?) This is the perfect time to really take the time to investigate some of the leftovers from the past. Now what do I mean by that? Let’s say every time you think of your sister there is a resentment about something she did or didn’t do. Therefore this resentment is taking up space in your head and heart, holding energy blocked instead of allowing it to flow. Time to let that puppy go and welcome your own energy back clear, clean and fresh. So if you experience any “tweakiness” during this retrograde take a moment to look at if it’s coming from outside of you or from inside. If it’s yours and it’s holding old energy that can be better used in the present day. Let it Go!
Can you say it is a yummy delicious time for creating and manifesting? Huzzah!
When I asked the cards who wanted to be your guides this week the glorious Isis Oracle were adamant to come and be front and centre. This is quite interesting as normally Isis doesn’t participate in “public readings”. Have you ever asked who Isis is? Goddess of the Skies, Magick and Wisdom are just a few of the titles she is given. Let me take a moment to introduce you to this lovely deck – “You are a powerful Soul and you are awakening. Your thoughts, feelings and inner world is changing, and so too is your outer world. When a Soul is growing in power and strength, it can benefit from guidance to help make the path into new way of being in the world that much easier. Isis offers Her wisdom and guidance to you to assist you at this time of spiritual growth and transition. She loves you, and wants you to shine and be your radiant self, filled with power and wisdom.”
The crystals that insisted on participating are Malachite, Rhodochrosite and Chrysocolla. Oh yes, and the little mollusks and shells wanted to participate as well! So let’s begin shall we?
Take a moment to breathe yourself back into your body, feel your feet on the floor and your spine lengthening to the sky. Breathe into all the little hidden corners that sometimes get forgotten. As you breathe ask the question of what is your next step. Just breathe that in and let it settle in your minds eye, and then when you are ready pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s go have a little lookie see shall we?
When you are being spiritually initiated into the mysteries of light, love and power, there are moments of deep challenge. The key is to find the light within the challenge – the learning, growth or wisdom that can be summoned to turn the challenge into an opportunity for healing. Initiation will occur at various stages. Sometimes your entire life will feel like an initiation, at other times specific areas will be flowing easily whilst others re deeply challenging. Please know you are not needlessly suffering. If you can find the light within the struggles, tests or challenges that face you now, you will experience breakthrough healing.
As an Initiate, honour life as a gift and treat any challenge or pressure as a way for you to grow into a brighter and purer light capable of great spiritual service on this planet. That spiritual service includes growing an ability to be able to love freely and beyond limits, to love with courage and faith.
In fact initiation for you now, dear one, is an opening to new levels of power and peace, self-possession and love. There are such sweet fruits waiting for you at the top of the tree you are currently climbing. It may seem as though you are in barren land at times with little hope, nourishment or encouragement, yet your spiritual oasis is not far away! The Lady Isis and the Power of Ra together are helping you grow. Stay focused on the Lady and Her love for you and you shall pass through the desert of the Initiation unharmed and deeply transformed.
The Flail and Crook, often held by Osiris, are symbols of Divine royalty and dominion. These symbols remind us that within we hold great dominion, spiritual authority and freedom to be the sovereign ruler of our own Self. This does not mean that we have to control life or others or even the environment around us, but it does give us complete and utter choice to become as spiritually awake, free, and self-determined as we wish to be, as well as providing us with complete choice as to what our values and actions will be this lifetime.
There is no permission required from anyone, apart from yourself, to be and live your truth! There are many voices that will test you on the journey from illusory shackles of fear, loss or abandonment that may hold you back or tempt you into giving your power away to others. You shall awaken from the testing into the realisation of spiritual independence within.
You have the power to create and own your reality and you don’t need permission from anyone else to do this. Honour your spiritual sovereignty, let the lady Isis help you find your spiritual authority and freedom of choice now. Seeking to hand over any responsibility for your own well being to another can be a tricky and ultimately self-destructive path, even though it may seem to start off as a relief of stress about some concern or other. You are guided to exercise care and discernment about any issue that feels like it is compromising your sense of self and personal power. That issue is a Soul healing trying to happen. Look within and see if you can grow through it in some way. There is much self-confidence trying to emerge from within you!
Effect in the external world can be created through inner practice. Magick and Ritual can support your Divine Path now in the physical world and you are encouraged to enhance your power with regular practice. The results that you experience will encourage you to continue with the practice as you grow in power, grace, love, ability and wisdom, and apply your inner beauty to transform your outer world.
For us to grow empowered and potent on the Path of Ancient Feminine Power we need to honour our knowing and being and cultivate sacred practice. Sacred practice become the habit of growing our spiritual power and consciousness. Like a garden needing regular care and watering to blossom and flourish, our inner garden of the Soul, where our creativity, joy, spiritual gifts and bliss bubble away, also needs regular attention. Coming to our practice takes strength and inner will – even though it can feel amazing, we still have to wake up, set aside time and discipline ourselves to show up for our own inner growth. We will reap the benefits when we do, but we must allow ourselves to fall in love with our practice, to craft something that really speaks to us, so that we want to do it. The desire and the discipline together help us engage with our practice regularly and we can grow so fast it can be quite shocking!
You have great power and wisdom within you, but you need to provide channels for it to flow and be active and empowered in your physical life. Sacred Practice is such a channel. Without these channels, the ego is left to create on its own which is not much fun at all! The ego believes in fear and separation and no matter how much it may want to feel love, bliss, connection, joy and fulfilment, it really cannot do it without your spiritual presence in life. Ritual and Magick, as a form of sacred practice, are recommended for you as a way to bring more spiritual presence into your waking life, to heal and support the ego as you learn to create a life that feels better and brings you and others more fulfilment.
Well delicious lovely, that was positively scrummy! Initiation (perfect for Spring and rebirth), Being in Your own Power (perfect place to be in Mercury retrograde) and Magick and Ritual (need I say more with Equinox coming up?) I so love the cards and my guides, love, love, love them! Wishing you a glorious week of New Moon wishes, spring flowers, cheerful daffodils and cutting any cords or ties that bind you to old energy. Oh yes, and gobs and gobs of toasted hot cross buns slathered with butter! See you next week, remember to look for the magick, and thank you so much for all your glorious messages, I truly treasure and appreciate them!
Thank you!
Jenny this was absolutely lovely! I couldn’t read it fast enough. The excitement and anticipation of good things unfolding is simply delicious. You have such a marvelous gift with your writing style. I adore it completely.
Do you have a book that you would recommend for starting some rituals? I have several from Llewelyn on witchcraft , sabbats, etc . But would love your thoughts.
On another note, I sent in my questionnaire for the reading. I’m really looking forward to hearing from you.
Also, I too love to dig in the dirt and plant lovely things. My sign is the earth sign.
Have a lovely Day and Blessed New moon!
I don’t have a book of rituals to recommend, but funnily enough something is burbling to help us all really embrace our magic and magnificence! I shall keep you posted. Digging in the dirt is a good thing ( or at least for me it is). Which Earth sign? I haven’t seen your questionnaire, I did send you an email.