Holy Hannah this is the first Monday of a glorious brand New Year! So please let me wish you a glorious year filled with healing, health, happiness, harmony, glorious abundance and prosperity and may you take action on your dreams to co create with the Universe and make them manifest!
How was your holiday season? Ours was radically different as we were all in different places and instead of trying to stuff ritual and traditions that we have had for 30 years into the new model, we created a new model! Thus Xmas day found us playing golf on a course that was closed as we had been turned away from the “snooty” one that we had a tee time at, due to the fact the boys didn’t have button up shirts on! (How he could see that when we were bundled up made me laugh). Any how it worked out perfectly and we laughed our tonsils off, followed by a huge International potluck – in other words pick the country whose food you like, make it and share it! So we had Mexican, Thai, Pacific Northwest, Britain, Ireland and a few others! It was most interesting and really helped with this “transitional” Xmas. Oh and then played a ridonculous game that I made up (as my mother had forgotten the things she was meant to bring), but it turned out really well! Then in a delightful fashion my lovely niece donated her “bugs” to me and I ended up spending a week in bed feeling like death warmed over and I couldn’t even bitch at her or beat her with a sharp stick as she had moved to the States! (Bugs, the gift that you can give to anyone! Lol)
Okay, oh my gosh there is so much to talk about! Firstly, we have entered a New Year and this is a 3 year, okay Jen what the heck does that mean? Last year was an 11 year (we are working Numerology here) and it was intense, lots of deep digging, unearthing and delicious challenges to help us grow and things being rammed in our face that we needed to look at. With this year being a 3 year it’s all about Creativity, Renewal, Joy and Heartfelt expression. As the amazing Kari Samuels shares:- “There’s so much energy supporting you to re-invent yourself this year. This is not to say there will be a ‘new you’. Rather, there will be MORE of yourself to share that you had previously been hiding from the world. In 2019 you will learn to share your un-edited authentic self with the world. The challenges of 2018 made it (painfully) clear the many ways you’ve been hiding the TRUE YOU, and suppressing that unique voice of yours. “
OMG, thank goodness, as I don’t know about you but 2018 was intense, lumpy, bumpy, expansive but certainly a delightful challenge!!!
Secondly, as we have touched on the energy of this year, let’s now explore the theme of this first month (ready)? If you remember every month there is a theme to the energy so for example November was – TRUTH. Then December was – CHAOS. This month the theme is – CLEAN IT UP!!! Let me share what the wonderful Lena Stevans says:- “We have some very big energies coming in that you will not be able to take advantage of if you are bogged down in physical, emotional and energetic clutter, old intentions, unfinished business, anything you have put off or procrastinated and should have done “yesterday”, regrets, unexpressed communication, attachments to disappointments and unmanifested dreams, persisting bad habits, and we can go on and on as the list is very long.
You cannot bring in the new without making space by cleaning out the old. It is very simple. We spend lots of time making new lists and talking about what we want to accomplish in 2019 but there is no room for anything new unless we declutter the past. If you clean up the past, you will have many more options about what and how to bring in some new dreams and experiences. And we have tremendous opportunity to do so.” To read more you can find her here.
Wow, so we have big energy coming in and guess what we are in Eclipse season!!!
Now if you remember an eclipse can generate an awareness of something larger, running the show and they poke holes in our ego/identity revealing things within us that we have been avoiding or are totally unaware of.
The first eclipse is a partial New Moon eclipse in Capricorn and depending where you are you would have experienced this either Saturday or Sunday. As Astrology King shares this gorgeous New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse means:- “The January 2019 Solar Eclipse conjunct Saturn gives a serious and conservative influence but a helpful aspect to Neptune lightens the mood. This is an excellent solar eclipse for starting or growing a business. It is ideal for creative, musical and artistic projects and encourages acts of kindness and charity. With integrity and good intentions, it is possible to build your little project into a big business.”
So do you see a pattern happening here? If we clean it up, let go of all those little pieces that have been dragging this is an amazing year for creativity, joy, projects and business. Now remember New Moon time is an incredible time for really planting the seeds of intention, however, when an eclipse happens on a New Moon it energises these intentions in a much more powerful way and for approximately 6 months instead of just 4 weeks. Thus, I invite you to take some time (it doesn’t have to be hours and hours and please don’t overthink this) and really set some clear, strong intentions (or New Moon wishes) for yourself. If making New Moon wishes seems odd to you or you have no clue what I’m talking about – don’t fret pet, I have you covered, right here.
So the last piece we need to discuss is WOTY! (Word of the Year). Due to the fact that I may have overwhelmed you already with a lot, my invitation to you is spend the next week doing some homework (don’t worry you don’t need to buy funky notebooks and multi coloured pens – unless you want to). Take time this upcoming week and really play with the energy and ask yourself “What do I want more of this year?” Now I’m not talking about – “I want more diamonds”, “I want a shed ton more money”, instead go under those and look at the emotion, the feeling state, the state of BEING and play with asking what you want more of and then next week we will unpack WOTY, okay?
Now that I have rambled on and on, let’s go to the reading (lol, some of you may have already done that and skipped the ramble). When I asked the cards who wanted to come and be the first reading of this glorious New Year with all the delightful energies in play it was no surprise to see The Divine Circus Oracle bounced to the forefront! Now if these delicious cards are new to you, please let me introduce them:- “This deck is for those who find it hard to follow rules, conform, bend to authority and generally ‘do what they are told’. May your rebel heart always be bold. May your spirit always be free. May you remember to live the Divine Circus and have fun doing things the way you aren’t supposed to, whilst living your most creative and unique divine destiny.”
The crystals that came to help and support are Malachite, Mookaite, Ruby Zoisite. Yummers!
So delicious lovely, give yourself the gift of a few moments of peace. Leave the phone somewhere else, close the door (even if you are in the bathroom) and just start to slowly and gently deepen your breath. Feel your shoulders slide back and down, your jaw relax and your face come to a place of calm. Allow your breath to come in through your nose, deep, strong and down to your belly and then sigh it out with force – push all that old air from last year out. Keep breathing this way and when you feel ready invite into your inner being the energy of creativity, renewal and clearing shit out. Take a few breaths with that energy and when you are ready pick the card or cards that resonate with that energy.
Did you remember to pick?

Curious, shall we go see?

The free spirit in you is rewilding itself, shedding social conditioning and past patterns of behaviour. It is shaking off socialisation and emerging anew like a snake shedding a skin. The wild one within isn’t a savage. It is raw, ye, but also wise, authentic, beautiful and with a deep instinctive knowing as to what you must be. Can a bird ever be truly happy whilst trying to be a fish? True freedom is to be truthfully yourself.
Politeness and people-pleasing, not out of respect but out of fear you will otherwise be rejected, is a form of social conditioning that dulls the wild one within. If you reject that conditioning in favour of rewilding, of getting touch with your true instincts and nature, you will exchange lukewarm tolerance from others for their passionate admiration and love. And for those that cannot love you, that are afraid of how much life is in you, then let them be. They do not belong in your world, nor you in theirs.
It’s now time to let yourself off the hook, to forgive and forget, to allow what’s been to have been and to start again. No regrets. No fear. No doubt. It’s time to heed the call of the wild and ask yourself, “What would set my spirit free?”
If you cannot answer that bold question quite yet, then it’s time to get in touch with the freedom-seeking, wild one within. Dance. Play. Sing. Drum. Wear a feather in your hair and go barefoot. Let your instincts rather than your intellect guide you. Swap the certainty of ego for the mystery of the soul. A new song wants you to dance it. Will you free your gypsy and dance to music you’ve never heard before?
Don’t look to what has been to find your destiny. Your future is bright and blessed. If the pain of the past feels a little too close for comfort, White Duchess steps in to help you leave behind the emotional storms of your past and move into her protection. A time of transition is upon you and soon your feet shall settle upon sacred ground, and calm shall prevail, inside and out.
Are you one of the many suffering in a dark and stormy inner world of post-traumatic stress? Do you believe that because there have been struggles in your past, and perhaps at times even great pain, that this is how your future shall be too? Or perhaps you have been striving towards a dream and it seems so long since you began that you are losing hope of ever breaking through into successful fulfillment and a new life.
Don’t look back. Let the past be put to rest. Whatever has haunted your dreams, whatever has caused turmoil is over. It is not needed anymore. There is a future destiny calling to you now. It is time to transition through into a new world, into your new life. Trust her and believe in the positive power of your future.
You are being asked to be a big picture person for the moment. Sometimes immediate gratification has to give way for a grander scheme unfolding, which will ultimately lead you to far greater and more meaningful success. What seems to be a delay, obstacle, loss or even failure now is a twist in the plot of your life, necessary for your gracious destiny to unfold according to a higher plan.
It can be hard to keep faith when you’ve been defeated just one too many times. It is easy to make fear and doubt mean something they don’t; it’s usually something like being doomed to fail and so we might as well give up. However, fear and doubt are just symptoms of fatigue. They are signs that we are feeling battle weary when it comes to life. To overcome weariness and create happiness, you are being asked to temporarily surrender your need to win – just for now. Instead, you are guided to step back, regroup, replenish, be kind to yourself and know this: sometimes you have to be willing to lose the battle to win the war. That means being willing to go through things in the short term that might seem like failure without losing confidence, courage and trust that everything is going to go your way in the long term.
Know that you are strong and determined enough to bounce back and overcome difficult circumstances. You will be given the power to succeed at the right time and in the best way for all concerned. So give in to how your journey is unfolding – even if it seems like you are losing when you’d rather be winning – but don’t give up hope. Trust that the universe is strategic. It is helping you to succeed. If you need a sign to know that things are going to work out for the best, even if it seems like they are falling apart along the way, then this is it!
I’m sorry all I can say is Wow! The cards, my guides are frigging amazing and if you note they all tie in with the energy and the themes of what is bustling around you right now. Lol. Love it! So delicious one I wish you a stupendous week and please remember to make some glorious New Moon wishes (intentions) and also to perk more of how you want to feel this coming year, yes? Sending you massive hugs and squeezes and also bright candles to guide your way and great footwear to walk it. See you next week!