Happy Marvelous, Magnificent, Magical Monday gorgeous one! Only one more sleep until Spring Equinox! (Can you tell I’m excited?) I love Spring Equinox – well, I love all the Sabbats and Esbats to be honest, but the Spring Equinox fills me with so much hope, promise and delight as I know deep in my body that the heaviness of winter is leaving and it’s a time of rebirth, growth and glorious opportunities! This is a time when the goddess is the Maiden in all her youthful glory, the god is reaching manhood, and energy abounds. It’s also the perfect time of year to clear away all those old patterns that no longer work for your benefit, and welcome in new growth, whether spiritual, personal or financial. For those of you on my email list you will be receiving a fun and easy ritual to mark the day and really tap into that glorious energy.
On Saturday I had one of those marvelous days filled with lots of moments of joy. The sun was out, the temperature mild I went for a hike up the mountain but the trail I was on was a mud pit so needless to say I was a tad filthy and muddy by the time I got home – but it all washes off, right? (Oh yes and forgot to grab the dogs before they dashed into the house covered in mud and hopped up on the frigging sofas!) So after cleaning up their muddy mess that was all through the house, I sat out on my deck and mused about how to build a glorious pagoda (with a built in chin up bar) and a cute little workshop for all my lovely tools and I was mapping out what I am going to do with the garden (when the three feet of snow finally goes away!) I love creating sacred outdoor space with plants, water, rock and wood – little magical corners and havens where you can sit and revel in the beauty, map out your dreams or just recline and relax and let nature buzz around you.
This in turn reminded me that I wanted to get the book “Garden Witchery: Magick from the Ground Up” so I popped into one of my favourite local stores to see if they had it. Alas, no and then I had one of those “wowzer” moments! Sitting on the shelf was an Oracle deck that literally shouted at me to pick it up. Now, I am uber picky about the decks that I use and I often will sit on the floor of the store and go through a deck for an hour and still put it back on the shelf. This one though – all I can say was “I didn’t stand a chance”, this was not an invitation from Spirit, but a very clear directive. So without opening it I picked it up and as I was buying it (talk about having things validated), someone walked up to me and handed me a long thin piece of folded paper. Ummm, I don’t do drugs, I don’t want your phone number, what the heck is this – were the first thoughts that dashed through my brain, but as I gently unfolded it there was a gorgeous pressed 4 leaf clover! Whoot, whoot! A gift of a 4 leaf clover on St. Paddy’s day and the exact minute I was following a directive to get this deck. Love how life unfolds.
So guess which deck we are going to work with for this reading? Yes, you guessed it. The new one!!!!!! (She is amazing). When I got home I immediately opened her up and laughed out loud with how perfectly perfect and powerful she was. So she has been cleansed, consecrated and blessed and is the ultimate deck for this pre Spring Equinox reading. Oh yes, how rude of me not to formally introduce her, she is The Earth Warriors Oracle by the amazing Alana Fairchild. Let me read part of the introduction to you so you can get a bit of a feel for her:-
“Earth Warriors are the healers and transformational leaders for a more beautiful world. They destabilise the status quo with their innovative attitude and higher consciousness, defying convention and living from the heart…….they seek love as their leader and wisdom as their guide…..they know what is true in their own hearts, and they refuse to be conditioned by mass consciousness into fear, apathy, complacency or overwhelm and despair. These are the new world leaders in the making, the solution creators. They are stirring up beautiful trouble to challenge mainstream views with higher consciousness and healing change.”
This reading was done a bit differently, only one crystal and Citrine was most adamant that she be front and centre. The cards are fanned out like rays of sunlight.
So with that in mind and the energy of Spring Equinox just around the corner, let’s crack on! I did create a lovely Equinox visualisation if you feel so inclined (think Diana Gabalden and Stonehenge), if not I invite you to take a lovely long deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Wiggle your toes and feel your feet on the floor, solid and safe, take a few glorious deep breaths in and slowly out and when you are ready pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Ready to go see?
HI’AKA – Sorceress of Light
No enemy shall defeat you, not by night, nor by day, not upon the earth, nor in the soul. You are divinely protected and empowered. You shall fulfill your destiny with joy in your heart and laughter in your belly. Play. Be in nature. Feel the freedom of happiness within you even in this moment. These are your sacred powers, and, with them, you shall take every step upon your journey successfully, and nothing shall thwart your divine destiny.
HI’AKA, a goddess of Hawaii, watched over the sacred dancers of the hula and the arts of chant, sorcery and medicine. Hers is the medicine of light, sound and the ability to penetrate the darkness of lower-level consciousness which could overwhelm our sense of spirit, joy, heart and inspiration with defeatism, despair, boredom and even terror. This type of onslaught from darkness comes at certain times to those seeking to embody and enact the light on earth. One of these times may be when we are feeling strong and making progress, and we feel tested to sustain that higher level of being and awareness even through challenge. Another of these times may be when we feel weaker, move vulnerable, perhaps fatigued from a challenging time and just not quite able to summon the quality of joy on our own. In all such moments upon the Spirit Warriors’ path of light, HI’AKA assists.
Ask for healing, mentoring or assistance to support you now. This support will help you feel stronger and more empowered so as to deal with any challenge and be reassured that your spirit can handle it. There is spiritual protection for you now, s you follow the guidance to explore conscious movement and creative self-expression. This can stir up old energy, releasing it from you and allowing vital presence to take hold with you. You are going through an initiation in which you will need to reassert your happiness and joy any time it slips into the darkness of doubt, fear or anxiety. Take time to dance, sing, drum and affirm your aliveness with joy and courage. Become spiritually bolder in the face of anything that attempts to diminish you. Have faith in the power of the Divine Being, the Supreme Power. You are watched over by love.
ALOHA KE AKUA – Blessings of the Supreme Being
ALOHA KE AKUA. The Divine is love. The Supreme Being from which all of life emanates manifests a blessing for you. The realm of the heart is love’s temple. When you enter the heart, you gain access to the Great One and to the “mana”, the power, authority, grace and magnetism to manifest your divine destiny. Trust in what is meant for you. Surrender doubt and disconnection in favour of love and respect for the Great One, and you shall live your true destiny with joy in your heart. Love can and will conquer all.
You have an empowered and open heart that is capable of receiving divine presence. This is a sacred gift that must be protected. Protect the temple of your heart from becoming clouded by fear or lack of forgiveness. The purity and strength of your heart flows from your loving relationship with the Supreme Being, whatever your image of that being may be. Allow yourself to trust unconditionally in your divine relationship, and your affairs will work out beautifully. For every purpose that has been given you, there is also the divine gift of the power to accomplish it. It is only through divine relationship that we can tap into these gifts and make the sacred purpose for our lives a reality in the world. You are one of the souls with a purpose and a heart big enough to be concerned about the spiritual vitality of the many.
A blessing is coming to you now. Things do not need to be complicated. When you are confusing yourself with too many variables, too much information or fear and doubt, focus on filling your heart with love, and let everything else go. The Great One will handle all matters in your life if you open your heart to divine guidance and let go with faith. This will not make you passive, rather it will allow you to feel inspired to take only the most helpful actions. This is an answered prayer and the Divine One has you covered in a situation of concern to you. You are healing and deepening your relationship with the Divine.
PONO PONO – Immeasurable Power of the Heart Way
The heart has the power to heal in a way that the mind cannot understand. Do not allow your mind to distract or frighten you. You are a beautiful child of the Universe and divine love lives within your heart. A willing heart is all that you need to transform any situation that is troubling you. Recognising this power does not evoke feelings of pressure or anxiety, but, rather, of peace and joy. Lightness of heart and relief of mind are here for you now.
PONO, in the Hawaiian tradition, has deep and multiple meanings, one expression of which is the return to order. There is a perfection of peace, beauty and fulfilment that the Divine has planned for the lives of all beings. Through the use of human free will, we have at times moved away from what is in the divine plan, stumbled on the path and become ensnared in terrible suffering and frightening delusion. It then becomes difficult to use our free will with wisdom, and our spiritual disconnection can create far-reaching negative impact for ourselves and others. Yet there is a simple spiritual discipline that we can practice to restore the world – and all hearts within it – to rights again.
The Divine dwells in your heart as a healing power and wisdom, which tenderly alleviates suffering, liberating the body, mind and soul. In the Hawaiian tradition from which it emerges, it is known as Ho’o Pono Pono or “to set things right”. The heart power thrives through this simple four-step practice that can be done by anyone, anywhere, for any person or situation that they would wish to transform. This is not a practice you can approach through the mind. The mind will resist it because it asks for us to take unconditional responsibility for everything that we encounter. The mind confuses responsibility with guilt and giving with deficit. The heart, though, is joyful at the prospect of spiritual responsibility, because it understands that it offers the empowerment to make a difference and that healing one helps heal all.
The Divine within your heart has the power to transform a situation that is troubling you. Do not be intimidated or think it is too much for your or the Divine to handle. Don not allow yourself to intellectualise or analyse a situation to the point of feeling confused or paralysed. Healing through the heart on any and all issues that have plagued you or a loved one can and will happen. Let your heart feel the faith it needs to feel so that it can rest in joy. Divine healing wants to flow abundantly to you. Open up to receive it without hesitation or condition.
Wow! I don’t know about you, but that was an amazing reading. A lot to do with trust, rebirth, heart based and not mind based and just how incredibly powerful and part of the Divine we all are! I thought it was interesting as well that all 3 cards that came were Hawaiian based! I particularly liked that the Pono Pono card came up, I once did this practice for 3 weeks straight and it was incredible to see what happened. So delicious one, take this gorgeous reading and energy with you as we celebrate Equinox tomorrow. Huge hugs and squeezes and remember to breathe into that glorious heart space!
Thank you Jenny, I appreciate your generosity in making these readings available to us.
So welcome Marion.
Thank you beautiful soul
I would love to be added to your email list please and thank you!
Elaine, there is a sign up button next to the reading if you would like to be on the list.
Thank you. My heart called out for #3 and I think that was perfect!
Wow the visualisation was mega powerful!!! Thank you Jenny!
Katrina, so glad you liked it!
I requested card #3.. Ho’oponopono…a wonderful practice to star anew!. Thank you so very much.
It is such a gorgeous practice, I once did it for 3 weeks straight! (Had a lot I needed to forgive and release.)
ALOHA KE AKUA for me and oh so perfect. The beautiful message resonated throughout my body, especially strumming my heart chords.
Michele, I sooo love that description!