As the calendar year changes, so does the energy of the year and your personal theme.
So what does this mean for you?
Whether you are conscious of it or not, you have a personal theme that you are running throughout the year.
One you are meant to grow into, but sometimes resist.
This reading is not “light and fluffy” (although you may think by the price it is!)
In your personal theme reading we meld in all the energies that 2025 are bringing along with your theme to give you a delicious overview of what is being asked of you in the coming year.
This reading is designed to support and empower you for the year ahead as we dive deep and explore the themes and energy of your theme card.
For reading purchased prior to December 21st you will receive them the week of January 6th.
For readings purchased after December 21st you will receive them the following week.
Come find out what 2025 holds in store for you.