Happy Magickal, Moonlit, Mystical, Magnificent, Majestic, Manifesting Monday!
How are you most delicious lovely? Happy Earth Day!
We are almost out of Mercury Rx (thank goodness), as I have found this one super tricky, which normally I don’t. Sigh.
In case you didn’t see, the doors to Flourish opened on Friday and I am super excited about this amazing, glorious container. Early bird registration ends on May 1st Beltane, and we start on May 8th.
What is Flourish you may be asking?
Flourish is a sacred 12 week container where NeuroScience meets Psychology and they dance with Spirit and all go and hang out at Divine Timings house for nibbles, change and transformation. Lol. (The music is epic!)
I purposely named it Flourish and have waited until after Beltane as it really embodies the energies that the seasons are showing us and is such growth filled work.
Think about it, a seed holds boundless potential within its tiny form.
It contains the blueprint of the plant it can become: a sturdy oak, a fragrant rose, or a nourishing tomato plant.
However, it can’t realise this potential, unless planted in favourable conditions.
Like seeds, human beings embody unlimited potential.
They possess skills, talents, and abilities waiting to be nurtured and developed. But just like seeds they need to push the shit and dirt out of the way……… Yes.
What if it was easy, and you learned the full Divine Timing cycle and practical tools to allow you to Flourish and live the life you wanted?
So if you would like to join Flourish, please do – I will say I am keeping the container smaller than larger as this is deep, rich work and I want to ensure everyone is supported.
On Tuesday (like tomorrow), we have the glorious Pink Full Moon in Scorpio. (Which again embodies the energy of Flourish.)
Depending on where you live, Spring may be in full season, or newly formed buds are just beginning to take shape.
Determined tulips and daffodils push their way forward, destined to show off a bright, brilliant display of colours.
The air simmers with anticipation and possibilities! We are entirely immersed in the season of Spring and with it, themes of prosperity and a deep internal mindset shift.
The Pink Moon’s spiritual meaning is about optimism for the future and anticipating goals and dreams coming to fruition.
This is a time to fully focus on the present.
We’re past the planning stages and have begun implementing changes we’ve been plotting and scheming all Winter.
Trust yourself as you attempt to change and grow. Allow yourself the chance to fail and the courage to try again.
Be willing to adapt or completely change your initial strategy to help your intentions to be successful and long-lasting.
Remember to prioritise balance and nourish your spirit to avoid burnout.
This will help you remain focused and clear-headed.
Place boundaries when needed and recognize what you need to let go of to move forward.
With the Pink Moon in Scorpio you need to remember, there is something about the transformative energies of Scorpio coupled with the deeply intuitive, feminine energies of the Full Moon that make it a powerful time to step into a more connected place.
The outside world may feel chaotic, our emotions may feel all over the place, and maybe yes, there is some struggle, but if we go deeper, if we travel within, the Scorpio Full Moon can bring gifts of deeper wisdom, heightened intuition, and renewal.
Then we top that off with Beltane next Wednesday on May 1st!
Let’s take a little dip into what the heck Beltane is and whether you should pay attention to it or not.
Beltane was thought to be one of the more important festivals of the Gaelic calendar. Beltane is a Fire Festival. The word ‘Beltane’ originates from the Celtic God ‘Bel’, meaning ‘the bright one’ and the Gaelic word ‘teine’ meaning fire. Together they make ‘Bright Fire’, or ‘Goodly Fire’ and traditionally bonfires were lit to honour the Sun and encourage the support of Bel and the Sun’s light to nurture the emerging future harvest and protect the community.
Beltane celebrates the height of Spring and the flowering of life.
Earth energies are at their strongest and most active.
All of life is bursting with potent fertility, look at the trees around you – (if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere), they are bursting forth with bright green leaves and the little sparrows are back as well as the robins. Abundant fertility, on all levels, is the central theme.
So all in all a great time to celebrate, set your intention and decide how you’re going to Flourish!
(We will talk more about Beltane next week).
With that chuntering on, let’s crack on with the reading.
I frigging grinned when I saw the cards that wiggled and jiggled to come and guide this glorious week are The Isis Oracle. Have you ever asked who Isis is? Goddess of the Skies, Magick and Wisdom are just a few of the titles she is given.
Let me take a moment to introduce you to this lovely deck – “You are a powerful Soul and you are awakening. Your thoughts, feelings and inner world is changing, and so too is your outer world. When a Soul is growing in power and strength, it can benefit from guidance to help make the path into a new way of being in the world that much easier.
Isis offers Her wisdom and guidance to you to assist you at this time of spiritual growth and transition. She loves you, and wants you to shine and be your radiant self, filled with power and wisdom.”
Okay let’s drop in, ground and get present, yes? I have a lovely visualisation to help you anchor into heaven and earth if you so desire. If not, just breathe in slowly through your nose and then sigh it out through your mouth. Allow yourself to settle and as you do I invite you to welcome in Gaia, Nature, Magick and the whispers. Let them play in your mind space and then when you are ready pick the card or cards that invite you to come play.
There’s a lovely guided visualisation to help you.
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we see, yes?

Spiritual resurrection is gifted to you now. Whatever part of you or your life you thought to be dead is being revived and will flourish back into life. Just as the Phoenix rises from the fire, transitioning from death, into life, so too will you rise again, healed and renewed.
Any trauma, ending, struggle or apparent defeat is not the end of the story for you now. What may appear to be an ending can sometimes simply be the forces of Ancient Feminine Power flowing into new pathways, pulling energy away from old forms so that they can transition into new forms.
This can take short or long periods of time. It could be over days or years, weeks, months, decades. It doesn’t matter how long something appears to have been decaying, it will spring back into life at the right time.
Just as the River Nile subtly adjusts its course over time, so too will the River of Light that flows through you, filling you with life force and Divine Energy, move with innate wisdom.
You can trust what is happening for you now.
Something important to you is coming back to life. It might even feel like you are coming back to life after a period of increasing emotional numbness, physical or psychological struggle or spiritual disillusionment. It might also be a lifestyle, practice, business or relationship – new or old – that is coming to life now.
You are guided by Divine Priestess of the Phoenix, Sister Isis, to turn your face to the Sun. Just as the Sacred Scarab Beetle follows the movement of the Sun, you are encouraged to focus on the light and life that is seeking you now.
Do not resign yourself to the way things have been. Let go of the past!
Have hope and optimism. The past is over. Enjoy your rebirth.
You have a special spiritual relationship with the angelic worlds. Part of your Soul’s purpose is to birth angelic consciousness and values such as fearlessness, compassion and service, into this human culture.
Wings of Isis bring you angelic assistance and intervention, and confirmation that any impressions you may have had that you belong not only to the human kingdom but also to the angelic one, are correct.
This is no small task and although you are well equipped to succeed, there are beings that wish to assist you so that they may grow too and your success may be more graceful and swift. Isis, Divine winged mother, goddess and angel of healing, wishes to assist you with unconditional love now.
You will be asked to lift yourself up to higher and higher vibrational states of awareness and this may mean letting go of certain relationships, practices or states of being or even particular habits or thought patterns that would lower your vibration into fear, doubt or shame.
Give yourself permission to just let this happen. You do not need to force anything.
It is a matter of softening, allowing and trusting what feels right for you with absolute faith and bold, radical acceptance. It will be OK!
The more you accept this part of you, the more you shall draw into your world others like you.
You will just feel comfortable with each other, because you all hold a similar refined vibration.
Even in the midst of ordinary, everyday relationships, there is a sense of easy connection, mutual understanding and spiritual acknowledgment. The angels send you love and peace now and say, “We are with you, beloved one.”
Each initiate has their own unique spiritual blueprint with particular skills, talents and higher destinies unfolding that use their unique attributes.
Part of your spiritual blueprint is a special relationship to the energies of the Goddess.
This means that not only do you have the important spiritual task of helping Her thrive in this world but you are afforded Her power, protection and abundance too. You are now deepening your connection to Her.
Part of your High Destiny this lifetime is to heal and flourish through the Divine Feminine in Her many forms, especially in those forms that truly resonate and hold meaning for you.
This healing will happen on your personal path and may well be part of the work that you offer in service to the world (which may be simply in how you live your life.
Your Soul is braiding or twining with the Divine Feminine energies in a particular form. For some that will be a specific goddess and the energetic process will often be strong and deep.
The Initiate will feel as if they are integrating the part of this goddess that is not just in them, but is a part of their own consciousness. It is a deeply personal, spiritually powerful and beautiful growth experience for the Soul. This process does not make you lose your individuality.
Listen to your body-soul as it grows with Divine Feminine wisdom and trust that She will guide you, whether man or woman, deeper into your own healing which benefits us all.
Ahhhhh, holy hannah as the reading unfolded I could feel goosebumps on my arms. Okay, the messages are clear, what are you going to do with yours? So delicious and lovely bean, I wish you a stupendous week, one filled with lifting your eyes up to the heavens and feeling your feet firmly on the earth, gorgeous belly laughs and glorious food! Thank you all for your amazing messages and emails, I appreciate them so much. Huge hugs and squeezes!

WOW, # 1 Life Restored…just what I needed to hear as it fits where I’m at right now…how nice and appropriate.
Thanks…love you!!!
I chose 1 and 3. Wow, just great messages. Life restored and Knot of Isis…opening up to receive healing, growth, and spiritual wisdom! I am so ready. Thank you Jenny!