Happy Magickal, Miraculous, Misty, Manifesting, Monday!
How are you most gorgeous bean? How are you feeling?
I don’t know about you, but the end of last week brought up a lot of “delicious opportunities for growth”, where I could really see where I wasn’t standing in my power, strength or I was and it was tweaking some people. Sigh.
Boundaries really tweak some people.
Which doesn’t surprise me much as we have Pluto moving signs, a Leo Full Moon (aka The Wolf Moon) this week and we are just coming out of the introspective first 3 weeks of this year. Yes?
So let’s talk about Pluto – as you may be thinking, meh, what’s the big deal?
Pluto is that delicious planet that we continually bump off our planetary list, but it still holds ground – big ground.
On January 20, Pluto started into Aquarius, marking the final time the planet associated with death, destruction and the underworld will retrograde between the zodiac signs ruled by Saturn.
For the last 15 years, Pluto has been in Capricorn, driving global institutions, organisations and empires to success but as it enters Aquarius, it will influence transformation, personal growth, power dynamics, sexuality, revolution and technology, pushing us to plumb the depths of our subconscious.
This is a big deal, people.
In fact, Pluto’s movement into this innovative zodiac sign only happens every 248 years.
So the fact that it’s happening right now, during this time of endless back-to-back(-to-back) unprecedented events is … notable.
Yeah, so what Jen?
Why is this transit so influential?
“Pluto takes about 248 years to orbit the sun and is one of the few planets that makes important moves only a few times during an average human lifetime.
This sets the foundation for revolution, change and transformation for generations to come.
The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798 and this period was a game changer in the history of mankind with important events like The French Revolution and the Irish Uprising taking place during these years.”
So when the planet of transformation gets tangled up with subversive Aquarius, we should expect some radical dismantling to occur, as well as some extraordinary developments that may change life as we know it.
Now do you see why I started with Pluto?
Then on Thursday January 25th we have the first Full Moon of 2024 – the Leo/Wolf Moon.
This Full Moon of January is a symbol reminding us of the power we hold inside ourselves. (Which ties into the 8 energy of this year!)
Like that gut feeling you sometimes get.
Remember to trust yourself and your intuition because you hold raw knowledge inside of you infused by Nature.
The Wolf Moon’s spiritual meaning represents intuition, untamed wisdom, and wild ancient lore.
When we hear wolves howl from the dark depths of January’s moon, it’s like a story from the past, echoing wisdom through time.
So my darling one, there’s a lot swirling around. Thus, if you feel off kilter or just want to snuggle up and be quiet. Do it!
If you want to delve deeper into the Wolf Moon and play with some ideas, I’ve got you covered.
Now with all that being said, let’s crack on with the reading.
These are glorious new guides (which my guides made me go find, lol). So let me introduce you.
“Wild women and wildlife, along with the wild, sacred spaces of our planet, are endangered species. After millennia of surviving a patriarchy that would plunder the natural resources of both inner and lives, humanity has begun to cry out for the sacred feminine.
It takes a brave heart to reach out to her, to claim her despite the forces that insist on perfection and control, but in kitchens and studios and gardens and boardrooms across the planet, and in our very souls, we have begun to cultivate sanctuary for her.
We dare to speak of what is vulnerable and receptive, what is nurturing and authentic, what is divinely cooperative and creative instead of competitive and coercive.
We brazenly demand a juicy life, one in which we are allowed to embrace our own widish nature, rather than live another day in the dry and thirsty land of conformity.”
So dear heart, take a breath, a glorious deep breath in and then blow it all out. Allow your lungs to tighten and expel all the stale air. Take another breath like that (not a gasping), but a slow in through your nose, breathe down to your toes and then expel it all out with a sound if that works for you.
Are you here now? You feel a bit more grounded?
From that place I invite you to allow the 8 energy to swirl (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, read last week’s reading). As that starts to swirl, the energy of choosing from your heart, inviting your inner warrior in, and putting yourself first…… Let the energy of this glorious Wolf Moon meld in, that sense of trust, old wisdom, watch them dance together.
Then from that place pick a card or cards that resonate for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go see what these glorious guides want to share with you this week.

Be easy with you.
You are home to a soul, a breathing piece of the eternal magic.
Just like the swan who glides over open waters, you too can move with grace, but only when you gift yourself with quiet and ease.
These come with rest.
Allow yourself to have time just for you.
As we cocoon in this winter space, allow yourself to create a safe space for solitude and stillness. Let your soul not be just a whisper, but to talk to you.
When you do this – Wild Woman Rises.
Only you know the sacredness of your vision, which means that you have to consult your inner guide for directions.
Expect those directions to run counter to what others are doing.
Stay the course.
You can’t blaze your own trail while following someone else’s footsteps.
No one can understand your vision as well as you can, because it has been gifted to you in particular, with your genius, gifts, vulnerabilities and foibles.
You’re uniquely qualified for the job, so go for it.
When we trailblaze in the name of authenticity, Wild Woman rises.
It’s time to awaken, it’s time to step into your soul and being.
Sometimes, to achieve your awakening, you have to engage in the world around you, endeavouring to be a part of cultural consciousness and truth seeking.
And sometimes, to maintain your awakening, you have to shut your eyes to the world and go to the internal refuge that is your personal consciousness.
Your soul, your wise voice that closes out the external noise and opinions.
When we cultivate a practice of seeing that is true to our unique vision, and balance that with the wellness of all sentient beings, Wild Woman rises.
Wowzer, Holy Hannah, what glorious guides for this week with Pluto and the Wolf Moon. But my question for you is – are you willing? Are you willing to embrace or embody the energy that chose you? If so, you may be a candidate for our 9 month glorious container that starts at Chinese New Year. Have a stupendous week, stay warm, be kind and see you next week.
Big hugs!

Thank you Jenny. Cards 1 and 3 called to me. I am beginning to understand the importance of this year. My business is called Infinity Coaching. The 8 energy has been with me for a long time. I am ready to receive.
I’m so glad that you are paying attention to the signs! Whoot. Well done Leslie.