Hello, hello, hello my delicious lovely – happy Monday and how the heck are you? It feels like weeks and weeks since I last dropped into your mailbox (and it is two weeks!) Did you take the opportunity to work with the gorgeous Piscean Full Moon last week, the energy of adjustment, intuition and creativity? I most certainly did and had a lovely ritual with candles, releasing, tuning in and mind mapping.
We have had months and months of hot weather (brutally hot as far as this redhead is concerned) and weeks and weeks of smoke. In fact the smoke was so thick the other day I had to remind myself that I live on the side of a mountain, there is in fact a huge lake somewhere down there and a city as well, because you couldn’t see any of it. It felt very much like being trapped in a Victorian Jack the Ripper movie where the fog is so thick you can’t see anything until it’s right on top of you! (Thankfully no Jack the Ripper was lurking in the smoke). Thus with all that and deciding I hate straight lines (which I knew) so decided to carve what felt like miles and miles of fence – one board at a time in a glorious undulating wave pattern in the heat and the smoke (so I wore a tea towel over my face and was accused of playing cops and robbers with myself) lol. It was such a relief to receive rain this weekend.
When the gentle first few drops hit I was outside staining said fence and I laughed with glee. Then it got a little stronger and I realised that staining the fence was a bad plan so packed everything away and decided to go weed the garden. Then the rain got a tiny bit stronger and I soon got rather wet, time for tea, a comfy chair under the outside roof and just watched it. I could literally hear the earth sigh with relief and the crick, crick sound of plants stretching out their stems and leaves to catch the precious rain drops. Thankfully the cute summer shower was enough to wash the smoke away and I was thrilled to wake up and be able to see blue sky, the sun and go hiking with the beasts without feeling I was inhaling a bonfires worth of smoke. The smell of freshly washed plants and nurtured dirt was divine! I did a massive Happy Dance!
To me it’s very important to celebrate the shifts and changes in life, nature, work, mindset – you name it. Ergo, I did do a happy dance way up in the bush with the dogs and fully celebrated the rain fall. Let me ask – what did you celebrate this last week? Did something cool happen and you just let it slide by with a – meh, that’s not really important, anyone can do that? If so I highly encourage you to take a moment and think about the myriad of things that you have done, or have happened around you and they don’t have to be big at all, often it is the cumulation of little things and celebrating them full out that brings on the big things. So what do you want to celebrate from the last week or two? The deck that wanted to come play was most certainly “The Oracle of the Dragonfae” and the crystals are all raw geodes. Oh yes, and wild flowers from the garden came to help you to remember to celebrate and pay attention.
With this energy in mind I invite you to just be still for a moment, breathe deep into all the corners of your belly and let the air out with a sigh. As you take another deep breathe put one hand on your belly and another on your heart. Give your shoulders a little rotate of up, back and down and just breathe to your palms and allow yourself to be filled up with celebration, love and gratitude. Keep breathing this way and when you are ready pick a card or cards that whisper or loudly call to you. Trust yourself, trust this is a divine, abundant, loving Universe and you are being guided.
Ready to pick?
Have you picked? Ready to go see who wants to spend time with you this week?
Never think that you are alone in this world…you do have guardians and I am one of them. I will literally ring alarm bells for you when you have need of forewarning and foreknowledge. There is nothing to fear when you receive these messages; you simply need to pay attention, take note and act when the time is right. I will always alert you and it is my particular domain and charge to watch for the new sky as the sun rises and to let you know that what you have hardly dared even hope for has every chance of coming true. Watch for the sunrise and know that as she does, so too do your hopes. And these bells will ring out for you to let you know of the approach of new growth, new warmth and a new energetic time coming for you. Listen and hear the bells ring for you. And then you shall awaken from your soul sleep!
It is time to be alert and aware; to arise early and to pay attention to the signs that abound around you – selectively. Focus on your mission at this time and work towards it. Be determined and do not allow others to distract you. Call on the Dawn Watcher to assist you to focus on the messages that are most worth hearing, and so that you do not go into fear. The Dawn Watcher is a very powerful guardian and will help you greatly be alerting you with plenty of time; all you need to do is pay attention.
Listen more respectfully to the bells of dreams, deja vu or of physical reactions to particular energies. The Dawn Watcher only weakens when you pay her bells no head, when you will not wake up and hear the calls. Know that you are always being watched over and being told through your body, your mind and your spirit of what is to come.
You are being sent a very strong message by the Dragonfae, the Goddesses and indeed all that is to take your healing into your own hands. This does not mean rejecting traditional western medical practice: it means investigating dietary components that may be compromising your perfect health. Nurturing food, with organic, fresh, and wholesome ingredients will be of great benefit to you at this time. You are healing yourself when you investigate this type of medicinal approach. Food has magickal qualities and is an amazing healer. Please investigate which healing foods would be best for your own needs, your individual system at this time. The time you take in preparing such foods will nurture your own self-love, which will come full circle as improved energy, vitality, emotional stability and strength, increased capacity for joy and better sleep.
At this time the invitation is to look at the food you consume as we feel it may not be supporting you and that you are not choosing the energy with which you create your life wisely. After a seeming famine, a feast will come. After periods of loneliness and hardship, where we each worried so about how our needs would be met, we have experienced renewed joy and the truth that we are amply provided for by this beautiful green and blue planet, Gaia.
How often are we led to the table of delights in this world, only to turn away from all the blessings that are offered, claiming there is nothing there for us? Here the Lovers at the Feast have returned to a place where they will eat well, in an environment filled with love and where each is cherished. It is time to release any form of lack mentality and turn to caring for yourself, eating well, loving the planet and feasting – all are blessings indeed. Your needs are always met and you are truly loved.
The feelings you have, of time contracting and expanding, are real insights, not simply your imagination. Time is a living dimensional being, whose powers include the ability to devote more time to those of us who require it, and for time to speed up or slow down then it may be necessary, too. It is in this way that we are able to divine and travel through the threads and weaving’s of time, and move forward into seeing our future…in truth, we are already there. And much of who we truly are remains an echo. The time beings of the Dragonfae, of whom I am one, know this, and guard and protect you from confusion. Similarly, they can assist you when you require time to be created. If you feel you are short of time, send a thought message to me, the Guardian of Time, and I will send you all the help you need to meet your goals within the time you feel you have. Know that time is available to work for and with you; you need only tune into it as a dimensional reality, and connect with the time beings. Know that you are a timeless being. Know that you are dimensionally vast, that you are protected, cherished and loved.
If you work with time rather than trying to compartmentalise, control and define it, if we return to the lunar and solar and astronomical ways, if we celebrate the time changes apparent in nature all around us with the Wheel of the Year, then the time span we have will be richer and more joyful, our vocations will be discovered and we will no longer struggle to cram so much into our days. Because changing our perceptions is such a mammoth task, the Time Guardian is sometimes very tired, as the prevailing human mindset now is of time needing to be constrained and watched. He encourages us all to experience the natural flow of the energy we call time, and experience its multi-dimensionality. There is one simple way to work with him. Be in the present moment, more often.
Well that was a very interesting reading and some powerful messages about paying attention, looking at how you nurture yourself with food and being present! All pretty important things, the question is are you listening? Wishing you an amazing week and remember that next week there is a glorious New Moon and it’s Equinox!!!! (I love Equinox and it’s my birthday as well!)
Wow….bang on for me…The Gaurdian. I especially connected with time expanding and contracting….A lot of that lately. I love mindfulness and do a 45 min. Yoga practice daily incorporating this, meditation and visualization. It is like jumping off the planet for a restorative break.
Sandra, those are amazing practices to keep you connected to Source and to your yourself. Well done you! What type of Yoga do you practice?
Thank you so much. Today is my husband & my wedding anniversary. The Time Guardian is perfect for the day.
That is absolutely awesome! Happy Anniversary.
I always look forward to your readings and they are pretty much spot on! Thank you.
So very glad and most welcome Deborah.