Happy happy Monday! How was your week? Did you work with the Scorpio Full Moon energy and forgive, release and set your gratitude? It was Mother’s Day yesterday and I have to say, my kids get me (thank goodness!) I’m not about the big gifts, brunches etc. I’m all about time and thought. So bless their cotton soxs I was gorgeously gifted with a Nebuliser (which I use all the time and my last one broke), a pitch fork and a new Oracle Deck, as well as a fully cleaned house, dinner made and a Black Forest Cake made (nom, nom, nom). So I got to do exactly what I wanted all day – which was garden (even in the rain and the torrential hail storm). To me playing in the dirt and planting things, or building arbours for plants to climb up is pure therapy. Even though it means filthy finger nails – but as my Great Auntie used to say “You’ll eat a peck of dirt before you die!”..
During the winter I had put bird seed out (mainly the crows ate it) and lo and behold, all those sunflower seeds that they kicked off the feeding platform have turned into huge fat sunflower sprouts. So I moved them and I’m making a point this year of having about 50 sunflowers as they make me smile with their big bobbly heads that follow the sun. What’s one of your favourite flowers?
So with big sunflower energy, let’s crack on with the reading.
I invite you to take a moment, just breathe and feel your toes and your fingertips. Breathe to your belly and let it inflate like a glorious Buddha belly and as you exhale pull your abdomen into your spine. If you want to come play with some dirt and flowers as a visualisation. There is one here for you to help you get present.
Always, always, trust yourself and the guidance that loves you, then – pick a card or cards and let’s go see your message.
Imagine a world so infused with bliss, love and wonder that you naturally and always feel as safe as a nourished, cherished baby in the arms of the universal mother. Life mothers us, with kindness, and sometimes when we need it to grow, through challenge as well. Accepting this mothering – in its gentle and fierce faces – can be difficult at times.
You are learning about mothering and being mothered. You are amongst the universal mother’s special clan of nurturing spirits that help to honour life on this planet. You are also being asked to open up to receive more nurturing. You can do this for yourself. You can also choose to open up and allow others to nurture you. It might make you feel a little vulnerable at first, especially if you are not used to doing this, but you don’t have to worry. You will get used to valuing yourself enough to know that needing love and affection from another is an opportunity, not only for you to receive, but for someone else to give, which involves them being received too.
If you have been asking life for a solution to a specific difficulty you have been having, the message is the solution is in gestation right now. The situation is already being sorted out and the resolution will come to fruition very soon. Hold tight and wait for the imminent birth of that resolution.
The feminine wisdom of gentleness can assist you now. When we are at a point in life where we want to attain greater things, but don’t necessarily have a proportionally greater supply of energy at our disposal, it is time to work smarter rather than harder. This is the way of feminine wisdom.
The feminine way is not about force. Nor is it about driving, striving, pushing or grabbing at what we can in order to create. It is about inviting what we wish for to come into the space we have provided for it – internally and in our lives. This method cultivates more energy, causes less stress and attracts what is desired. It is manifestation by invitation rather than by will or force.
You don’t need to push quite so hard to receive what is naturally coming to you. Your “push” comes from a place of uncertainty over whether or not you will succeed. You need to relax and have more faith in yourself. All things come in time – rightly and according to a great loving wisdom. Rebel against any voice of fear; within you or around you, that tells you otherwise. You have been working very, very hard. You have learned much and accomplished much but it now time to change your approach. Let go of any force in your approach to creation now. Everything serves a purpose and learning the benefits and limitations of the more forceful way of manifestation through effort and willpower was a useful lesson. You are now beginning to create on a far grander scale that is beyond what an individual can manifest through willpower alone.
There are many opinions around you. Some are helpful but others are distracting you from your truth. Although it can be helpful to hear the thoughts of others, when it all comes down to it, you will have to come to your own decision. Do you know how unique you are? How your path is your path to be chosen, lived and created – only by you? Someone else cannot become the source of your decision-making power without negative repercussions for both of you in the long run.
This message comes to you because you have become swept up in thinking things through. You have been thinking about which way to go with a matter of importance and you have got a bit stuck in the logic of the decision making process. Sometimes we have to accept that any path is a path forward and if it is not the best path, we can change our approach later on if needed. We don’t have to be perfect.
Don’t traumatise or punish yourself with possible choices. Just making a choice will set things in motion. The best way to catalyse the situation you are in and bring about healing change, stimulate your creative juices and find a more inspired, energised and enjoyable approach to your life, is to just make a choice based on what you feel right now. Not based on anyone else’s feelings. So spend time with your own feelings and know that all is going to work out perfectly.
Wishing you a glorious week filled with mild spring showers and massively gorgeous flowers! Remember to take time for yourself to replenish and nurture your body, mind and soul. Oh yes, and drink water! See you next week.
Thank you. Went along with exactly what ive been thinking for the past few days.
I picked 2 and isn’t it funny how I just said this morning “work smarter Connie not harder”. I love the validation. This makes it stick in one’s mind, now I need to allow it into my heart and soul.
Thank you for the message delivery Ms Jenny Heston. May you have a Blessed Day…
Thank you…..I picked 3 and it is exactly what I have been struggling with at the moment. Thank you Universe for this guidance!
Yes! Perfect Chetna.
Thank you, very beautiful
Your welcome Colm.
Thank you Jenny, I love how your readings connect with me, I chose 2, yesterday I made a decision to stop procrastinating and pursue a dream project, and tonight I read your reading…it fits nicely…thanks
With love…❤️
So glad Todd! Thanks so much for sharing that.