Happy Marvelous, Magickal, Magnificent, Miraculous, Merry, Majestic, Manifesting Monday delicious lovely!
How did your New Moon go? I will say for myself it was amazingly powerful! New Moon wishes were written, ritual was embraced and there was a ‘whoosh’ as I really worked with the energy of this fiery New Moon and walked past fear. (It was bizarrely delicious).
So this got me to thinking (of course it did!) About Wholeness and what the means, how do we embrace it or how do we shy away from it? First, let me clarify, to me Wholeness isn’t about perfection (as you have heard me say many times, perfection is an illusion). Wholeness is about embracing all pieces of oneself and welcoming them in as if they were guests coming for dinner. Giving them all a seat at the table, but not letting the fearful, toxic or shame centric ones run the conversation!
As I explored Wholeness more I came across Parker Palmer’s talk about the “Tragic Gap”. The gap between Soul and Role. Now what does that mean? Okay, as a child you came into the world with your soul right there and most certainly on the outside (seriously have you ever asked a 4 year old their honest open on something, as they will most certainly give it!) You bounced, you danced, you wore things that didn’t match and you celebrated the worm you saw on the pavement, you howled at having to go to bed when you were playing a cool game with your stuffies – you were YOU, no explanations, no obfuscations, no excuses. You just were, and there was Magick everywhere for you.
As you got older you took that soul inside, so to speak, and tucked it somewhere and took on a role, why? Because it felt safer. Now by role I don’t necessarily mean that of being a mother, father, teacher, but of a human navigating the world. So armour comes up, the smile can be plastered on and when you are asked how you feel your response is “Fine”! As this happens we tend to get encrusted by things that are not our soul, they are the societal stories, they are the stories we tell ourselves, they are the stories we have bought into, they are the fearful, limiting patterns we believe we have to adhere to to fit in.
Why? Because often we fear wholeness, it can feel really scary to be and share all the pieces of ourselves.
So to me being whole and living from soul is like being an Orange. (Stick with me here)! You know those glorious little mandarin oranges that we eat and often pop into our kids’ lunches? Imagine gently pulling the peel off and looking at all the segments that are joined together. The orange is whole right? Now imagine if that were you and each segment represented a piece of you – ALL THE PIECES! Grumpy, happy, Brave, fearful, Loving, bitter etc. Do you get it? Let me give you a visual for what I believe it looks like when we hide our soul and tuck it way in the back of the closet to keep it safe and to fit into society and be “accepted”. We become like a large clam shell, tightly closed with lots of little molluscs attached to the outside.
So I guess the question to ask ourselves is “What do I need to let go of to be whole and what do I need to keep to be whole?”
Would you rather be an orange or a clam shell?
So with that to ponder and explore for yourself, let’s crack on with the reading. I was tickled to be able to do this reading outside in the sun at the glorious stone table that came to me last week! (I wanted a stone element for the North of the garden and the other day, early in the morning when I was coming back from the beach with the doggo there it was on the boulevard! A glorious stone bistro table with the astrological signs carved into it and two cute little chairs!) I most certainly did a happy dance as I loaded it into the truck.
The cards that insisted on guiding and supporting this week are the amazing Lightworker Oracle, if you have never encountered this gorgeous deck, please let me introduce you. This deck is for lightworkers and what I mean by that is old souls. They have an interest in being of service. They want to live a life of passion and purpose and have their life mean something at a spiritual level. They care about causes that stir their hearts. They are often the black sheep of their family. Does this sound like you? I know it does for me.
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled are:- Peacock Ore – a stone for happiness and joy, it’s said to turn you in the right direction. Red Jasper – a stone to help with feeling more grounded and stable. Dallasite – helps you get back on track. Also, lovely little Calendula flowers insisted on showing up as well!
Okay, settle into your body and just Breathe, just let the breath come in through your nose and sigh it out through your mouth. If you want a little more help getting centred there’s a fun little guided visualisation for you. If not, just breathe all the way to the ends of your fingers and toes and allow the sense of Wholeness to float up into your minds eye. Then, when you’re ready pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go have a look?
The Sixth Ray of Devotion bestows the qualities of persistence, unwavering focus and intensity of feeling. It is a gift of strength to move mountains with your will for what you love, When the Sixth Ray of Devotion appears, you are being given guidance that even if you do not seem to have much worldy power right now, the power of your beliefs can conquer obstacles. The archangel Uriel helps you receive the blessing of the Sixth Ray, now.
You are receiving a blessing of the Sixth Ray of Devotion. It is serving your soul growth and will help you develop faith in your principles and trust in the power of your beliefs. You will be able to recognise and appreciate the extraordinary strength within you and realise that you have enough willpower to keep working towards your dream, overcoming any obstacle, until you are divinely successful.
The Sixth Ray reminds you of the power of love – which can conquer anything and everything! Love is an empowering, motivating force far stronger than fear. Love is the foundation of authentic spiritual devotion. When Archangel Uriel connects with you, a tremendous power – the power of earth – is brought to your aid. Uriel brings healing energy and an ability to cause real effect in the physical world with your mental and emotional power. Remember, you are here to shine your light. Others can choose to use your light to see by until they are ready to discover their own inner light – or not. It is not anything you need to worry about.
Simply live your truth, trust in your heartfelt beliefs and devote yourself to love. May kindness prevail and passionate idealism be tempered by mercy, for the greatest good. So be it.
You have been growing spiritually and your consciousness is expanding. It is transforming your experience of the material world from something you must control or conquer into a living expression of the radiant Divine. As your appreciation and love for the material world becomes more unconditional, so too does the light that can flow into your aura, chakras and physical body. As you psychically expand, you may need more rest, healing and meditation than usual to integrate this increasing degree of light and the consciousness it awakens in you.
The “Rainbow Bridge” is a term for the channel of light that moves through your chakra system and along your spine, allowing Spirit to enter your body and stimulate the development of your soul. This bridge comes to life as your consciousness is raised. It draws in higher energies that nourish and awaken your body, mind and soul through your chakra system.
As your chakras become stimulated by the increasing influx of spiritual light, a clearing process begins which supports the consequent expansion of your consciousness. This clearing is like a spiritual detoxification. It clears blocks from your mind, emotional body and physical body, as well as from your soul (such as unresolved past life issues). As these blocks are broken down and processed, emotional trauma stored in your organs and nervous system can be released, and your energy field becomes more spacious. As a result, you feel clearer about who you are and why you are here and others see more clearly, when they are in your field. You become more powerful.
Enjoy crossing the rainbow bridge into new consciousness, dear one. You have everything you need. You are ready for this. It is meant to be.
It is time your life became easier. It is time for you to walk the way of divine grace with trust, simplicity and acceptance. You do not have to try to make things happen. You can gracefully act without attachment and trust that all will be as it is meant to be. Surrender your struggles, now, as you allow life to serve you with love and kindness. This is the most efficient use of your energy and will lead to the best results.
The Law of Efficiency encourages us to work smarter, rather than always working harder. It is like learning to allow a wave to carry you to shore, rather than swimming the entire way with your own efforts alone – or even against the current, which would make the journey even harder. It is like planting a seed at the right time so nature will help it bloom in the spring, rather than planting it during the dead of winter., when it takes a lot of effort to keep it alive – and even then it may not survive. This is the intelligence of the Law of Efficiency and divine grace at work.
To hitch your wagon to the Universe in this way, you need to learn to listen. This means tuning in to what feels right or wrong at any given time. Sometimes, you will want to push forward, yet your intuitive knowing will guide you to rest. Sometimes, you will want to hide from a challenge – and yet know in your bones it is time to step up and shine with boldness, despite the fear you may feel.
How efficient to work with life and its cycles, rather than believing you must struggle and strain to be heard, loved, rewarded and inspired. You have that maturity within you. Trust now. Trust that all will come in time.
Wowzers, what glorious cards! I invite you to really breathe in the energy and the messages of the cards that chose you and allow them to perk during this upcoming week as you let the idea of Wholeness dance through your psyche, and what it means for you. Wishing you a stupendous week delicious one, may it be filled with a plethora of Spring flowers and enough spring showers to keep everything fresh and perky. Don’t forget to get outside and breathe in the air, smile and wiggle your toes. You are perfectly delicious and delightful as the Whole being you are! Huge hugs and squeezes!
Loved this so in powering.
So glad!