Happy Miraculous, Magickal, Manifesting, Merry, Magnificent Monday! It’s the last Monday in June, wow the month has whizzed by! Thanks so much to all of you who emailed me about your experiences with the B.O.S.S. (Book of Summer Solstice). I am so glad you loved the guided visualisation and it was a delight to hear the rituals you chose to do and how some of you even did the Abundance spell! Whoot! Whoot! So tickled. Also, some of you have asked about the Solstice Reading Special and when it ends. It ends on Thursday, June 27th at midnight. So if you want to take advantage of it, now is the time.
Between the Full Moon and Solstice energy I felt very much like I had been floating in another realm, have you ever had that? In fact, on Thursday I went hiking on glorious First Nations Land called SNIDCEL (place of the Blue Grouse). It was so incredibly beautiful and at one point I rounded a corner and there were at least 50 – 60 dragonflies dancing around me, it was pure magick! I then found a glorious mossy dried up stream bed and so I started to scramble up it into the unknown woods and as I got to the top there was a sensation that my vision had changed. It was so strange, I could see everything, but not as I would normally see it – so I made my way back down to the beach and “poof” it changed back to normal. Okay, this is rather weird, am I losing my marbles?
Later on I saw way up above me what looked like a tiny trail leading off into the old, old trees, so I hauled myself up a steep bank by grabbing onto tree roots and as I got to the top and took a step on the trail my body immediately responded. My heart rate shot up, I felt anxious and that there was something around me and then there was a whisper in the leaves of the trees saying “You aren’t meant to be here right now!” Okay, now I am feeling a tad loopy! So I scuttled back down the steep bank on my arse and the minute my feet hit the beach – womph! Back to normal and surrounded by dragonflies. Can I explain it? Nope. Did I pay attention – heck yes! In fact when I got home I researched dragonfly energy as I had just experienced it in spades! Did you know that dragonflies have been around for approximately 180 million years?! I didn’t! Dragonflies remind us that we are light and can reflect the light in powerful ways if we choose to do so. It’s a Divine prompting to use the creative imagination as a force within your life. When Dragonfly energy is in balance in one’s life you see things clearly, you feel more joyful and you are pure magick! Wowzer, Wowzer, Wowzer. Glorious message. So next time you see a dragonfly, remember this invitation.
The next day was Solstice. How was Solstice for you? For the first time in my life I celebrated the dawn of Solstice and the sunset of Solstice is was absolutely Divine. I had planned to do both celebrations solo, but I decided to invite a group of women that I often encounter in the wee hours of the morning on the beach with their doggos. Now, I love all animals, but I will say doggos are one of my most favourite, in fact my familiar normally has always been a doggo (oh yes and a crow). I love the energy of doggos, the pure joy they exhibit when they play, their loyalty and the fact that if something is off they know right away. They don’t run around questioning it, they just follow their instincts. Now the doggos that these women have are super cool, and it tends to go hand in hand that if the doggo is cool then their humans are pretty cool as well, and these ladies most certainly are. So at 4am we all got up and headed to the ocean. I had made crystal pouches of rose petals, citrine, quartz, sea salt and rosemary for each of them. The night before I had packed smudge, candles, pinecones to start a fire, salt to cast a circle and a plethora of little mini cheese scones that looked like suns. One woman brought gorgeous tea, another – oranges and so it went so we had a veritable feast for us. I had also picked 3 calendula flowers for each woman; a yellow one to cast on the water to release something, an orange one for gratitude and another orange one for intention. It was such a glorious ritual and time I felt very blessed.
Then in the evening at about 9pm I packed up my backpack again, grabbed Danu and we headed back to the beach to watch the sunset and to dance, pray, offer more flowers and sing with the waves. We stayed there with our candles burning until dark set in and I reflected that exactly a year ago I had come to this same beach with all my family (as we were here for a reunion) and we had celebrated Solstice together. As the dark fully set in and feeling thoroughly satiated and peaceful we slowly wandered home.
Have to say it was an incredible day!
Okay, let’s talk about New Moon and Eclipse. We have our first eclipse coming up on July 2nd’s New Moon. This is a full solar eclipse in Cancer and the energy is related to leaving the comfort zone, managing your primary emotions and transforming the meaning of what is familiar and safe for you. Now some of you may be saying – Jenn, what’s the big deal with eclipses. Ahhhh grasshopper let’s explore that. An eclipse can generate an awareness of something larger, running the show and they poke holes in our ego/identity revealing things within us that we have been avoiding or are totally unaware of.
Remember that the New Moon sets the energy for the month, right? So the energy for this upcoming month is sensitive (as the New Moon will be in Cancer), all about what makes you feel at home, nourishes and supports you and the invitation to step up into more of what you want. So this is where Intention comes into play, in a big way. Energy follows Intention, so set your intentions with clarity and let the energy follow them. Please don’t set an intention and then the minute you are done start second guessing it, as guess where the energy is going to go? You guessed it, after the second aspect. So my invitation to you is as we navigate this energy for the next couple of months (yes I did say that), and play with the Fire energy of this season – key thing is be kind and gentle with yourself and allow (note that word) the feelings to come up and just flow through you. Some days you are going to be so inspired and filled with vim and vigour that you want to go conquer the world, other days you may feel like you want to hide out in a dark closet with a large bottle of wine and a straw! Just let it flow and stay focused on your Intention, okay?
Okay, with that all being said – let’s crack on with the reading. The cards that were dancing with glee to come and guide this week are the wonderful Oracle of the Dragonfae. Now if these guides are new to you, let me introduce them (as that’s the polite thing to do). These guides are the magickal and mystical that weave through the threads of every day, they are the Dragonfae, Gods and Goddesses who dwelt in dimensional lands….Eden, Avalon, Ys, Atlantis and Mu, they are Morgan, Guenevere, Merlin and others – fully alive and filled with magick! They are the deliciously magickal beings that have always been there, we just forgot, and when we connect with them, we reconnect with the lost parts of ourselves, allowing us to fully explore the gift of life on this beautiful green and blue planet, known by some as Gaia, by others as Dana, and by many other names.
The lovely crystals that bounced out after having a week of moon bathing and sun bathing (so they are super cleansed and charged) are:- Snowflake Obsidian – a stone of purity it provides balance for the body, mind and spirit. Aragonite – balances energy fields, promotes renewal, strength and confidence. Last but not least Fire Agate – known as the Spiritual Flame of absolute perfection.
Okay, let’s drop into our bodies yes? If you need a bit of extra support there is a glorious guided visualisation for you, to help you slow down to the ebb and flow of the waves should you feel inclined.
Otherwise just breathe, allow your breathe to slow and feel a sense of calm float over your body. Then when you are ready, invite in the energy of this fire season, the energy of the Solstice and when you can feel it in your body pick the card of cards that resonate for you.
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we go have a little peakie weakie?
I am Mab, some call me Queen, and it is of your independence and personal sovereignty that I wish to speak to you at this time. Each day you see and feel injustices in your world, and each time you remain mute, you allow the energy to spiral. Now is the time to make the difference, now is the time to take back the power the Mother, the Earth Goddess from whom we all were birthed, gave to you to safeguard and keep wisely – the precious gift of being on this planet.
Understand that you are energy and can use more than the old aggressive ways….use your energy and your mind, breathwork and what you call prayer, but what I call magick, to speak and allow your voice to reach others. You are more powerful than you know. When you find yourself struggling within the cage of anger and fear, breathe love, and rest and revive yourself with knowledge of your own strength. Know the Dragonfae are with you, and will help to transmit your messages around this world you dwell in now. For I know, and I tell you, that a reckoning will be made, and that you are a part of this magickal planet’s rescue team.
Be strong. Be wise. Stay safe. And change the world!
Mab is connected to our dreams, and she ensures that what we wish for, when it comes from love and magick, comes to us. You are loved and protected by Mab, and you are beloved for your unique and even odd qualities, and that blending in is not the way.
Get back to the basics of enchantment and magick, reconnecting with the old ways and seeing them as eternal. Understand the karmic history of your area, and apply the principles and lessons in the present moment. Know that your thoughts have energy, and can have an immense impact on what happens (think of the threefold law…). Believe in your own abilities, and trust in the ancient ways of wisdom that run in your blood, as well as in the planet’s heartbeat.
Don’t be distracted – see behind the act!
All my artifice hides only the truth, which at the moment you do not wish to see. I am always telling you the truth: it is simply that you do not wish to hear. I have always shown you who I truly am: you simply choose not to see. The clues have been strewn about you….but you have decided not to notice their presence.
I can draw people into actions that reveal their shadows; and for that they condemn me. But I have been their teacher, for they then know the whole of themselves, and thus have compassion for others. Some have wanted me to be an angel, when I have never been of the heavens, and never claimed to be. I am illusions: but most of all, I am your illusion.
Look beyond, take off my mask, and decide to acknowledge the truth about the circumstances which you find yourself within. And know that although you may say I have done you wrong, I have taught you to follow your guidance. Drystan is the Dragonfae bad boy, the cheat, the hustler and the fool who charms his way into your world, and then lets you down in spectacular fashion. He’s a rogue. And the truth is: you always knew there was something dodgy about his situation, or this promise even though the glamour here is nearly irresistible.
If you are drawn in by someones charm and charisma, you may find yourself wishing and hoping they were indeed your hero (only in disguise!) Use your judgement and place your own needs and desires first. Believe it when someone says they are not to be trusted, even when that is said not with words but with actions, or when there are too many contradictions. Enjoy the show, but do not live the act. Begin to explore your truths, your story, and begin to look beneath the surface.
See how my garden has grown about me? See how my children, the darling buds, clamour for my attention? They cry at night and can be so touchy during the day! I must shelter them from harshness and keep them in a safe place, till they are strong enough to branch out….even then, my watchful eye will look out for their care.
You see, so many people see the beauty, and do not understand where it sprang from; the rich, loamy soil. The sweet water poured from the water-Dragonfae into this earth, the minerals of the natural realms, the light of the Sun and the shining sweetness of the crystal moon have all anointed my garden with their blessings. And then there is me. So many see my garden, and wonder at it, but they do not see the work and the care that has preceded my domain. Its beauty is a result of love, care, natural growth and attention to each and every one of its inhabitants.
When your growth appear around you, from the seeds you have planted, take time to tend this garden. Enlist the assistance of like-minded souls, and just as you would not feed these tender buds poisons and pollutants, do not feed your ideas the opinions and energies of those who are not in integrity. Stay true to the vision of your creation and truly take a little time each day to tend this garden, be it of love, ideas, little ones or creative endeavours, until they are robust and begin to grow into their own energy. For now, it is the tender time, the time when the buds are at most risk from the frost of rejection, the poison of judgement, and the choke of cruelty. Be vigilant, and you too will have a garden for all to enjoy and love.
Many will feel you’re fortunate indeed to have created such a beautiful Eden, but they will not see the care you have taken to grow this. But I have seen. I have seen it all. Whisper to her your dreams and ideas, plant your seeds, and watch them grow. Allow her to inspire you with care for your own budding projects, beings, loves and responsibilities.
The emergence will come at the right time, because the bud will be forced to flower at some stage – do not allow yourself to wither in the bud. Divine guidance needs practical application and work. Action teamed with inspiration will create a beautiful, bountiful paradise. Work hard at what it is you love.
I so love the cards! (Have I said that before?) Perfect cards for this glorious energy that is swirling around us. A quick heads up, there will not be a reading on Monday July 1st as it is Canada Day and I plan on playing, dancing and finding cake to eat! Nom! So delicious lovely, have a fabulous two weeks, don’t forget the reading special ends on Thursday June 27th. Also don’t forget to take some time on July 2nd to celebrate the New Moon and Full Solar Eclipse. Breathe, smile, remember to keep cool physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Have a fantabulous time and celebrate how glorious you are!
See you in two weeks!
Dear Jenny, thanks so much for your reading. I wanted to share with you what happened to me last sunday. I was in my flat, quite nervous about going to celebrate saint john night (we do bonfires and it´s one of the most special time of the year for me) to an ecovillage I spent some time last year. So, I live in a fifth floor high in a hill, and as I was in my living room, dealing with my insecurities, doubts… I saw a dragonfly through my window. What? It stayed a while. Later, again. I said, ok ok, I see you. I went to see my animal cards, what was the advice of the dragonfly: “Be patient…”. Well, I set off driving. After one hour I stop at a petrol station: another one! At a petrol station!!! And after another hour of driving I arrived to the place. Cool. In the afternoon I went to the pool, everybody had left when I arrived, I went in the water, and another one! So it was defenitelly Dragonfly Day. I really appreciated your sharing about the meaning Dragonfly energy. I totally resonated and made me happy to see the conection. THANK YO SO MUCH!
Maria, that is amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your story and your journey! I am so proud of you for paying attention, for kicking your doubts and insecurities to the curb. Whoot! Huge hugs.