Here are a few simple prayers to offer up on this gorgeous day of Litha. 
Litha Prayer to the Sun
The sun is high above us
shining down upon the land and sea,
making things grow and bloom.
Great and powerful sun,
we honor you this day
and thank you for your gifts.
Ra, Helios, Sol Invictus, Aten, Svarog,
you are known by many names.
You are the light over the crops,
the heat that warms the earth,
the hope that springs eternal,
the bringer of life.
We welcome you, and we honor you this day,
celebrating your light,
as we begin our journey once more
into the darkness.
Litha Prayer for the Beach
O mother ocean, welcome me in your arms,
bathe me in your waves,
and keep me safe
so that I may return to land once more.
Your tides move with the pull of the moon,
as do my own cycles.
I am drawn to you,
and honor you under the sun’s fiery gaze.
A Garden Prayer for Litha
If you’re planting a garden this year, you may already have plants in the ground by the time Litha rolls around. Don’t worry, you can still offer up this prayer to help them flourish! Go out to your garden on a sunny day, stand barefoot in the soil, and feel the magical energy of the earth. If you’re a container gardener, that’s okay, place your hands around each pot as you say this prayer to bless your flowers, fruit, and vegetables!
Small plants, leaves and buds,
growing in the soil.
O fiery sun, may your rays of
light and warmth
bless us with abundance,
and allow these plants to blossom
with life.
[…] a moment to offer up a prayer. If you have no clue what to say, here are a few ideas for celebrating Litha. […]