“The secret is here in the present. If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it. And, if you improve on the present, what comes later will also be better.” ~ Paulo Coelho
Life is a delicious journey of hiccups and twists, straight roads and deep breaths. Some moments we think we have the world by the tail and other moments we feel that we are going through a meat grinder! Throw on top of all that the various energies and events that happen in our lives and some days can feel rather overwhelming or confusing. This is where we all need some guidance, a window into how to move forward as the strong, powerful, gorgeous beings that we are.
So how to we find or “get” this guidance? Talk to a friend? Perhaps, but they have their own perception of what we should do, based on their relationship to us. Meditate for hours on end hoping the guidance comes? Go hide out in a mountain cave and hope that we receive a sign? All of these are valid, but there is a more sure fire and faster way.
Ask The Oracles!
Access divine guidance, inner wisdom and deep insight with an Oracle Reading.
Are You:–
- Facing a difficult decision and don’t know which path to take?
- Dealing with a challenging relationship and want to get things back on track?
- In search of deeper meaning and purpose in your life?
- Feeling overwhelmed, or just generally confused and not sure what to do next?
- Do the energies that are happening around you have you rattled and you feel you can’t get back on track?
- Ready to manifest a big dream of yours and want a little divine help?
- Have a sticking point that you just can’t find the answer to?
- Looking for transformation?
No matter where you are in life, or what is happening Oracles can help in huge ways!
A reading with me is all about choices and possibilities, as there are a plethora of them, and what is for your highest and best good. As we move through day to day life and most certainly through transformative experiences it feels so incredibly good to be able to find ways to create ease and space in them and allow ourselves to expand and grow to our highest level.
When I do a reading for someone I am a conduit for Spirit to work through and the cards come alive and literally natter away at me, sharing with me a glorious personal story. This in turn helps me to help you move from A to B with assurance, a bounce in your step and Trust!
All readings are based in love, compassion and divine guidance. How can we pull the shadows into the light? How can the challenging be made inviting and filled with ease, grace and truth? You are a glorious powerful being and my readings are meant to help you tap into that so that you feel safe and able to talk to your Soul to find the opportunities that you just aren’t aware of yet.
Once you’ve selected your reading and hit the Paypal button below it, stay there until you are redirected back to this site to fill in a personal questionnaire. On this questionnaire I will ask you to share with me various details and information as to what you want to explore. I will personally confirm your request within 24-48 hours. The reading will be delivered as a Visual Image and Voice Recording, this allows you to continually go back to it, get new messages from your cards and listen to it as many times as you would like.

The Summer Solstice is a great time to acknowledge and work with the light, the sun energy, the divine masculine and to stand in your own power gosh darn it!
It’s a time to take action, filled with intentional passion to manifest what you have been working towards. It’s about finding the steps that you may have missed and stepping into the place of the fire.
This 5 card reading helps you navigate through this powerful time.
Regularly $125 Solstice Gift to You $75

With the sun reaching its peak at Solstice, what needs to be ignited in you?
This 1 card reading is fast and furious, honing in on what will help your inner light beam like the sun.
Regularly $55 Solstice Special $35

With Astrology most of us know our sun sign, yes? We may not totally understand our birth charts, but we do know what Sun sign we are.
But did you know that within the tarot you have a soul card and a personality card?
Your personality card represents what you have entered this lifetime to learn.
Your soul card shows you what your soul purpose has been over multiple lifetimes.
So with the Solstice energy hot and fiery, it’s the perfect time to get that honed in clarity.
Regularly $100 Summer Solstice Special $55

Opening The Door on 2023!
Have you ever felt that some years seem to flow with Grace and Ease, and others just seem to hand you obstacles?
Every year each of us as individuals moves into a different theme, a different way of learning and showing up in the world for our best and highest good. Come learn what Major Arcana wants to share with you.
Your personal theme card tells you what is on the horizon, where there is work to be done and what you can expect. It guides you in the months ahead as you continue on your journey to your higher self. (And it makes those wee bumps on the highway of life manageable).
Available until December 21, 2022. These will be delivered in January.
Solstice Gift to You $37.00

What is Begging for your attention?
Archetypes are with us at every moment through every day. We inherit them from the very universe and they express themselves through us. Archetypes ask many things of us. They ask us to stretch our minds and hearts beyond their limits -and have a particular knack for getting us to do so! Through the lens of archetype explore the messy chaos of life and find out what certain dynamics are playing out for you and how to create light with them.
$70 USD

The Heroine’s Journey
Based on Joseph Cambell’s story arc of the Hero’s Journey this spread reveals significant markers upon a seekers path. It offers a complete overview of what to expect from a mystical perspective.
$175 USD

The Inner Quest
Explore the Who, Where, What. Why, through an Archetypal lens, that is welling up inside you. Delve into the deeper purpose of your journey as you approach your growth edge.
$175 USD

Your Soul Speaks
When your soul speaks can you hear it?
Do you hear the whispers and the yearnings?
What do you do with it?
Perhaps you stuff it down and keep asking yourself why life when it seems to be so good, fragments into shards, and there are so many areas to focus on.
Family, Abundance, Love, Connection, Ease, Prosperity and Purpose.
So what the Fuck do You do?
You take a deep breath and open yourself up to having all the shards pulled back together into a cohesive picture with Divine Guidance.
This is a BIG in depth reading that really weaves all the pieces of your life from all aspects with recommendations and tools for supporting you in this transformation.
This reading is HUGE and works with the energies of you, your guides, the seasons and the Universe.
This a 6 – 14 card reading.
$297 USD

Connect to Your Power
Perhaps you keep attracting the same sort of relationship.
Or you’re struggling with financial abundance.
Maybe you feel ‘stuck’ and don’t know why, or what to do next.
When everything seems to be shifting, changing or going wrong – where are you losing your power? How can you reclaim it? How are you sabotaging yourself? What are you not expecting and how can you forge ahead successfully?
This is an in depth reading custom designed for you (4-8 cards) to provide deeper insight into a particular situation in your life. We’ll work closely together to ensure we thoroughly explore your situation and you have as much practical information and intuitive guidance to navigate your way through the murky waters (AND empower you to make the choices that will take you forward successfully).
$177 USD

Past, Present and Future
Sometimes our past can still shape our present and future when we aren’t aware of it. Thus, it’s important to uncover what’s underneath, what in the past has shaped things for you? What are you sowing the seeds of now? And with your awareness and Intent, what are you going to create for the future? A great 3 card reading to uncover, discover and create!
$150 USD

Elemental Reading
As a human being we are a composite of earth, water, fire and air. With every element there is an association. Air – ideas/where your mind is. Water – your emotions and your psyche. Fire – passion, intention and motivation. Earth – your physical manifestation into form and abundance. And of course Yourself in the middle. A gorgeous reading for getting clear guidance from the directions and the elements pertaining to a situation.
$150 USD

The Path, The Obstacle
A glorious 2 card reading for revealing the problem and the solution with no messing around! Use it when something has been niggling at you, or you’re at a standstill on a creative project. It’s also great for when you feel down and out but don’t know why!
$75 USD

Monthly Spread
Every month the energies and influences are different. Find out what your umbrella energy is and then what is coming up for you each week! A fabulous tool for navigating the month and playing with the support and guidance that is available just for you. Delivered via email.
$87 USD

Fast and Focused
You have a niggling question, or you are at a crossroads and just need some quick fast guidance as to how to navigate. There is a quick way to do this. This is a laser focused one card reading to give you fast, clear insight and guidance. You can expect to receive this reading in 2 – 4 days.
$35 USD

Wheel of the Year
The perfect reading to celebrate a New Year, a pivotal changing point or even a birthday. The Wheel of the Year is a Pagan calendric system marking the passing of the seasons with eight festivals: the winter and summer solstices, the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, and the halfway points between them. Even for non-Pagans, the symbolism associated with these eight festivals can provide a rich and insightful reading. This reading comes with suggestions for ways to harness the energy of these specific festivals.
Currently Not Available Until November 2023

Disclaimer: Readings will not offer Medical, nor Legal advice nor Guarantee you the winning numbers to the lottery – just saying!