Happy Marvelous, Magickal, Mystical, Maniacal, Musical, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday! How are you gorgeous one? Welcome to May! (Holy Hannah April felt like it flew by in a blur). Thank you to all who emailed, about how much they enjoyed the Beltane visualisation and rituals. It was so lovely to see the dandelion magic, the tree blessings and within the Light, Love and Laughter community the awesome playlist we all created! Oh yes, and thank you to those who have asked about the mentoring openings, I will contact you this week.
Okay sweetie, we have much to explore this week, Rats, Reflection and the Full Moon energy – so grab a cuppa, get cosy and let’s crack on.
As most of you know I love, love, love Nature. I am not prone to killing spiders, ants or fairly much anything. But I have hit the wall and some little buggers are going to have to die! With the pandemic most restaurants are closed, and thus there isn’t as much garbage or food waste to support the rodent population. Thus, they are turning up in random spots in the search of food and a family of rats has moved into my garden!
At first I tried gently shooing them away and talking to them nicely. Then I tried to feed them a natural product that would make them leave and look for water. HA! Their response was to dig up all my beet seedlings and start gnawing on the celeriac – how rude!!! Then when I saw them dangling off the suet feeders for the birds this morning – it became WAR and poison bait traps have been purchased. Sigh. I am seriously not into killing things, and I like rats – they are smart and cute, but enough is enough.
There is my little rant for the week (possibly). The energy for May has shifted to one of REFLECTION (now you may think you have been doing that for the last 6 weeks or so, but as things are always shifting and some governments and individuals are doing even more daft things. REFLECTION is a great energy to work with.
As Lena shares:- “ This is a month that supports internal self-observation and reflection offering deep insights into who you are and what you are doing in your life. It is a time of preparation for breakthroughs and the potential for more dramatic change coming in the next few months. If you use this time wisely, you can align yourself with your own authentic self that is based on your own current truth rather than old patterns and outdated belief systems.
Freedom is just on the other side of this time of reflection. As difficult as it may be to disengage from attachments and co-dependencies, the freedom to become more authentic in your life is worth the sacrifice. So, pay attention and be present. Pay attention to what is being reflected back to you by others. Pay attention to what you are reflecting back to others. Pay attention to your insights, intuition and curiosity. Use that curiosity to question everything in your life. And be inspired by the answers.” You can read more of what Lena shares here.
One of the things that I have been adamant about since the start of this situation is that we are in a massive paradigm shift. Everything that is inauthentic will drop away and we are being asked to really look at our value systems, who we are, what we want to be/do that is in alignment for the good of all.
On top of the energy of REFLECTION we also have the Full Flower Moon in Scorpio on May 7th (Thursday).
Now what does this mean?
May 7th brings the third and last Super Full Moon of the year in the sign of Scorpio.
This Full Moon guides us to honor the beauty of endings. It is highly cleansing and detoxifying, and will be preparing us for the Eclipse season that follows. Now lots of you may balk at the word “Endings”, but that is what is happening on a global scale. Certain things that were not to the benefit of all, our planet and the collective are ending.
As Forever shares: At the end, things make sense. At the end, we are able to look back and see things with a new perspective. At the end, we are able to see how all the puzzle pieces we have been working with fit into place. At the end, we feel a sense of calm for it is all over, it is all done.
Endings sometimes carry a pain, and a sadness too. It can be sad to see something go from our lives, but if we open to it, we can carry the awareness that with this ending also comes a new beginning.
As the third and last SuperMoon of the year, we are going to feel our emotions and thoughts being drawn up and out of us. We may feel extra sensitive and a little moody, and just like the scorpion, we may be tempted to use our stingers if people get too close!
The Scorpio Full Moon is very cleansing and can assist in drawing things out that are no longer serving, that are holding us down, or making us feel stuck. If we give in to our feelings, if we allow ourselves time to process how we feel, when they come to pass, we can experience a release, like a weight has been lifted.
The Scorpio Full Moon is always a special one as it signifies that transformation is always possible.
We have spent so much time these last few months washing our hands and looking after our physical health. Let us also turn our attention to our energetic health by cleansing our aura and the energy of our space.
So, on the night of the last SuperMoon of the year, allow yourself to find the beauty in whatever endings have come your way. And welcome the opportunity to create New Beginnings. Yes?
So with all of that burbling (if you have got this far), let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards to see who wanted to come and guide this week, it was most interesting. 6 months ago I received a new deck called Crystal Mandala Oracle and I put it on the shelf. Then last week I was told very clearly to consecrate, bless and start working with the guides. So of course I did!
Once I did, Wowzer! Signs all day! (Such as being woken up at 5:30am by 2 peacocks and 2 peahens doing a mating ritual in my garden for 2 hours). And trust me when I say when a peacock is interested in a peahen, they are both frigging loud. The card that came to me that day was Sacred Revolution and I kid you not – it spoke to everything that is currently happening.
So my darling ones, the guides of the Crystal Mandala Oracle were adamant that they be front and centre this week.
Now, if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce:- “The Earth loves you without condition. She nurtures all life into existence, and that includes you, beloved, from the life that dwells within your body to the life path that will best fulfil your soul destiny.
She provides us with crystals, each one with their own Crystal Angel, to assist us on the journey of becoming all we can be through unconditional love. So with the Crystal Angels of the Earth, and the angels, ascended masters and goddesses that want to assist you in living into the fullness of your divine destiny, to shine your heart light in the world and live your truths with freedom and grace. Welcome dear one.”
Woosah! Perfectly awesome for this moment in time!
The crystals that came to join are the gorgeous ones from the beach!
So my gorgeous one, let’s take a moment and just settle. Settle into your body and breathe yourself into the here and now. And as you breathe I invite you to see in your mind’s eye the energy of Reflections and New Beginnings.
When you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug at you, whisper in your ear.
Did you remember to pick?
Shall we have a peekie?
Good Will
We bring you the empowerment of good will. There is a type of spiritual power you can co-create which benefits and protects you whilst mutually empowering others to take their journey and experience divine success. This spiritual power, known as goodwill, is generated by how you feel inside and the attitude you cultivate towards others. When you know you have value, it is easy to recognise the value in another. When you feel encouraged by the Universe, it is easy to encourage others. As you put out support, encouragement and good will for the success of all beings, this energy is amplified and returned to you.
When you feel peace within, it’s easier to recognise that you have a place in the world and a destiny no person can take away from you. And when you recognise that, it’s easier to know that others also have their own place destined for them alone. This removes fear and competition, and allows you to become an encourager.
An encourager is a person who generates goodwill. They are not afraid of missing out. They believe in their own destiny and operate within a field of abundance. They trust that their rightful divine inheritance will be bestowed upon them. They trust that all people can receive without causing harm or diminishment to any other. They believe in win-win situations and know the only way humanity can evolve is together. So they want others to succeed. They are happy to be at the cosmic traffic lights, so to speak and allow the others who have a green light to go first.
Good will that is cultivated by individuals becomes part of a collective field. It is the psychic equivalent of a group of angels, perhaps with cheerleader pompoms, waiting in the sidelines until someone needs help. Wish each person well.
Goddess Pele & Lava Stone
We bring you the empowerment of melting into divine desire. There is a time and a place on the spiritual path for detachment. The ability to step back and perceive from a neutral perspective can bring great clarity. There is a time for the mind to become clear and peaceful and open to divine guidance even if that means temporary loss for greater long-term gains. There is also a time to melt into divine desire, to allow your passion to motivate and inspire you to attain great progress on your divine life journey, where less fervent longing could not. Desire doesn’t have to be a distraction from your divine path. It can be a way you discover what has meaning for you and what you feel strongly enough about to never give up on.
Desire sometimes gets a “bad rap” in spiritual circles, or it is celebrated as being something should be pursued without restraint. The truth that will serve best is more in the middle. Desire need not be a distraction nor a goal to be pursued at any cost, even to your own integrity.
Desire on the spiritual path can become a way to know what is going to move and inspire you enough to see you through the challenges that arise when you want to create a contribution to the world. If you long to bring your ideas to life, rather than keep them only as ideas, then desire can become enlivening fuel for the spiritual path, motivating you to act rather than hesitate.
The more you peel back the layers of the mind, the more pure, simple and clear your divine desire will be. Giving yourself permission to discover and honour your divine desire is what connects you to Pele, the passionate volcanic goddess, radiant with power. If you want to know just how powerful desire can be, think of the power of a volcano erupting.
Imagine being able to channel that raw power into fulfilment of your soul and manifesting your dreams in the world. That is what this blessing of Pele brings you.
Read the Energy
We bring you the blessing of reading the energy. We affirm that you have the ability to read energy accurately and we encourage you to apply your gifts. You don’t have to be in control of the inflow of divine information. When a message or insight comes to you naturally, this is best. Simply being open and receptive as you intend to read the energy of the person, place or situation at hand is enough. Whether you have been reading energetically for years or are just beginning your journey in interpreting energetic information, we are here to assist you in becoming confident and trusting in your perceptive abilities.
Your perceptive abilities are a key part of your life purpose and divine life’s work. Developing, relying upon or honouring what you sense energetically is helpful for your life journey (as it assists you in making good choices) and is helpful for others who can benefit from your ability to see what they may not as yet be able to consciously recognise.
When you share your perception from a place of unconditional love, non-judgement and genuine compassion, your reflections can help others gain awareness and insight, which they can then use to empower themselves, overcome fear and move more wholly into love. This is of benefit to all.
Plants don’t need logical understanding to be able to reach for the light. It is an instinct. You have the same natural instinct to be attracted to the light, to what will nurture and nourish you, to the best choices for you. As you learn to get to know your own needs and what suits you (and doesn’t suit you so well), you’ll be increasing your ability to read your own energy in a refined way, as well as learning how to better heal and restore yourself on a regular basis.
Holy Hannah, as have said over and over again. You can’t make this shit up! So delicious one, sending you huge love and light this week. Stay safe, laugh often, find those random moments of Joy and most certainly dance! If you want more information on the 5 mentor openings, please feel free to email me. There may not be a reading next week as on Sunday it is Mother’s Day here and I am having a social distance hike and picnic with my boys, and may want to play more! Sending you big hugs and blessings!
I do love your readings! Thank you. One day I’d love to be considered for mentoring!
Dear Jenny, your cards resonate so deeply with My Soul. It never fails that I pick the card that will serve me beyond measure. And this is true of the card that chose me today! Sending you infinite love and gratitude and deep appreciation for the light in the world that you are. Barbara.
Barbara, thank you so much for your lovely words and I am glad your soul is coming to play. Super important!
Thank you for this reading which was surly needed during this strange time in our lives.
Andrienne, most welcome sweetie. Hope you are well and safe.
Oh please Jenny. Don’t use poison bait to get rid of rats or anything else. Rats and mice are part of the food chain and when another animal eats a rat/mouse that has ingested poisoned bait then that animal is now poisoned. I spent a fortune on a cat to save her life after she ate mouse that came from a neighbor who had used poison bait. By the time most people find out their cat or dog have been poisoned this way it is to late and the animal will bleed out with even slight bruising. Foxes, owls, eagles, falcons, etc all eat rodents. So think about what you use.
Barbara, I didn’t I got a zap trap and a slingshot. Poison was not something I wanted to do as I love owls and my dog. But thank you sweetie.