Happy Monday delicious lovelies! We have been quite blessed here with unusually warm weather so I am taking advantage of it by taking my work outside and sitting in my gorgeous sanctuary garden.
I love this space, it is designed as a circle and so you sit in the center surrounded by plants, roses, herbs and in the corner there is a gorgeous waterfall that falls into a pond guarded by my lovely gargoyle Grenville. The tulips are all up and gently bobbing their heads as the breeze caresses them or as a butterfly gracefully lands on their fluted petals. The plum tree is in full bloom and the bees re in their glory diving in for the succulent nectar and pollen.
If I sit very quietly small sparrows come darting in and stand on the rocks surrounding the pond and when they think no one is looking they dive in and start splashing around in the water! Should you they happen to catch you looking at them they look a tad askance that I would be so rude as to watch their bathing routine. I can feel my whole body tuning in to the gorgeous performance around me and all my muscles relaxing. Aaaahhhh. So now let’s see who is coming to support you this week and offer you guidance. Ready?
Have you picked?
We have amethyst, a gorgeous shell from New Zealand and Citrine working with us this week. So now let’s see who came to help.
An idea has captured your attention – or will do so very soon. It may be a grand vision or the vague sense of something that could be. You are being encouraged to accept the vision, the idea or the inspiration as it is important to your creative and spiritual growth. The bee is bringing you healing medicine-wisdom from nature to aid the message of the oracle of Inspiration. The bee is a powerful spirit totem. Bees are able to fly with wings that are significantly small in proportion to their heavier bodies. Your idea, even if it seems like a big, substantial plan that might be difficult to “get off the ground” and up and running, can succeed. Allow inspiration to fill you with enthusiasm, an expectation of magic and marvellous synchronicity, as people, situations and opportunities fall into place to help bring your inspiration into reality. You are meant to think and do things differently . Your inspiration comes direct from the universal creative source and you are being asked to believe and recognise the signature of great intelligence within your inspirational ideas and creative urges – and to act accordingly. Bee-lieve!
Visions of Life Beyond Death
Sacred vision is awakening within you. You’re becoming blessed with the ability to truly see. To see what is real rather than what appears to be. This is true insight. What was once considered consequential may soon be found to hold little consequence after all. What was once dismissed as an irritation or irrelevance may be seen to have great spiritual significance. If you have been wondering about your life path or whether you should take action on a project or you need inspiration to really move you out of a slump you have fallen into, then this oracle brings you a message of hope. You will receive your vision. You will be graced with a way out of the stagnancy. You are leaving behind a smaller view for a more expansive one. You are watched over in life and held in protection. Shift your perspective and look at an issue of concern a little differently. Your ability to be inspired and see the light in all things is unfolding. It must be nourished in your heart with loving acceptance because you are going to help others through your vision, your art and how you choose to be in the world.
Restore and Replenish
You are in need of something so much deeper than rest. You need restoration, replenishment and revival. This will not necessarily come from lying about somewhere taking a moment out of your day or evening activities. You are more likely to gain what you need by breaking with your routine completely and doing something different. You need some variety, some spice, some change to bring fresh energy into your body, mind and heart. You need to restore and revive yourself by changing the usual flow of energy through your being. You could stimulate this process by going to a different place, meeting different people and taking different action to what you would usually do. However, it is now time to move, without pushing yourself, beyond what is known, comfortable and familiar. Life is telling you that it is time to put down the paintbrush, the pen, the endless lists and the thinking mind and get into your body. You are in an important transition phase between one level of experience and the next. If you feel as though you are treading water or are in a sort of purgatory – somewhere between your old life and your new life then this especially applies to you. Soon you will have the power and energy you need to reach for the next level – and succeed.
Have a delicious week, and remember to laugh, trust, stay open and play!
Sacred Rebels Oracle – Alana Fairchild
Thanks Jenny … that was just what I needed to hear. Namaste
Jude that is wonderful!