Happy Marvellous, Magnificent, Magickal, Manifesting, Miraculous Monday!!
How are you delicious one?
What I am absolutely pig wiggly tickled about is, Samhain is almost here!!! (You may know it as Halloween) and I love, love, love Halloween. The smells, the leaves, the costumes, the decorating – the whole nine yards!
At the time that most of us celebrate Halloween it is also the festival of Samhain, the third and final Harvest festival where we celebrate with fire, eating and honouring the dead.
In many places, Samhain coincides with the end of the growing season. Vegetation dies back with killing frosts, and therefore, literally, death is in the air. This contributes to the ancient notion that at Samhain, the veil is thin between the world of the living and the realm of the Dead and this facilitates contact and communication.
This is also the Celtic New Year. Now I know some people get a tad tweaky when we talk Death, but death represents a release, whether it’s a release of breath, a release of habit, a release of a relationship. That’s all it is.
So to help you with one of the most important celebrations on The Wheel of the Year, and to share with you rituals to celebrate your ancestors, I have created a fabulous Book of Samhain (fondly referred to as BOS). 43 pages of lore, magick, stories, rituals, crystals, guided visualisation and all sorts more. This Guidebook is jam-packed with everything you need to create a sweet, simple ritual & personal practice to celebrate Samhain. It also helps you feel deeply connected with nature & the Divine, and in tune with your Authentic Self – by creating a personal practice rooted in the seasons. And as I love to give gifts – I have made it 70% off!
Last week I was honoured and blessed to be officiating a celebration of life. It was the first one I have done since my sister died 3 years ago, as to be honest I didn’t feel ready, it all felt still rather raw.
However, the other month I was approached by a family who had lost their dear father/husband and asked if I would help them craft a ceremony to honour his death. I felt into it and came to the decision that yes, I could.
Now when I help a family create a memorial I work with the philosophy of “Let that person’s life speak”. It’s not just about what they did or how old they were, it’s about sharing the stories of the person, the memories, the anecdotes, the love, adventures, mishaps, funny sayings, hobbies – all of it. And in doing the interviews there are so many amazing stories, tears, laughter and memories that flood to the surface, it’s quite amazing.
So at this memorial there must have been 200 people there, it was incredible! All of them there to honour and celebrate a man they loved and missed. Many friends and family got up to speak and share their memories, even if their voices cracked, there was laughter, music and a beautiful video clip of this wonderful man sharing his wisdom.
To me that is a huge part of the energy of Samhain. Honouring the dead, the stories of your ancestors, whether they be blood or choice. The stories of your heritage whether it be blood or choice. The stories of the past that support you and inspire you.
And beyond reaching out to passed loved ones, make time to acknowledge the “deaths” both great and small in your life. There are so many things that have “died” this year, so honour the ones that matter most to you, even if they are a little painful.
Look to nature for guidance, as it is always showing us how it dies and rebirths itself again and again.
So a question for you.
What are your stories?
Just prior to Samhain, on Tuesday, we open up the second Eclipse Portal of the year as we have a New Moon Eclipse in the delicious sign of Scorpio!
Now if you’ve been with me a while you will have heard me say – Eclipses uncover things you may have not been looking at or totally procrastinating about. So with this Eclipse on a New Moon, what have you stuffed in your closet that you really want to plant the seeds for?
Also, remember, the Eclipse season really ramps up the energy and not just for the day but for the weeks and months to come……. Just saying.
Eclipse Season is always a highly transformative time. You can think of them as portals that fast-track you to the next chapter of your soul evolution. On this fast track, we tend to undergo abrupt transformations that can be life-changing.
All Eclipses will affect us differently, some we may feel intensely and others we may barely notice. But if there is a big soul upgrade that is needed in your life, if you have been nearing the end of a journey or looking for a leaping stone to take you to a new one, Eclipses very often bring the bridge you have been waiting for.
As Forever shares,
“As this Solar Eclipse falls in the sign of Scorpio, we may find ourselves connecting to a higher level of our soul, understanding ourselves on a deeper level, and peeling back some layers to really reveal a new truth.
With Venus very active at this time, we can use this Solar Eclipse energy to expand our hearts, the giving and receiving of love in our lives, and to think about what we truly value. We may find it easier to love, easier to give, or easier to focus on what is truly important to us.
Under this heart-expansion energy, we may even gain the clarity that is needed to help navigate any challenges in our relationships. We may decide that our heart no longer wants to be involved in a certain dynamic, or we may find that our heart is ready to open and move into that next chapter.”
So, when I went to the cards and asked who would like to guide and teach this week I nearly snorted tea out of my nose when I saw who was most adamant. (Seriously you can’t make this shit up!) The cards that chose to guide this week are Les Vampires (seriously!)
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them.
These are the glorious denizens of a realm of mystery, legend and power.
These lovely guides come to those who are undergoing a test. If a shadow has fallen over your life, if you are confronting the unknown, you may feel abandoned and lonely, as if there is no light, no guide, and no path to follow.
These guides walk the hidden paths of the Dark Forest, the ones who have made the Night their home, the guardians who can help you find your way back to the Dawn. They are abundant in all that you need at this time – rich in messages to offer, lessons to teach, and wisdom to share with you.
Oh my giddy Aunt! Perfect!
So are you ready to play? Hope so! Take a moment, actually take more than one and just take a Breath. Not a shoulder high breath, but a slowing, calming breath.
Breathe it in through your nose and out through your mouth like a shoulder dropping sigh. Keep breathing this way and invite into your minds eye your stories. Don’t judge them, just let them swirl there like watercolours. Don’t attach, just let them Be. Then when you are ready and that energy has settled, pick the card or cards that invite you in. They have something to share with you this week.
Did you remember to pick?

Are you curious?

To have seen what you once thought was only a rumour, or only hearsay, or perhaps even made up, means you have changed. You have experienced the dream that comes true in the weeks after you saw faces in the night, you have spoken with the nature spirits and you have come to know there is more than what so many humans wish to admit is true and alive in the world we all share.
Vampires like us, we are said not to exist. But you know there is more here on this planet than anyone can even begin to dream of.
You may have witnessed something of late that others still deny is “real”. But you are now a witness and having seen, you cannot un-see. Knowing, you can no longer deny. It is not that we wish for you to tell all of your new knowledge. It is that we wish you to not lie to yourself, to no longer agnoise over questions of whether what you saw and felt and understood is true or untrue.
There is so much on this planet of ours. Think of it. Who are we to deny the truth of the wonder that is this planet and all the manifestations of life upon it?
Know that what you have seen and felt is true. Another may deny that you have witnessed a true thing. But having seen or felt it for yourself, and now knowing, you have a duty to never again lie to yourself.
You need not make this truth your entire life. But never again lie to yourself.
Accept the evidence of your experience, and honour it within your heart, and within your words when wisdom demands you speak freely.
The veils of illusion and deceit have lifted. While this can be painful, it is also a great blessing to know the truth. Do not doubt your experience. And when you speak of it freely and share your experience, you will find that others too resonate with what you are sharing.
The belief that something will take place, or is right, or is a particular way, can be called faith. Faith is quiet and hopeful, offers contentment and calm, it has not bravado, and it need not insist on its rightness.
Faith is something we have too, and we observe it in the best of those we call humans, the warm-blooded ones of whom you are one.
It is a beautiful gift that you humans have to be believers in this quiet, gentle way. Faith is not always beautifully expressed. Faith is a loving amazing quality, but it must be attached to something that is worthwhile.
What do you have faith in? What is faith to you? Were you taught faith as a child, and did you lose faith at one point? For you are often taught to believe in things that do not deserve your faith.
It may be time to relearn what it is you have enduring constant hope for – what you know will come to be, even if your eyes may never see. To have faith is to remain loyal, but in a truly heartfelt way. Tender, moving and full of grace, your faith may soon return to you. Choose wisely in what you place this gift of your faith.
If you have lost faith in a person, project, or humanity itself, it’s time to examine the source of your faith.
Know that it can be revived, and this time, you may choose where you place this most beautiful and tender of faiths.
I am the one who comes to you now so you can see clearly! You feel others have had problems in this area, but if you simply think positively and send out waves of love the way will be cleared.
But no, this is not how this particular power works, my friend.
There is an obstructive force around you at present, one that will not allow you to pass, unless you strictly meet all criteria. This force, in the form of a person, or institution, or corporation requires you to do everything that is required to pass through the gates.
So, although you may consider yourself to be more charming, more well-liked, able to convince others, and worthy of inclusion, there is tedious paperwork and criteria that must be met – and we Vampires have this too. You must do this perfectly, if you wish to pass the test, and gain what it is you seek.
In the past it was the Church who controlled, now it is large companies and government institutions with their digital records and officious ways. Whether it is tax time, or when you must fill out a form of endless length, read, and read again, the agreements you sign.
Do not consider yourself different or better than others – for when it comes to matters like these, we are all subject to laws that are tedious at worst, punishing at times, and cruel at others. The list goes on and on – there is a cruelty to the faceless conformity of bureaucracy – and to the negligence that can stifle your plans, and sometimes even threaten your very future.
It’s time to sit calmly down, clear your mind, then begin to work your way through the details of a dilemma. Trust us, there is a person about you who is able to advise you – please ask them for their assistance, and listen and act when that good advice is given with love and no strings attached.
Your mind is powerful, and will be used for your soul’s highest purpose. Accept excellent advice, and see the results this can bring.
Wowzer, wowzer, wowzer. What fabulous messages for this time, with Samhain approaching, New Moon Eclipse and where we are at this moment in time. So most gorgeous bean, I wish for you a stupendous week filled with ease, tears and laughter. Be gentle with yourself and those around you, treat yourself to the glorious Book of Samhain, carve a pumpkin or two! And get ready to really practice your magick and release the old year and welcome in the new one. Big hugs and squeezes!