Happy Miraculous, Magickal, Mystical, Melancholy, Magnificent, Misty, Merry, Manifesting Monday! So good to be back, although I had a stupendous Thanksgiving weekend! The weather was fabulous, fun games were played, a huge meal was cooked and enjoyed and there was lots of laughter and connection (as well as candle making).
We have lots to explore this week, Autumn and the melancholy that can come with it, Shadow Archetypes, New Moon in Scorpio and of course Samhain! (Halloween, which is my all time favourite holiday of the year!) So grab a cup of tea and be ready to do some delving.
For some people Autumn can feel rather melancholic – with the leaves changing and dropping and a knowing that the days are getting shorter and winter is coming. There is a sense of going inwards and for self exploration, which for some of us feels rather challenging – we want to be distracted, doing things, sunny and bright. Aahhhh grasshopper, you are, but to see your brightness you need to welcome in the dark. Yes?
For me an inner burbling started a few weeks ago, have you ever felt that? It’s like an odd sensation in your body, being, mind, energy – the whole nine yards and you know something needs to come out and things are going to shift and change. The first time it happened to me years ago I tried running in the opposite direction to avoid it (let me tell you, it doesn’t work, it just comes back stronger and more intense). So as this burbling started I thought to myself – hmmm, something needs to be heard, shared, released etc. The first part that surged up was there were certain books I had to read, certain places I needed to go, certain people I needed to talk to. Okay, that’s easy enough. Then it got a bit stronger and stronger still until Wham!
Thus, after an amazing Thanksgiving weekend of keeping myself super busy, playing, exploring, entertaining, tending others, cooking – everything that was about others (which I am really good at). Monday I woke up and thought hmmm, I feel wiped. Not tired, but wiped, like a rung out dishcloth – nothing, nadda. Am I sick? I don’t believe so? Then I remembered the burbling and the message I had put out a few weeks earlier; the message I had put out to the Universe was “I feel I need to go deeper, I want more spirituality and awareness in my life”. HA! Gotta love how the Universe works and how it shows up (not always as planned). On Monday the weather changed from sunny skies to torrential rain and dark for days (and I mean at least 7!) Hmmm, the last time I saw the weather shift this fast and for a long period of time was the couple of days my sister was transitioning from physical to not. Gulp!
This time it took me dark (not weird dark, but into the shadow realm dark). I spent four days napping, lucid dreaming, writing, drinking cups of tea, reading, walking by the ocean or under the trees in the rain – repeat. I didn’t feel the need to eat as much, nor the need to talk to anyone. I played music, I wrote, I spent days in silence (which is so not my comfie realm) and most importantly I listened and was willing to see. Now don’t get me wrong, I used to hate Shadow work, but the fact of the matter is – we all have a Shadow side. We all have bits of us that no matter how we stuff it, ignore it, try and put glitter on it’s frigging there. So I played with it from a neutral place, not one of judgement, shame, blame – but a place to be willing to see if my Shadow pieces could be incorporated or did some need to be released. Well let me tell you it was bizarre, amazing, humbling, deep, dark and so many gifts tumbled out of the dark into the light. I realised that I have been playing from my Shadow Archetype. Now what the heck does this mean?
For me, my top 4 Archetypes are Maker, Healer, Writer, Lightworker – so how does one have a Shadow Archetype of those you may ask. What Shadow Archetype means is that you are still keeping yourself and your full Archetype on the sidelines to conform to what you perceive as societal norms and expectations. Something that at some point your soul is going to start burbling at you about. So again, for me, yes I write, but do I write daily? Do I write about the tough stuff (not often). As a Maker do I love to create, yes, however, do I only create things that I believe people will like (quite often yes). Are you getting this now? So one of the biggest gifts that came out of this week of bizarre transcendence was really embracing those Shadow Archetypes, offering them up to the light, welcoming them in and really aligning with me, my purpose, and how I want to serve and share. So if you see some tougher posts, or more calls to action you are more than welcome to ignore or it just might tickle your Shadow to come out to play.
The key transformation from this process for me was to be fully, completely present with all aspects of myself, even if they aren’t so pretty – because perhaps by me sharing, someone else will take a sigh of relief and know it’s okay to come out of the Shadows. There is something that has been burbling for me to create for over a year now to connect us all together – so as I have learned this last week – it’s got to happen! We are all part of something bigger and we need to share and encourage each other. We aren’t meant to be solo’s floating around in this great pond of life. Have you ever thought of what your Shadow Archetypes are?
On October 27th (just before Halloween) we have a glorious New Moon in Scorpio and Holy Hannah this is going to be quite an electric one. Scorpio rules the eighth house in astrology — the place that concerns sex, secrets, scandals, other people’s money, death, and transformation of all types. This will be a significant moon in the collective and our personal lives, and the energy will be powerful through Halloween week. Expect change that comes like a lightning bolt out of the blue. The change can affect relationships, money, income, and any other number of areas. It will be unsettling for some and electric for others. New Moon opposite Uranus creates spontaneous, erratic, and chaotic change. This highly charged electric energy can cause anxiety, impatience, abruptness, impulsiveness, and rebelliousness. So if you are feeling a tad tweaky, take some time to really ground, breathe and most certainly make New Moon wishes on Sunday. If you don’t know how to make them, we have you covered here.
Now isn’t it delicious that this New Moon energy kicks off just a few days before Samhain? (I think so!)
I love, love, love Halloween. The smells, the leaves, the costumes, the decorating – the whole nine yards! At the time that most of us celebrate Halloween it is also the festival of Samhain, the third and final Harvest festival where we celebrate with fire, eating and honouring the dead. In many places, Samhain coincides with the end of the growing season. Vegetation dies back with killing frosts, and therefore, literally, death is in the air. This contributes to the ancient notion that at Samhain, the veil is thin between the world of the living and the realm of the Dead and this facilitates contact and communication. This is also the Celtic New Year. Now I know some people get a tad tweaky when we talk Death, but we will explore it more next week with some ideas of how to really tap into the potency of this time. I promise you it won’t be scary!
So, when I went to the cards and asked who would like to guide and teach this week I nearly snorted tea out of my nose when I saw who were most adamant. (Seriously you can’t make this shit up!) The glorious Oracles of Shadow and Light, were most adamant they should be front and centre. Now if these amazing guides are new to you, please let me introduce them:- “Wisdom for Misfits, Mystics, Seekers, and Wanderers. Bittersweet…Unheard…Unconventional…Rebellious…Cheeky…Whimsical…Invisible. They’re not the words you often hear associated with the spiritual world, are they? Nevertheless, some of the most spiritual beings who have ever lived are those who have been most at odds with what we call the mainstream. They do not fit in. They have had moments of despair. And they know being truthful, and being real, is one of the greatest strengths and spiritual paths of all! They ask you to step out from the shadows, to no longer hide your light away, and to consult with an oracle that acknowledges your individuality and strange genius!”
How’s that for a warm welcome?
The crystals that came to play are:- Mystic Merlinite – is known to be a stone of duality. It speaks about light and dark, and the black and white. It’s a seemingly simple stone that can attract good luck and powerful magic into your life. It’s a stone that will invite you to discover the deeper and darker parts of your being. Moonstone – The Goddess, mystery, self discovery and intuition. Shadow Quartz – lies in its ability to protect and ground one physically and spiritually to this world, and to absorb and transmute significant amounts of negative energy and release it into the Earth to be neutralized naturally.
Wowzer, the crystals have aligned with the energy and the cards – very cool.
Okay, you ready? Come settle into your body, it’s safe to be there. Breathe yourself back in – long deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Allow your face, jaw and shoulders to relax. If you need a bit of extra support there is a glorious guided visualisation for you (just below), if you feel inclined. If not, just breathe and invite in the pieces of you that you have judged as dark, “not right” and ask them what they need you to know this week. Breathe. It’s all good.
Did you remember to pick?
Let’s go see what our glorious guides want to share this week.
This fairy is letting you know that it’s time to back off from a person or situation that is not in your best interests….and that you may need to be brave and stop being so welcoming of what you actually do not want! So, this blue fairy, waving her voodoo doll, is letting you know very clearly that you now must tell someone to take a step back. You know you have been overriding your instincts with what seems rational, with misguided desire to help and befriend someone who may not be particularly good for you.
Voodoo in Blue doesn’t mind if she looks bit nasty when she gives the back-off message: she’d rather she was loud and clear and that the person pushing her buttons leaves quickly. So, she wants you to start trusting your instincts. To start being honest above being “nice”.
You do feel like you need to stay away from someone – and to tell that person clearly to stay away from you. And Voodoo in Blue stepping forward to speak with you confirms that your hunches have been ever so right.
The Candy Cane Angel is in charge of letting you know when it is time for some little luxuries that will reconnect you with your self-love and self-worth. She, too, holds back from giving to herself, as she is such an earnest and industrious little angel – but her message is always clear; it is time for some fun!
As she says clearly to you “You know what my problem is? And you know what your problem is? No? Well, let me tell you. Our problem is that we both feel guilty about giving ourselves pleasure. See this little treat in my hands? It’s not bad, is it? It’s not evil, is it? But can I bring myself to just sit down and taste every moment of its sugary sweet delights? No. I have to wonder if it’s the right time. If I have done enough to earn this treat. To wonder why I should get this when so many do not have a single candy cane for their own selves! I torment myself with these things – and so do you! How about we make a deal? Next time you ponder a gift to yourself: a massage, a treat, a spiritual workshop, a delicious meal, time to laugh with a friend, a long rest or nap, meditation time, a space clear…..know that when you energetically tell yourself “I am way too busy for that indulgence,” you are really saying, ‘I do not deserve that!’ Well, let’s decide that you do! I am about to have my treat. I now charge you with the same quest. Give yourself that which you have been denying yourself. You do deserve it!”
Do not rationalise or talk yourself out of it any longer. Step out of the consciousness of lack and into the consciousness of “I deserve,” and grant yourself this lovely moment of luxury. It’s time for some joie de vivre and enjoyment to restage a grand entrance into your life!
Here she comes to gather up your heart’s sore pieces and place a sweet bandage on the place that is most wounded. And this one tender gesture does more to heal you than could a thousand years of therapy. It’s time for small kindnesses to be received, for you to know that the little gifts of friendship and sweetness are the ones that will assist you most at this time.
Allow yourself to be treated gently, to be attended to with kindness, and to be hugged. Allow yourself to accept that this is a time when you need to take good care of yourself. You are healing, and on the mend, but do not undo her medicine by forcing yourself to hurry up and get over it!
When you have heartache, it is important to treat yourself well: take time away from the flurry of shoulds you are so often confronted with. Why not take some time to snuggle on the couch with a favourite old movie, and have a sniffle. Have a long, comforting bath, and be sure to make a promise to yourself to let close people who are worthy of you and of your love! It is not about being bitter or guarded, but you are a sensitive and tender sweet being, and some people are just…not! So now is not the time for harshness. Soft blankets, sweet dreams, long baths, and a reduction of the harsh energy around you are best.
Then the Mend A Broken Heart Fairy can fly in to soothe you….. You will feel her presence, and she will lift the pain, until all that is left is sweet, gentle wisdom!
Wowzer my delicious lovely, that was delightful to watch how it all ties together at this time! Wishing you a stupendous week filled with colourful leaves, crisp fresh air and the anticipation that things they are a changing. I invite you to welcome your shadow aspects to the table and see what they have to teach you. Have a glorious New Moon and see you next week when we really dig into Samhain and some potent ways to tap that thin veil energy. Magick is in the air! Warm hugs and cosy soxs. And Breathe!
Wow always on point, thank u!
Most welcome Lisa.
I can’t thank you enough for your wonderful gifts of healing, fabulous Jenny!
I have been buzzing with energy for over a week – I listened and learned at an online Summit on trauma, that gifted me with surprising Aha’s and comforting threads of healing. On the heelss of that, I participated in an amazing group meditation on Sunday that opened me to more deep Loving Energy.
And now this week’s cards, and that Energy-altering visualization! WOW! I feel so hopeful in disarming the dark places I have been dealing with.
In the visualization, when I entered that blade, not only were the trees there for Love and support, but I saw a circle of Loving Spirit beings waiting for me there. So comforting and humbling…
So huge Blessings and immense Gratitude for all that you share, and all your Gifts on this healing Journey!
Much Love, Appreciation, and Hugs!!
P.s. I do not live where the miracle of colors from the trees happens this time of year – I sure wish I did, and miss that tremendously.
I am so glad you have been exploring the buzzings and thank you so much for the gorgeous message! (PS I can send you some leaves!)