Hello, hello my delicious lovely! Happy Marvelous, Magnificent, Manifesting, ‘Mazing Monday! (Yes, ‘mazing is a word or at least it is now.) How the heck are you? How are you finding working with this gorgeous Fire and Passion season? Remember, if you find yourself getting too hot, overwhelmed and frustrated then take a little time to cool off both literally, figuratively, mentally and energetically. There are some super easy pranayama’s that help cool the mind, the body and the energy. A super simple one is to curl your tongue like a straw, let it stick out of your mouth breathe in slowly through your tongue straw, close your mouth, hold and exhale through your nose. Very cooling. Here the last week was rainy and cooler, I had gone and bought a ton of wood to build a shed and ended up tarping the back of the yard to keep the wood dry. Within about 3 days it was baking hot and I still haven’t taken the tarp down as it now provides shade whilst I build! Even the dogs are hiding out there or in the house, or under the deck! So make sure if you feel heated you back off and cool it down a tad.
I had a very cool experience this last week and wow, if you doubt that the Universe is paying attention – let me write a reference for the Divine, she is listening very clearly and avidly. What I have noticed in the last few years of magnificent manifestation is clarity is key! Phrase it clearly, put emotion behind it, forget the “how’s” or how it should look and trust. An example. 2.5 years ago I put something out there, very loosy goosy and rather vapid, last August I put it out there again with a bit more umph but my ego was most certainly getting in the way. On Solstice by the ocean I put it out there again with clarity, confidence and certainty. Wow! 14 days later the Universe rolled out a series of events that were literally like a bulldozer clearing the path for me and saying – You asked, we listened, are you bold enough? Hells to the Yes!!!! (Though terrified as well!) So exciting adventures will be ensuing!
As I mentioned last week, we are heading into Eclipse season, and our first one is a solar eclipse on Thursday July 12th. This delicious Eclipse happens in the soft and tender sign of Cancer at the New Moon. Now Cancer is the sign of “home”, that doesn’t necessarily mean a structure, it’s that feeling of where we belong, who our tribe is, who is our community, our work, do you feel at home in your body. Yes? Now if you remember I mentioned last week that Eclipse’s bring all sorts of beautiful things to light, those feelings that have been hidden or stuffed, the dreams/aspirations that you’ve tucked into a box as “they don’t feel practical”. If you have been feeling a bit out of sorts, nostalgic, a tad fragile emotionally, reflective or confused then you are feeling the energy of the eclipse.
So when I asked the cards who wanted to work with us all, guide, support, inspire and help us with this very transformative energy the Divine Circus Oracle literally jumped so high that it was like a hand to the forehead! This is a gorgeous deck for the bold, the ones that find it hard to follow the rules “What is life if not a Divine Circus? Life might seem ordinary at times, yet when we look more closely, it is bursting with creative diversity, constantly evolving, pulling rugs out from underneath our feet and opening doors we couldn’t even see were right there before us a moment earlier. “
Funnily enough before the crystals, the first things that insisted on coming to participate where the glorious Hansa roses (if you have never smelled one you need to find one!), and mint. Why mint? Mint is a glorious cleanser and abundance attractor, pop a leaf or two in your wallet or purse and see what happens….
The crystals that came to play are Rose Quartz – to remind us to not stuff the feelings, numb or avoid, but to feel and know your heart is strong. Indigo Gabbro – helps unearth deep rooted issues in your psyche, it knows and gets you, it sees your weaknesses and totally understands your strengths, and strips away the false facades you have built up around you. Smoky Quartz – is amazing for balancing and grounding as well as helping you to vibrate at your fullest potential as it releases negative emotions. Wow! The perfect cards and crystals for the first eclipse.
Thus, I invite you to just take a few moments for yourself, to nourish yourself, get clear and to breathe. Breathe into your belly, into all the corners and down deep into your toes. Let’s practice the nice cooling breathe of breathing in through your curled tongue or pursed mouth long and slow and holding for two and then breathing it out through your nose. As you breathe, feel your jaw relax, your scalp relax and your shoulders drop. There is nothing that you need to do right at this minute, this time is for you.
Then when you feel ready pick the card or cards that resonate or whisper to you.
Shall we go have a look?
Don’t look to what has been to find your destiny. Your future is bright and blessed. If the pain of the past feels a little too close for comfort, White Duchess steps in to help you leave behind the emotional storms of your past and move into her protection. A time of transition is upon you and soon your feet shall settle upon sacred ground, and calm shall prevail, inside and out.
Are you one of the many suffering in a dark and stormy inner world of post-traumatic stress? Do you believe that because there have been struggles in your past, and perhaps at times even great pain, that this is how your future shall be too? Or perhaps you have been striving towards a dream and it seems so long since you began that you are losing hope of ever breaking through into successful fulfillment and a new life.
Don’t look back. Let the past be put to rest. Whatever has haunted your dreams, whatever has caused turmoil is over. It is not needed anymore. There is a future destiny calling to you now. It is time to transition through into a new world, into your new life. Trust her and believe in the positive power of your future.
You are going to witness the impossible made possible. Whatever you think is lost, is not. Whatever you think cannot be, shall be. The universe is going to intervene and what seems to be over, shall in a new way, live again.
Sometimes, just when you think it’s all over, the eleventh hour comes. You can practically hear the opening chords of your swan song, and when you have finally given up, suddenly, somehow, right before your eyes, everything changes – just like that. You were free-falling and then, suddenly, you are soaring. Fate steps in, destinies are altered and life demonstrates its creative, restorative power, even if all seemed lost.
No matter how defeated you feel, no matter how many dead ends you’ve encountered, how many setbacks, how many failures, no matter how impossible success may seem, the universe has your back and is going to right things in your favour. You will succeed. So if you really must (sigh) doubt for one more moment – go ahead, then replace doubt with trust and participate in the divine defiance of life refusing to be stepped on or crushed. Why not just frigging relax and bear witness to the universe’s impressive display of life-giving power with reverence and delight? Gorgeous one – get out of your own way!
Cunningly clever am I, helping you discern the truth from the lie. I remind you that half truths may seem to be whole, yet in the shadows is information yet to be known. When the time is right, the light shall be bright, and confusion will give way to understanding.
You are being invited to be patient. This is a cautionary card, not to inspire concern, but rather to inspire curiosity. There is more to a situation, person, opportunity, or even an apparent absence of activity or success, than meets the eye. You could imagine it being like the universe has another card up its sleeve and is yet to show its full hand. A process has been set in motion but is “under the radar” of your awareness. Something is happening, even if that doesn’t appear to be the case. But just like a seed starts to grow into a plant, deep in the earth, apparently invisible and yet very real, you are being subjected to invisible but real forces of growth and healing at this time.
Because you cannot know what you don’t know, you will need to wait for more information to come to you. So if what you see, sense or feel is negative right now, don’t believe it! Things are going to shift and change and there will be a surprising twist in your life. Though you don’t see it coming, another piece of your life puzzle is going to reveal itself soon. It will help solve a difficulty or question you have been holding in your heart.
Firstly, thanks to everyone for your lovely emails, comments and messages, I love them! Secondly, remember to be gentle with yourself this week, try to find little pockets of time where you can explore what you’re feeling and as New Moon approaches play with getting some clarity on an issue, or situation that you would like to see manifest. Oh yes, remember, if you find yourself getting over heated whether due to hot weather, or energetically, practice the cooling breath, drink water and find a nice spot in the shade where you can put your feet in the grass! Have a superb week and see you next Monday.
Thank you Jenny, powerful, positive message of hope. Feeling happy anticipation. X
I love that phrase “happy anticipation”. Well done Marion.
Very interesting & I sense true.
I’m glad.