Here we are delicious lovely, the second Monday of December! So let me please wish you a Marvelous, Manifesting, Magnificent, Magickal, Miraculous, Mellow, Magnanimous Monday! How was New Moon for you?
There is so much to talk about, private readings, upcoming Solstice, Hope, and Word of the Year! Quite a few of you have contacted me with regards to putting 2018 to bed and setting up 2019 with clarity with a private reading. Thus, I have opened up 10 spots, which will be the only ones available until January, and am offering a Solstice special, 10% of the readings will be donated to the homeless shelter here. So if you have been wanting to get a reading. Now is the time! Also I’ve had quite a few inquiries about purchasing a private reading for someone else as a gift, most certainly! Just email me and we can get that organised.
The other day I noticed a sign as I was driving back into town that was counting the days down to Xmas – it read something like “Only 14 more shopping days until Xmas.” WTF! Really? That’s what Xmas is about, shopping? (Don’t get me wrong if you are a retailer this is one of your biggest seasons) but there was a huge Hmmm. That sign didn’t work for me and I was a tad grumpy that there was no sign that said “Only 11 days left to Solstice and then the days start getting longer!” ( Next week we will really explore Solstice and some easy, powerful ways to mark that most amazing time of year.)
Ah well, we each do it our own way, but I have noticed people getting more tense, shorter fused, and most certainly not smiling as much or driving nearly as well, and that to me is not celebration, that feels like obligation. This is a time of connection, this is a time of celebration and creating memories (as is every day in my world). A time of Hope, Love, Peace & Joy. I don’t see much of that in the overflowing mall parking lots and the hard sell places.
Thus, I decided to explore different venues, so this last week I went and checked out the most amazing Gingerbread house display which is a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity (and if my kids ever ask me again to create a gingerbread house with them the pressure would be on! ) The houses were quite stupendous and very ornate. It made my heart warm to find out that various people had spent hours upon hours creating these masterpieces all to help Habitat for Humanity raise funds! To me that is most certainly the seasonal spirit in action.
The other day I took a wander through the various neighbourhoods nearby and it fascinated me that here people hang large Xmas ornaments and sparkly balls in the trees outside. It’s really quite cool and very pretty. So I trundled off and found some funky balls at the thrift store, bedecked them with gorgeous white ribbon and hung them on the branches of the cherry tree outside. As I was standing there thinking how lovely they looked I glanced down the street to see that some chap had put HUGE multi coloured Xmas balls in his tree! I have to say I experienced massive ball envy and the song that immediately came to mind was ACDC’s Big Balls. Lol. (I wonder if he would notice if they migrated from his tree to mine in the middle of the night?)
Yesterday I lit the second candle in my lovely homemade Advent wreath – this is the candle of Hope and Love (it’s also the celebration of the light of plants – plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes dance). Now the word “Hope” has never been one of my favourite words as I find it is used far too much i.e. – I hope the kids do their chores, I hope I win the lottery, I hope the cat doesn’t cough a hairball on the clean laundry………. So the word Hope always felt a bit banal to me, thus, I went exploring and reading and have to say I really like this definition, it is one I can get behind:-
“Hope is a feeling of trust, a security, and a reason to keep going. It is a passionate desire of our heart. It is a feeling of expectation and a longing for a certain thing to happen.” – Verity Russell
What do you Hope for?
One of the things I love about the energy of Solstice is the inward turning, the entering into the dark to bring your own light back out into the world. To me it feels like a very rejuvenating, restorative time. It’s also about this time that I start thinking about my Word of the Year for 2019. Now if you’ve never explored or worked with WOTY I highly recommend it, and as we get closer to New Years I will share an easy way to pick it. Basically your WOTY is the one word that you pick which becomes the touchstone, the North Star for every aspect of your life in 2019. It really helps you get clear on how you want to BE and how you want to FEEL during the year in all your experiences. For 2018 my word was DELIGHT, I’m still perking what my word for 2019 will be, there’s no rush so I’m just going to let it burble as the days get shorter and shorter. Speaking of shorter, I noticed yesterday that we are down to 8 hours and 23 minutes of light and the rest is that warm dark that invites us to reflect and plan.
Okay, I’ve chuntered on long enough, lol. Let’s crack on with the reading! When I asked the cards who wanted to guide this week it was no surprise to me that The Faery Forest Oracle came bounding to the forefront as yesterday I went wandering in the woods gathering cedar boughs to make garlands to bedeck the house with. Now, if you’ve never experienced this deck before, the dedication for this deck is as follows:- “May the wild green world and the wondrous beings of this Faery Forest heal us, inspire us and urge us all to become more who we truly are meant to be.“ The glorious little peacock feathers that I found last week were most insistent to show off their iridescent colours and the crystals that came to join are:- Bloodstone, Sodalite and Chrysocolla.
So delicious lovely I invite you to gift yourself a moment to get centred and become present. Gently slow your breathing down and let the word Hope vibrate through you as you breathe (there is a lovely little guided visualisation if you would like a bit more support). When you feel ready invite the card or cards to tell you which ones are for you this week.
Ready to go have a look?
There is, for all of us, a moment when excitement and nerves fuse, when we prepare to journey and do something we have anticipated for a long time. In the faery realm, this sensation is created by adventure known as the Wild Hunt. This is a gathering which takes place not only within the realm of faery, it is one where the faery king and queen lead faery hounds and faery horses on a hunt throughout the countryside, dipping into and out of the faery lands, surfacing in the human worlds from time to time, cleansing toxic energy, allowing natural forces to begin to flow through the cleared energy paths, awakening the wild world to brightest life once again, and leaving a trail of ecstasy and bliss after the frenzied storm of their ride.
The Wild Hunt is fierce, powerful, a little frightening, and thoroughly thrilling – and this faery queen is preparing herself for the joys and challenges of this great springtime event. So too you need to prepare yourself for some chaos – a wild time, when change tears through and upends all the order you have attached yourself to. You may need to pack, travel, find ways to move quickly, stop planning and organising for a moment and just go on an immensely enjoyable ride of your life.
The time coming for you is delirious in its excitement, and you fear this loss of control and order. But truly, it will refresh you, just as it sears the very edges of your nerves! Dress up, show up, and prepare to be amazed! Take a deep breath, find your voice, and begin to cry out at the top of your lungs. You are alive my friend, and will feel so more than ever before when the wild hunt touches your life!
When you are pure of heart, the whole world is full of potential. And this is the message from this innocent Green Witch to you. She is green as in the fresh new shoot from the seed pushing urgently towards the sun. She is green and connected to the earth, flowing with the cycles of Nature. She is green in that she looks as much to the natural world for company, friendship, and fulfillment as you currently do to fellow humans.
She is your reminder to begin to reconnect to the wild green world, to the faery forests all about you – to go back to a place where you empty yourself of expectations and stories and knowledge and just admit that in some circumstances and at some times, you are as a babe. You are newborn, and in that moment of unknowing-ness, and of admitting and embracing your own powers of renewal, you can finally learn what it is you are here to learn.
Be not so certain, or so experienced when The Green Witch comes to you. Be new. Be fresh. Be unwise, be unknowing. Be innocent. And then the new cycle can truly begin.
You are being asked to consider herbal forms of healing – working with what is in-between, effective and yet natural, available to and yet still hardly acknowledged. Changing the foods you eat to include more greens and herbs to boost energy and health, and begin to pay very serious attention to the quality of the foods you eat – again, with a very close focus on the world of herbs and plants.
You can at this time adjust the way you eat and find essential oil blends which assist with sleeping, with becoming calm, with dissipating anger, increasing self-love and deepening your wisdom. Explore growing your own flowers, vegetables and herbs.
When you begin to consider the truth that why you ingest becomes the very molecules of your body, and you may decide at this time to reduce additives, sugar, GMOs, and various forms of meat, too. You now begin a journey into health and well being, and eat what is good and wholesome for you. The Hedgewitch is the messenger guiding you to this path of nourishment and well being through the plant world. Nurture and nourish yourself so that you continue to grow and glow.
Well delicious lovely, that was quite a Divine reading! What with the invitation to be alive, to renewal, to nourishing – all things that are very much the energy of the approaching Solstice! Whoot! So sweetie, wishing you a stupendous week filled with large sparkly balls, hope and laughter and do remember with the approaching holiday season to practice self care and take some time to replenish and refuel yourself! Don’t forget if you want to book a private reading, there are only 10 spots left until 2019. See you next week! Huge hugs and Gingerbread kisses!!
Lovely reading and spot on for me. I would love a private reading, Jenny. Could you let me know your price please?