Happy Magnetic, Magickal, Marvellous, Musing, Merry, Musical, Magnificent, Manifesting March Monday!!!!!!!!
Okay, have to ask – are you wearing green? It is Saint Paddy’s day after all!
It makes me chortle to see the people who pull out the green tee shirt saying something like “Kiss me I’m Irish”, and maybe 2% of their genetic makeup is Irish, lol.
As someone who is 50% Irish, I most certainly am wearing green and an Irish t-shirt!! (And no it doesn’t say kiss me!)
On Thursday (March 20th), we welcome Ostara (Spring Equinox) , that most delicious place of change.
Ostara is named for the goddess Eostre (see the ties with the church!?)
Because Ostara celebrates and honours the spring equinox, it is – much like Easter – directly linked to many elements and symbols of springtime.
These include rabbits, chicks and birds in general, eggs, baby animals of all sorts, blossoms and flowers, fresh green grass and plants, the first fruit, vegetables and herb offerings of the season; light, warmth, and soft, bright colours.
It is an invigorating, terrific point to reach and one that encourages us to take our cues from nature and to focus on areas such as balance and harmony, planting new seeds and setting fresh goals in our lives, fertility (which can simply mean areas that we wish to have multiply.)
It is a time of growth, hopefulness, lightness of being and spirit, and things that warm our innermost hearts as much as the glorious spring sunshine does the outdoor world.
If you want to learn more, go deeper and explore this glorious energy there is the Ostara Magickal Guide (also known as OMG!).
The Equinox brings the time when light is perfectly balanced with the darkness.
This is a powerful time that represents seeds of intention, awakening, growth and rebirth.
It’s the perfect time to do some reflection and align yourself with the habits that will allow you to truly flourish this season.
So let me ask:-
How will you support yourself during this transition?
How will you grow, glow & flourish this spring?
What types of balance are you creating in your life?
What are the seeds that you want to plant for yourself?
Remember, this is the time of Beginnings, Fresh Energy, Setting Intentions and planting them with love and care.
What are you going to plant?
Equinox is a good time to consider balance in our lives, not only of happiness and sadness, but also of the areas in which we are active and passive, successful and falling short, giving and taking.
What are you receiving (and do you want to keep it)?
And what are you giving (and do you need to)?
It is said that on the Equinox, the energy grid of the planet moves into higher harmony, allowing us to soak in the healing powers of Mother Nature with greater ease.
With the energy grid of the planet alive and awakened, we can also replenish our own energy centres of the body and send our thoughts and intentions out into the Universe for creation.
So as mentioned before, if you want to dive deeper, learn some lovely rituals etc. give yourself a copy of OMG! (Ostara Magickal Guide).
Oh yes, and for those of you who have emailed and asked about Rooted in Resiliency, it will be coming out at the end of the week.
As after all, if we are planting new seeds of being at Ostara, we need to be resilient, yes?
Okay, enough chuntering, let’s crack on with the reading!
These are glorious new guides that I have been having a lot of fun with, so please let me introduce you to them.
“Banish “not enough” from your vocabulary. You have always been enough.
You deserve all the love you keep trying to give everyone else.
Listen to the dream song of your soul.
Let it remind you who you really are.”
So darling one, take a lovely glorious deep breath. Allow the energy of Ostara to swirl around you, teasing you, lifting up your hair and tickling your neck. What are your seeds? What are your intentions as we start this glorious season of Spring?
If you want to go deep. One of my gifts to you is a glorious guided Spring Equinox meditation/visualisation, to help you root into this time.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go take a look, shall we?

Play is at the heart of every creative endeavour.
Play creates meaning, increases resilience and promotes health. The secret to living an enchanted life is to remember playfulness.
It lives in you as a magnetic force, deeply influencing every creative thought, relationship, project or endeavour. If you want to breathe new life into the adult world of responsibilities and requirements, engage your play.
Climb a tree. Listen to a fountain. Sing with the birds. Allow yourself to spontaneously skip down the grocery aisle or stand outside in a rainstorm. Follow the fireflies.
Then, go one step further and put play on the schedule.
Prioritise it. Court the wonders of the natural world.
Now is the time to discover that you are one of those wonders.
The days of doves descending from the sky with messages of peace and belonging are long past.
Today, your promise of “more” is delivered through the radiant women you meet. In the powerful sway of nature’s embrace. In the rush you feel when dancing or creating.
You encounter your own worthiness when you allow yourself to receive.
And when you allow yourself to walk away when someone denies reciprocity or can’t meet you in mutuality. This moment is about owning your worthiness, and doing the work to heal the places where it has been wounded.
Cultivating worthiness is important.
So is recognising where your worthiness is denied.
Get up from the table when love is no longer being served. Go outside. Look up. The doves are circling, as is new belonging.
You are equal to and worthy of every beauty the heavens bestow.
Now is the time to journey. Say yes. Explore.
It’s time for travel, adventure and the unknown.
You travel not to discover new places, but to meet the new you created while experiencing those places.
If it’s not an outward journey beckoning, turn inward and explore the stunning vistas, lost horizons and secret forests of the psyche.
Living in the mind alone is akin to owning a castle, but restricting yourself to the broom closet.
Don’t settle for what others have told you of adventure. Pursue your own, right now.
There is only one way to unfold your own myth, and that is to be willing to brave the unknown.
Wowzer, those were glorious guides. So my delicious lovely, another free gift is a beautiful ritual to plant your Seeds of Intention. Equinox blessings and see you next week! Remember to get your Ostara Magickal Guide!

Everyone needs to feel important. Hope you know how appreciated you are and how important your words are to others. Happy our paths crossed. 🙂