Happy glorious Monday delicious one, and more importantly Happy Spring Equinox!
I love Spring Equinox, the energy of rebirth, rejuvenation, replenishment and the full knowing that soon there will be flowers and the days are getting longer! If you don’t know anything about Spring Equinox, click on the name and there is a post that can support you.
I had so much fun doing this reading and I changed it up a tad. For the first time in months I could see my deck (I so want to make a crass joke in an Australian accent here, but I won’t – as there was a great skit about decks).
The sun was shining and so I thought – yes, yes, we are doing the reading outside (it was a glorious 10C!) So the space was cleansed, the sun shining and the reading happening and then it was positively delicious to watch what happened. All 3 of my large dogs sloped out and started basking in the sun around the cards and crystals, 2 large crows swooped in and perched on my deck railing watching what was happening (totally ignoring the dogs). That in itself was very cool, but then the cat (who doesn’t like crows) came out and lay amidst the hounds and rolled up onto her back to bask. Talk about fabulous! To add to it a slightly scrawny squirrel, who either was totally oblivious to all the animals around that might eat him, or just felt this was the time and the place came and sat and nattered up on the fence about 5 feet away and watched. So have to say, this was a really fun reading to do, plus I received a lot of help!
You will note that with this being the Equinox the reading is done in a circle, like the sun. The crystals for this time are Carnelian, Citrine, Aventurine and Fluorite. So there is a gorgeous chunk of Citrine in the middle and lovely little Aventurine and Carnelian scattered between the cards.
Phew, let’s take a pause, a glorious breath and just centre. If you would like a glorious visualisation to work with, here is a super fun one that really encompasses the energy of this day.
Okay, ready? Take a breath, pick the card or cards that are calling to you and let’s go see what this glorious Spring Equinox is bringing to you.
Just as we receive gifts in the physical world, through the thoughtfulness of others, to acknowledge how much we mean to them, so too we receive gifts on other levels – including the spiritual level. A spiritual gift is something that happens through grace. We can ask for help and it may be given in response to that request. All requests for help are answered. There is a loving benevolence in life that knows exactly what we need and how it can best come to us, even when we are not quite so clear. This force actively seeks to assist us in walking our life path. That loving sweetness is being offered to you now, or soon will be, in the form of a spiritual gift. The spiritual gift may or may not be recognisable to you, but it is like a spiritual booster shot that helps you move forward in life with additional zing, extra strength and greater peace. Let yourself be helped. Assistance is coming your way so act on it and say yes. Trust in the things that you feel and say to others without knowing why. It moves them. You might not understand, but through trust you are allowing yourself not to overthink and censor yourself. As such you are able to become a vessel through which the spiritual gift can be passed on to others. Don’t block yourself. Let life happen through you. Only benefit can come from this!
Deep within, you know what is true and what to do (or not do). Yet there is so much noise and distraction in the world, and even at times in our own minds, that listening for our inner wisdom can seem like trying to hear gentle birdsong in the midst of a rock concert. Even so, you are hearing an inner truth, and deep down, you know it. Can you trust that it is safe to not only hear your inner voice but act on it too? You are being reminded of what you know, no matter how convincingly someone – or even you – might be able to “talk you out of it” for a while. The truth always returns to be dealt with eventually. Give your truths value. Hold your feelings and insights in high enough esteem to pay attention to them, to give yourself time to process what you think, feel and sense. Know that they are worth acting on, even if that action just means to trust more and stop worrying. Trust yourself and then choose to act from your truths.
There are many opinions around you. Some are helpful but others are distracting you from your truth. Although it can be helpful to hear the thoughts of others, when it all comes down to it, you will have to come to your own decision. Do you know how unique you are? How your path is your path to be chosen, lived and created – only by you? Someone else cannot become the source of your decision-making power without negative repercussions for both of you in the long run. Don’t traumatise or punish yourself with possible choices. Just making a choice will set things in motion. The best way to catalyse the situation you are in and bring about healing change, stimulate your creative juices and find a more inspired, energised and enjoyable approach to your life, is to just make a choice based on what you feel right now. Not based on anyone else’s feelings. So spend time with your own feelings and know that all is going to work out perfectly.
Just as nature imbues the butterfly with an innate ability for radical transformation, so too do you have natural instincts within, guiding you to grow in dramatic, utterly life-changing ways. Progress is your perfection. Growth is your attainment. Do you shun what you have been or mistakes you have made? Or instead, do you wear your ability for transformation as a sacred crown of power? Transformation is an ability, an art, a sacred power. It requires an ability to go through the death of an old self, to be reborn again. It requires both strength and flexibility, to be like bamboo, to bend without breaking. Are you willing to let go of what you have known, who you have been, without judging it, except to understand that you are outgrowing your past and becoming your future in this very moment? Don’t dream small dreams, for you are capable of far more dramatic and colourful creations. Trust in the magnificence of what you are becoming, the expression of the transformational intelligence and power within you.
Imagine world so infused with bliss, love and wonder that you naturally and always feel as safe as a nourished, cherished baby in the arms of the universal mother. Life mothers us, with kindness, and sometimes when we need it to grow, through challenge as well. Accepting this mothering – in its gentle and fierce faces – can be difficult at times. Yet there are those brave enough in spirit to go forth onto their life path with absolute trust in the universal mother. You are being asked to open yourself up to receive more nurturing. You can do this for yourself. You can also choose to open up and allow others to nurture you. If you have been asking life for a solution to a specific difficulty, the solution is in gestation right now. The situation is already being sorted out and the resolution will come to fruition very soon. Just stop, relax, centre and settle into your body to feel your connection with life itself.
There is a unique beauty in you that wants to shine through. It is different. It might not be pretty, neat and tidy, and you might even feel vulnerable about sharing this real, unveiled you with the world…do it anyway because the world wants to love you. The rare, raw and real you. It’s time to peel back the layers and unearth the real you – naked, vulnerable, real, beautiful. With every layer of hiding and protection removed, you’ll encounter whatever it was that caused that layer of self protection to be built up in the first place – maybe a sense of shame, fear, hate, anger or doubt. Affirm your love for yourself, and a willingness to be patient whilst you become ready to be known and seen and loved for who you are underneath those layers of pain, then you’ll find it easier to let them fall away. As this happens there will be a revelation of a raw, rare and real you that you didn’t even know was there – so pure so powerful, so precious. The inner light of you will shine through, like a lantern suddenly illuminated, with the radiance of you lighting up the dark.
It is time to hold onto yourself and let go of another. Even if just for a time. You have gained all that was meant to be from that connection. At least for now. You have given and you have received. The need to let go does not deny the value of what has been acquired, it is more that the time has come for greater productivity, creativity, abundance and consciousness in your life. You have completed many cycles in the vibrational frequency of consciousness that you are now being asked to release. It is now time to expand into higher frequencies of experience that will bring enhanced love, empowerment and peace into your life. You will take the wisdom of what you have learned with you into something new – new connections, new relationships, new life experiences – at a higher turn of the spiral of life.
Trust that you can step into solitude for a time without being consumed by loneliness. It is time to reconnect with yourself. This is a time for self-love, for paying attention to yourself, for nurturing, holding and being with you. Back yourself! You must be there for yourself because you are doing well, you are on the right path and you are growing. Well done!
Have you ever felt like you were on the outside looking in – maybe like everyone else has found their place, really belonging to someone or something, having set themselves up for life with you still working out how to just get past the security guards at the front gate? It’s time for your outsider status to change. You are invited into the inner circle. If you are brave enough to endure the times when you feel like you don’t fit in, you gain a precious treasure. The ability to know who you really are and to learn to love that self. But if you’ve spent long enough on the outside, on the fringe of life, perhaps leaving people behind, it can take some intention and attention to change course. You are being invited to shift from the lone wolf to sharing your wisdom with others. It means believing you can sail straight past the security guards at the door, straight into the most deliciously wonderful party and into the VIP room at the centre. It’s your time for acceptance at a greater level because you are safe. You have learned to accept yourself, so you’ll not hand your power over to others, as though their approval means more to you than your own self-possession. You are going to be offered pride of place in something that matters a lot to you. Accept it. It is your time to feel as though you have been chosen and that you belong.
Wishing you Spring flowers, glorious rejuvenation and the planting of seeds to nourish you and help you grow.
Lovely, Thank you.
Spot on as always. You have a gift, Jenny.
Thanks so much Julie.
Thank you so much Jenny. This was just what I needed today. (1, 4,6). I am oh so ready for the spring’s new energies and rebirth.
I hear you on that Amy, you and me both!
1,7,5 I picked in that order and read in that order also. Wow! I feel so blessed and grateful. I see the fruition happening in small increments. My best is just around the corner. It feels a little scary and exciting. Life is a joyful loving ride. Still not sure of what or who I’m to let go of. I have been releasing old beliefs, so maybe that’s it. Not worried about it though
Thank you Jenny for sharing.
So glad Connie! Yes, to me Life is glorious delicious adventure with the odd speedbump to remind me to slow down a tad.