Happy Magickal, Merry, Magnificent, Marvellous, Musing, Manifesting Monday!
How are you delicious lovely? Can you feel the building energy of the Solstice inviting you to ignite your dreams, soul and heart? (I most certainly can and it has expanded my creativity in interesting ways as well!)
I’ve also witnessed the plants in my garden fully embracing this energy, as after an “atmospheric river” the sun came out hot and strong and they literally grew 5 inches in 2 days!
(You should see my Broad Beans!)
Okay, grab a cuppa and let’s look at what’s happening this week – we have the building energies of Summer Solstice, a glorious Strawberry SuperMoon, the veil between us and the Fae thinning, Saturn retrograde and Father’s Day! (So an interesting mix of energies flowing; yet they are all pointing to the same direction).
So let’s start with the Summer Solstice (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere). As I mentioned last week, this celebration on June 21st is very potent. The Summer Solstice sun will help ignite your internal fire, and inspire you to grow & mature in whatever ways you are meant to in your life.
It is such a potent time for setting very clear intentions and then being willing to allow the manifestations to come flooding in! Four years ago, I was visiting the island that I currently live on, and a group of us gathered by the ocean for Solstice ritual. Intentions were set, ritual ensued and holy hannah!
Within 5 days my life changed, as the intention I had set with clarity, passion and harnessing the potent magick of Summer Solstice came roaring in! Scared the crap out of me at first, lol.
So remember – As the sun is reaching its peak, so are you! Yet what do you want to do with that internal fire? What lights you up? Where do you want to spend your time and energy? This is why I created the lovely Summer Solstice guide referred to as SASS! Stupendously Awesome Summer Solstice! To fully support you in embracing your own inner fire and manifesting magick! 42 pages of amazingness and she is on sale, just for you!
Oh yes, and some of you have asked if there are any spots left for the Summer Solstice Reading special – there are a few left. So if you have been pondering it, now is the time.
Next up is the lovely Strawberry SuperMoon that occurs on June 14th. So hopefully the sky is clear and you will be able to see her in all her glory.
But what does this moon mean for you and why is it called a Strawberry Moon?
This Full Moon is named for the wild, ripe, and bountiful strawberry harvest that typically occurs this time of year. It’s said that picking strawberries beneath the light of the moon honours the crops and ensures a bountiful yield.
Strawberries are considered a food of love, representative of the goddess Freya, and they symbolise love and luck.
June’s Strawberry Moon spiritual meaning embodies the magic and fullness of life.
This is the best moment to make difficult decisions or to face responsibilities you’ve been avoiding. Start fresh and dive deep into personal growth!
Remember to pace yourself, don’t burn yourself out in your excitement and enthusiasm. Evaluate your goals and intentions to make sure they are realistic and achievable and aligned with your inner fire.
New life, sunlight, magic, optimism, joy, and strength are everywhere.
The earth and the universe are surging with enthusiasm! Your intuition is at a peak! So keep an open mind to all of life’s adventures and twists.
(Do you see how this ties in with the Summer Solstice energy???)
The Strawberry Moon is a special and sacred time to reflect on your life and make positive changes. It’s also a powerful time for manifestation and setting intentions.
So take some time on the Strawberry Moon to sit out under her and release what no longer serves and give massive gratitude for 3 things you want to focus on and that make your heart sing.
Okay, next up – Saturn retrograde.
Noush shares – “Saturn is not an easy energy to work with,” she admits. “Having said that, it is a really powerful and strong energy. It’s like a teacher that dishes out lessons in the form of tough love. It pushes you into uncomfortable scenarios in order to help you understand levelling up in your own internal monologue and step into greatness.”
Saturn retrograde is begging you to find your truth, the way of life that speaks to you. Now is the time to truly uncover what makes you tick. What is true for you and what lights you up!
(You seriously can’t make this shit up, as Summer Solstice, Strawberry Moon and Saturn retrograde are all pointing to the same thing!)
And in honour of Father’s Day the flowers I have for this reading are Pink Dogwood. My Dad and I would walk dogs together everyday, and he loved the dogwood flowers. So when he died suddenly 24 years ago I put his ashes under a beautiful dogwood tree.
He was an amazing Irish man, with a wicked and dry sense of humour. We must have had similar love languages, as saying “I love you” wasn’t his gig. In fact I think I only heard it 4 times in my life, but he would always find a reason to turn up and fix something, or hang a curtain rod or just come and hang out with my babies and I.
Okay, you’ve just been handed a lot of information if you have read this far lol. So let’s crack on with the reading.
When I went to the cards to ask who wanted to guide this week, I was tickled to see it is a lovely deck that has been rather shy and reticent to show up in public. She has been with me a few months now and has never wanted to participate in the public domain, but this week she was pretty darn clear.
So please let me introduce you to your guides (as to not; would be rather rude!)
It is time. It is that Once Upon a Time again. Time to return to our relationship with the wild places, the wild ones, the faeries and our wildish selves. For as we do, miracles of healing will occur. Just as faeries cleanse and purify the water, the air, the earth, the fire and the spirit, when we reweave our sacred alliance with the faery realms, we too begin to heal. From our sadness. Our loneliness. From our souls that cry out for the poetry that is the soul of the world.
If you yearn to shine once again, if you wish to reclaim the wildish self who lives at the heart of you, who knows how to be well, to be happy, to be whole…..if you wish to clear illness, guilt, and untruths from your life and truly, deeply heal and transform, then these guides are your keys to the faery realm, and there you will be reborn.
What glorious guides for this week with the Full Moon and Summer Solstice approaching! After all, Summer Solstice is one of the 3 nights on the Wheel of the Year when the Fae realm is accessible.
Ready? Take a lovely slow breath in through your nose and out through your mouth, sighing – Aaaaahhhh. Let’s do it again shall we and as you sigh out, let the cares, the frets, the tension and worries just drop. Breathe this way for as long as you need to come back to yourself. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that whisper, niggle and tease you.
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go look?

Adventures, Discovery, Travel, Meeting destiny
For your dreams to come true, you must take action and get out of your comfort zone! Then you will be in the right place at the right time.
Your quest and your search is going to create new opportunities, and there will be a successful “end” to the search. You will find what you seek, and so much more.
You need to quest, to see your search as a journey, an adventure, and even travel to go where you are being guided to bring about the realisation of a dream. The way to find love, adventure, gifts and mystery is to be brave, and go, finally, on the quest!
A dream, a vocation, success, or purposeful activity is reaching out for you, just as you have reached out for it. Use the power of your voice to call out for it. Let the world and the natural world know that you wish for them to deliver. In order for you to be in alignment with your dream, for your dream to dream you, you must be walking the right path, and be in the right place at the right time.
Staying in your present comfort zone will not bring about that which in your heart you yearn for – you must become active, and create. You are also being reminded that travel and adventure can bring about soul growth that will let your song grow stronger – and it is in this way that your soul kind can find you. Have no fear! It’s time to be an adventurer in your life!
Indigo, Rainbow, Crystal children – and beyond…..
This faery is a scout. He is looking through the borderlands into the human world, keeping a lookout for opportunities to glimpse people who have magicks about them. He is looking for those young and old who are connected to their spiritual truths.
The Indigo children are easy to recognise, if you know the signs to look for. They are peaceful warriors and activists with a deep love of nature. They are highly sensitive and can discern very easily whether people are telling the truth or trying to fool them. Others, older magickal ones, are more scarred. They have had years of being told they are not “normal.” So this scout watches for them too, so they can be communicated with clearly and told that they are not mad, but clear – able to see and hear the things we don’t talk about.
He is looking for the ones that know when they are being told the truth and when they are being lied to – as they often have – but they are no longer filled with self doubt.
It’s time to cease eating fast food and accepting authority’s messages simply because they are “in charge”. It is time to find your own inner authority and to take action to change the planet in healthful, healing ways. Time to transmute your anger about politics, ego and repressive regimes by taking meaningful and peaceful action for what you believe in.
Seeing straight through illusions and speaking your truth needs to start now. You have been “seen” by the faeries as of the evolving human ones, and as such you are responsible to your own inner truth, not to any exterior source of authority. Refuse to be dictated to.
Protect nature and gentle people and you will come into happiness and balance. You are part of a new world, one which we are currently growing into. The more honest and true you are, the better off this planet and her inhabitants and life forms will be. Stand up!
Tell your story, Legacy, Write your wisdom
Live your life as if it is the greatest tale ever told! This does not mean to be intentionally dramatic, but it does mean to live imaginatively, boldly, magickally. Many people say they wish to write a book, but what they are saying, the faeries declare, is that they wish to record their life story, their wisdom, their experiences and the lessons they have learned.
To have left this place having made a mark that has meaning.
So, the Storykeeper faery is showing you how she is writing down the stories of all the peoples of the world, and yours too. It may be time to create a story for yourself, a rewriting if you like of the faery tale that is your life, and go beyond the “happy ending” where so many leave off.
Find the inherent wisdom beneath the surface of the story. Which faery tale story have you been enacting? Which archetypes are coming up for you, and how can you take the pen into your own hands and create a story which resonates for you?
The Storykeeper will write what you speak to her of, so it is time to seek the wisdom in your story, and change the patterns and twists that have repeated themselves and seem hackneyed and contrived. Carve out an original tale for yourself; create it from your dreams and adventures, and know that the Storykeeper will keep the record of your life on this earth alive for delivery to the Akashic record. Nothing you do is too trivial or small to be worthy of notice; all your tales and energies have an impact.
Time to tell of who you are. Share your story. Recognise that you are the record- keeper – what is it you wish to gift your ancestors with?
Think of the generations to come and live your life as you would wish your story to be told. Bring what you dream of into reality on a daily basis. Tell the best story possible to yourself about your life; writing is therapeutic. Be original in your storytelling!
Oh my Giddy Aunt! Amazing guides for these lovely energies – you seriously can’t make this shit up! Wishing you a stupendous Full Moon week, remember to get your copy of SASS, give yourself one of the last spots for the Solstice Reading and most of all……. Fan your inner flame. We need your passion, your purpose and your truth! Big hugs and squeezes.

Jenny! What is the name of that glorious deck?
Thanks dear one,