Happy Miraculous, Magickal, Musical, Merry, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
Summer Solstice is coming, Summer Solstice is coming! Whoot!
This Sunday, June 20th at 11:53pm PST, is the Summer Solstice and I am so looking forward to celebrating it. Every year has been filled with different ways of celebrating, different rituals and different intentions/offerings and the harvest that I have reaped from these has been mind blowing! (As in, you seriously can’t make this shit up!)
I know I said last week that on Thursday you would receive an update about the Book of Summer Solstice and if there was going to be a reading special. However, Mercury Retrograde had different ideas and tech would not comply nor work for a few days. Apologies! However, we have it all sorted and the Book of Summer Solstice is done (along with an incredible guided visualisation), and there will be a reading special that will start the day after Solstice.
Now if you have no clue about Summer Solstice or Litha as this celebration is called, as well as Midsummer’s Eve, I will give you a quick and dirty and if you want to find out more, you will most certainly experience it in the most amazing B.O.S.S! (Book of Summer Solstice).
What is the Book of Summer Solstice you may be asking?
This is an amazing 39 page creation filled with Lore, Magick, Spellwork, Deities, Crystal and Chakra work and glorious rituals – both easy and more complex. It is the perfect accompaniment to support you in harnessing the powerful energy of light, manifestation and abundance this Summer Solstice.
I will be honest – this normally retails for $79 – HOWEVER – to honour one of the intentions I have set for Solstice this year, it will be available for $15 (and that includes an amazing 15 minute guided visualisation), for the next 10 days. Or you can access the guided visualisation on it’s own.
So let’s explore Solstice a wee bit.
Solstice comes from the Latin words sol, meaning Sun and sistere, meaning to come to a stop or stand still. On the day of the June solstice, the Sun reaches its northernmost position, as seen from the Earth. At that moment, its zenith does not move north or south as during most other days of the year, but it stands still at the Tropic of Cancer. Which makes it either the longest day or the shortest day of the Year.
Summer Solstice (also known as Litha) is all about abundance, growth, expansion. It’s the celebration of the Sun! Think about it, the farmer plants the seeds in the cool of the Spring in the wet ground and as the Summer Solstice approaches things have sprouted and are reaching up as if they are doing a glorious sun salutation. It’s a time to watch the ripening and fruiting of the plants around us and our ideas. This is a delicious inner fire/power celebration that acknowledges the abundance that grows from tiny seeds. This is a time of really reclaiming your inner power and brightness and mapping out the harvest you desire for the next while.
It’s also a stupendous time for magick! I mean for goodness sakes even William Shakespeare wrote about it in 1596 in his play Midsummer Nights Dream (so that’s how long the magick has been around.) There is a line in the play that says “If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended: that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear….”
Midsummer’s eve was believed to be a time when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest – a time of powerful forces and magical happenings, when fairies were thought to be about and at their most powerful. This otherworldly sense underpins Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where the fairies use their magic and cause mayhem in the forest.
The magic gets mixed and at one point, Titania, queen of the fairies, falls in love with Bottom, who is unwittingly sporting an ass’s head. But don’t fret – you won’t end up wearing an ass’s head (unless you really, really want to!)
This is a day of inner power,brightness, Magick and manifestation!
So as I mentioned earlier, each Summer Solstice I celebrate in different ways with different rituals, however, one thing I always do is create/craft something to honour the gifts that I receive. Guess what this year’s creation is going to be? Go on, take a guess!
A PORTAL! (No I haven’t lost my marbles at all)
So if any of you have been following the adventures with the faery garden, that became a faery village and then a faery community – you will know there is a delicious handwoven ivy portal in the faery garden. So why not have a life sized one? Yes, one that is 6 feet tall and that you can walk through. Make it out of natural materials such as ivy, driftwood etc and create a sacred space that you can step through and leave the worries and cares behind.
So watch this space – I will let you know next week if I managed to pull it off as I think that would be positively magickal and look stupendous! Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Okay, enough chuntering on. Let’s crack on with the reading. When I asked the guides and cards who wanted to come and share this week I was delighted to see the amazing guides of the Earth Warrior Oracle were most adamant, and the Hansa roses jumped out to support! If you have never been introduced to these auspicious guides, please allow me.
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word “struggle” from your attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”
I so love “All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration”! Yes, Yes, Yes! The perfect energy for Summer Solstice.
Okay darling one. Let’s settle in shall we? Talk a glorious deep breath in and then let it out as a sigh, releasing all the old air that is trapped anywhere. Take another deep breath in and allow your shoulders to relax, your forehead to smooth and your jaw loosen. Breathe in the wondrous energy of Summer Solstice. The energy of magick and manifestation. The energy of creation and clearing. And if you want to go deeper into this energy use the Summer Solstice guided visualisation.
Then when you are ready allow your wise self to pick the card or cards that whisper to your soul.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a gander shall we?

Divine Might Foretold
You know what is correct. You understand that any gain which comes from denying your values and compromising yourself creates a loss of soul. There are times when it may seem as though people who act without integrity are obtaining benefit without negative repercussions. Life can seem unfair if you limit yourself to a strictly human perspective. Yet nothing escapes the attention of the spiritual worlds. Restorative action and balancing fairness is always in action at a higher level, put your faith in divine justice, and you will win in a way that brings benefit to many.
Don’t let yourself down with behaviour or attitudes that are unworthy of you. You have divinity within you and a right to be in the world with dignity, grace and integrity. Whether in a small matter of apparent insignificance to anyone other than yourself, or in big matters where you feel your soul, and perhaps the souls of others, are on the line, integrity will be your saving grace.
You can be kind of heart, but also firm as you refuse to allow anyone or anything to convince you that lowering your standard of acceptable behaviour is warranted. Be in the right relationship with yourself and the Divine. Justice will always be done, whether you see it happening or not. Put your faith in the good and true, and you will successfully continue on your path.
Others are relying on you to be true to yourself, more than you may realise. You are strong enough to live with honour.
Spirit of the Warrior
Though you yearn for peace, you recognise that, without truth, genuine peace can never be. Even if it triggers an upheaval of transformation, the need to set things right is strong in you. This is the inner drive of the spiritual warrior; the compelling soul needs to uphold truth, goodness and justice. You will fight for these things because that is your way, Spirit Warrior. Trust, see and feel the positive impact that you are making in the world. You are relentless and the Divine is with you.
Do not give up. If you feel hopelessness, despair, defeat or frustration, and you wonder if it is really worth it, place your mind in your heart and your heart in awareness of what it is that is inspiring you. Do you feel alone on your quest? Look for the legions of wings in spirit and upon the earth that fight alongside you, fearless and ferocious with love. Be uplifted by your fellow Spirit Warriors, beloved one. Feel the joy of their love and unity with you. You have access to the divine power that conquers any obstacle, wins every battle, and secures every victory.
If a Spirit Warrior tries to fight from a place of despair and darkness, doubt and hate, the battle will become destructive to their soul. When you fight for love from a place of joy, Spirit Warrior, the battle opens your beautiful fierce heart. It uplifts your mind and empowers your soul with the might of divine grace that accomplishes all pursuits and wins every war.
Power of the Good
You need never lose faith in the power of good. You need never lose faith in how much you can accomplish as an independent and inspired individual in this world. You need never believe that you are alone or without divine protection. You need never fear evil. The third eye of the Divine Mother sees all things, is ever watchful and ever just. She births through holy vision, the manifest power of good in all realms. Her gaze is upon you now. Trust her.
Believe in the power of the Divine to keep an eye on things for you. Trust that power to alert you when you need to know something or to understand what is happening in your life and what you need – even if you aren’t so sure of that yourself at times. Be active in contesting negativity. The moment you feel something isn’t coming from love, acknowledge it immediately. You don’t have to make it about you or analyse it. Call for divine support in all things. It is your greatest ally.
Give up your attachment to past experiences of rejection and abandonment so that you can open up to how much the Divine loves you and can help you. Practice feeling the confidence and unconditional trust in a higher power, knowing it is stronger than all else.
Durga is your ally, your divine weapon, your refuge and your vital energy for sacred purpose. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated. Let that confidence and trust in the divine goddess of goodness radiate out of you like a shining sun that fills your heart, your mind and your belly.
Oh my golly Goddess, absolutely delicious guides for this time and the Solstice. So most gorgeous bean, I wish for you the time to set a clear intention, to bring this into form with ritual (which is easy) and to light up with the Summer Solstice. Remember, the B.O.S.S will guide you and support you if you so choose to make a Solstice unlike any other you have had before. See you next week with the details of the reading special. Wish me luck with the Portal! Big hugs and squeezes!