Here we go, are you ready for the 3rd Eclipse in 4 weeks? As so many of you have been asking for private readings, especially with all this deliciously, delightful chaotic energy abounding I felt strongly moved to make this available and to take 20% off in honour of this time. This Eclipse Special is available from today (the 10th of August until 20th). For more information you can find and book your particular reading on the Private Reading page. Now onto what is happening with this eclipse.
This partial solar eclipse happens on a Super New Moon on Saturday August 11th. Remember that we have talked about how eclipses bring up the hidden and there is an energy of transformation and change? Thus, if you had any doubt that the Universe is inviting you to transform, change, step up authentically and with courage – kick that doubt to the curb! As my old Auntie would say – you can’t afford the luxury of disbelief.
Pretending it’s not happening, sticking your head in the sand or wanting to hide out for the next few months will not serve you. Whether you like it or not – Life is going to find you and invite you to come play in the dance of change.
Eclipses bring things to an end and open the door to something new beginning (which can be very exciting, but also terrifying, especially if it is something that you weren’t expecting!) Here’s a great analogy by Susan Millar:- “During an eclipse period, it is as though you will walk over a rickety old bridge. As you walk across this bridge, over a very deep, rugged, treacherous ravine, you may be a little nervous. Once you make it to the other side, the bridge will collapse and you will see the pieces fall far into the deep, perhaps making you jittery. The bridge snaps just as you get to safe ground, but you realize, first, that you could have been on that bridge when it fell (but you weren’t), and more importantly, you will never again be able to walk back over to the other side. Once we go through an eclipse, we can never go back to the former situation again, for the universe wants us to make progress, not go back to good old days. That option is taken away, forever. The only way with an eclipse is forward. If you find later you don’t like where you wind up, you can always have the option to make changes up ahead, but again, they must be future choices, not ones that bring you back to the past.”
So are you getting the message?
The job of an eclipse is to shine a glaring ray of truth to the part of your life that is being touched, and truth will likely arrive in a startling way. Eclipses are brilliant illuminators, revealing a truth about a condition that you never in a million years knew existed. Once you are given the information, the news can act as a catalyst to a major decision or action you will take. Most often we are shocked or surprised by the information that comes to us, for the eclipse is one of the most dramatic tools the universe uses to get you to sit up, pay attention, and take action. Eclipses are always your friends, for they are there to help to protect you. Always be grateful for truth.
This eclipse happens on a New Moon in Leo and on a numerological level it is pretty key. Let me explain what all that means. First, Leo is governed by the sun and the energy is hot, fiery and passionate and all about having the courage to really step forward and into something different with intention and authenticity. And if we look around at Mother Nature she is showing us this in various ways. The whole of Southern Europe is in a massive heat wave, experiencing temperatures that are brutal. Here in my little neck of the woods (literally) we have had heat warnings due to how hot it is and the sky is thick with the smoke of forest fires galore. Now, I don’t know about you, but when it’s this hot I find it very challenging to want to do anything other than curl up in a dark cold room. But this is where intention, passion and working with the fire within you and the courage to take a step comes into play.
As Kari Samuels shares with us:- “This Supermoon eclipse is teaching you to let go of anything getting in the way of you expressing your authentic nature, so you can fully step into your power! It’s happening on the 11th day this month, in an 11 Universal Year (2+0+1+8 = 11).
11 is the number of Illumination
This season of eclipses has brought you many revelations, making you fully aware that you deserve better!
You’ve been receiving many divine downloads about what you can no longer tolerate, and what you need to do to change your life.
Summon up the courage of the lion to believe in yourself so you can make the changes you need to manifest your heart’s desires.”
This is a glorious opportunity and time for change, growth and expansion even with the discomfort and challenges we may have also encountered. As Lena Stevens shares with us:-
“The theme of this new moon is “new directions”. With new insights, hard lessons and a creative outlook, you can use this New Moon to consider a new direction in some area of life.
Take some time to ask these questions: “What am I completing? What do I need to complete? What truth is allowing me to shift priorities? What truth is supporting me to cut something loose? How is this making space for a new direction? How can I support my creativity to take advantage of the opportunity?
This eclipse (as the last two were also) is surrounded by intensity, unpredictability and irritability. Be assertive about your truth and your new direction without being reactive to any judgments or negativity from others. This is your time. Celebrate it by honoring the sun’s energy, your own will, creativity, and ability to manifest a new direction for yourself.”
So an invitation for you on this glorious New Moon Eclipse.
Take some time to write down your New Moon wishes. Sit out in the garden, by the water – where ever feeds your soul and write up to 10 wishes for YOU (not someone else) that you would like to create with this powerful energy of change and transformation. Okay?
Then plant them. Literally dig a little hole where ever you are and pop them in the ground, or send them out to sea with big blessings and releasing time lines and the form that they are to come to you in. This is a gorgeous practice and if you have a tough time writing what you would really like, write what you don’t want and then flip the verbiage.
And remember that there is something incredible waiting for you on the precipice of your destiny. It’s all there within arms reach, are you willing to be bold enough to reach for it and move through change and transformation? Also, do take advantage of the Eclipse Reading Special to help you attain courage, move with grace and ease through change and transformation and really manifest what your soul desires. Enjoy!
When is the new moon?
New Moon was Saturday with the Eclipse.
Did I have to write 10 things down during the eclipse, I haven’t done it yet….