Hello most gorgeous lovely – Happy Magickal, Miraculous, Moodling, Merry, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday! The first Monday of October!!
I don’t know about you but it felt as if September just went zipping by, I put that down to the fact that in my family we are in the birthday season. Yes I did say season.
We had 5 birthdays to celebrate in September (including mine and thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes) and from now until Winter Solstice we have another 9 to celebrate!
So snuggle up honey, grab a cuppa and let’s natter as we have lots to explore this week! We have an energy shift, a glorious Full Moon in Aries this weekend and the Eclipse portal doth open!
But what does that mean for you? Lots!
With moving into October (one of my favorite months) as I love Samhain (Halloween), the veil thinning and the honoring of the ancestors, we have had a huge energy shift. Many of you have written asking for tools and help as the energy is feeling quite off the wall and at times overwhelming. Which I totally understand.
In fact the other day I was very aware that the energy felt sharp and it was as if everything was very loud and too bright – so this is where self care tools and energetic tools come into play in a big way..
As Lena shares:
The main theme for October is: “Tumultuous Transitions”.
“October is a potentially stressful month where patience, acceptance and flexibility are needed to navigate it well. We are being pushed up against the wall of our own internal process of change and there is nowhere else to hide from what needs to be released, healed and transformed.
There will be cranky times where you feel pulled to go back inside, be alone and in your process. And there will be times where you feel a push to get out in the world and jumpstart your next chapter.
The energy is up and down, tricky and erratic, with the potential for disruption. However there will also be times of magic, beauty, cooperation and support.
The responsibility and discipline this month will be to manage your energy in a way that uses it for positive change, personal evolution and necessary reorganization instead of being quick to anger, blame and negative reactions.
Make kindness a daily practice and take care of the relationships you value.”
So what can you put in place that will nourish you and support you this month? What daily practice do you work with to clear your energy and the sharp bits?
This coming Sunday (October 9th), is the glorious Full Moon in Aries, also known as The Hunter Moon.
The Hunter Moon is focused on internal work and self-reflection.
We now begin the dark half of the year; accept and welcome the darkness with open arms and spirit.
Take a moment to look back in history at your ancestors and the lessons they can teach you. Before industrialism, people focused on harvesting and preparing for the coming of Winter.
Failure to do so meant facing one’s own death or mortality.
You can feel the magical energy in the air right now as we head toward Samhain, and the veil grows thin.
This increases your ability to communicate with your ancestors or loved ones. It’s an opportunity for spiritual growth, goal setting, gratitude, and finding ways to slow down and enjoy the season of Autumn.
It’s also a Healing Moon however, this isn’t healing that comes in a nice tidy package, this is the healing that comes when you hit the place of surrender. Which is the perfect time to invite the wisdom, support and love of your ancestral team to come work with you, or to heal and release any ancestral wounds you may be packing around.
Chiron, coupled with the Aries lunar energy, promises healing, not from trying to fix, control, or force, but from surrender. When we surrender, it gives rise to acceptance, to letting go, to forgiveness, and opens us to the possibilities that those states can create.
And I know for many people the word “surrender” is so tough to embrace, however, it is an incredibly powerful thing to do.
So do you see how the energy of the month and the Full Moon energy are tying together?
Then later in the month we open up the second Eclipse Portal of the year. This is a time of significant acceleration of the collective and individual evolutionary pace. That in turn will open new doors and bring fated changes in our lives.
However, we will explore that later this month, as with the Full Moon energy it’s time to do some clearing and healing and embrace the energy of this month so that when Eclipse time comes you are feeling open, accepting, and supported.
Okay, if you have read this far, let’s crack on with the reading. Lol.
When I went to the glorious cards and asked who wanted to guide and support you this week I was delighted to see The Oracle of the Shapeshifters. As we are all shapeshifting in some shape or form right now.
If these glorious guides are new to you, let me please introduce them (as that is the polite thing to do)! “These are the magickal familiars, once the companions of shamans, witches, wizards, and wise ones – and now they are here for you. Now is the time for you to undertake a great quest – to rebirth yourself within this lifetime and this quest of evolution does not need to be faced alone.
We change and we change again. We fear change. Yet it comes. For us to fear change is as foolish as winter crying for the coming of spring. Change is. Fear corrupts.
These guides are here to support, encourage and help you through transformation and to teach you to let go of fear. True , deep change must take place for you to fulfill your soul contract.
You may have turned from possibility to what you have convinced yourself is probable: You diminish your possible self, reduce who you are, and dilute your spirit. But even when you have sought to remain invisible and hidden away, and said yes to everyone else, life will find you – and transform you. You are never alone with these beings.”
Oh my giddy Aunt, the perfect guides for this week! So there we have it, are you ready?
Okay my darling, take a moment to breathe yourself here. Hold your hand up to your heart level with the palms facing up to the sky. See golden light being poured into them from the Divine and entering your heart and flooding through every cell of your body.
Stay here a moment and just breathe that in.
Then when you are ready, ask your wise self, your divine self, what do you need to know this week to support you in working with the energies of this month. Then pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

Orcas are the brilliant, physical, living reservoirs of Earth and galactic history. They are the carriers of wizards on their backs, according to Norse myth, meaning they carry the great sage lines of transformation and transmutation, and can pass this lore along. They hold this history in the patterns of their ancient songs.
One day we will translate the songs and understand our own past times. Their bodies, those huge, resonating cavities, store the history of the planet herself. They travel the world’s oceans, singing, clearing, and awakening the energy grid again and again, preserving, reviving, renewing ancestral lines that need to be in place for this planet to be whole and well, now and in the future.
Earth is currently undergoing a vast initiation. Some have called this an ascension, although what it truly is has nothing to do with high or low, but with an integration of more dimensions, fully awakening your DNA and charging your auric field to a more powerful capacity. Healing, materialising into new forms, and creating will be greatly enhanced at this time.
You are a keeper of galactic mysteries and you have a strong starperson connection. Starpeople are connected to the growing need to connect to the galactic web, which we are a vital part of. It is time to take yourself outside and gaze up into the night sky. Learn about the constellations you can view from your home. Tune in to the worlds beyond this world, and ask that they connect with you in healthful ways.
Whales can assist with intergalactic travel (without physically leaving the planet), seal and repair any wounds or tears in your energy field, and return to you the parts of your soul that you may be unaware are even missing.
A time to say goodbye will help you to let go, even though it hurts a lot. This is now out of your hands; you have to say goodbye at this time.
Be active in this ending when this card comes to you. Be brave; think about how you can best take care of yourself at this time, and show the other person how much you care. Don’t ignore or shun them. Rather, let this person know what they have meant to you, wish them well on the next stage of their life journey, and let….them…go!
There may be great sadness in doing so, but you will grow so much because you have chosen the better way to deal with this sad situation. This other person has learned how to detach and stay detached. He asks that you do not ask for him to return, to stay, or to cling.
Be strong because you need to be dignified, and believe that something better is coming. Because that is the truth. Something better is coming. So open your arms, and let him be free, as he has learned to be.
You may be reluctant to see an ending – you may wish to extend the time you have with someone, or you may even feel like you are being cheated out of something you deserve.
But the truth is that things must die in order to be reborn in another form at a later time. This is the chosen time to go, and from the ashes, something new will arise, and it will be even better than you can imagine.
Rebirth cannot take place without a death – and it is now time to end something, to let something both externally and internally die.
It may be a long-held belief, a place that seemed to hold security, a friendship that has grown unhealthy, someone you’ve been going out with who no longer wishes to see you, or a beloved family member who may not be in this world much longer. Whatever it is, let it – let them – go!
Something else will return to you. And you cannot be reborn unless you first know how to die. This is your chance to learn something very profound, deep, and important. Do not miss it by resisting what must take place.
You are loved and trusted. Even the small ones of the forest gather with you after times of great unrest, when they feel they cannot find another trustworthy human to be with. You have the energy of the gentle ones, and thus the small ones, the vulnerable ones like us, come to you – not to take, but to show you how trusted you are.
It is not a burden; it is a great honour. Rarely do we show ourselves, but to you, we come and lay our heads in your lap. There is such an air about you. You are a safe, good person.
It is time for you to step up and protect others who are smaller and more fragile than you. This may be a reversal in roles for you, but the deer and the hare and the quiet, soft ones have chosen you because they trust that you can do this job.
You may beel an unlikely hero, and you may experience a completely unforeseen victory. But you can do it. You must take great steps now to live up to this honour and trust. It will be simple for you while you remain in the forest, but when you venture out into the world once again, will you make choices that support?
Make a commitment to protect .
Something you wished for will be given up, for now, so you can do something for the good of others.
But your energy will change as a result, and that will bring to you your deepest dreams and desires, purified and at the perfect time.
Oh my Goddess, you seriously can not make this shit up! Wishing you a glorious two weeks (as it is Thanksgiving here on the Full Moon). Practice surrendering, and remember to celebrate the Full Moon. If you are part of the email community there will be some guidance coming out later this week. Big hugs and squeezes and be kind to your glorious self.