Happy Magnificent, Marvelous, Magical Monday! How was your Spring Equinox? Did you take a few moments to plant some lovely seeds, whether literally or figuratively? I planted up 12 little pots of gorgeous herbs and under the soil in each pot is a slip of paper with something I want more of that makes me feel happy. The boys helped me out, so it was a nice little ritual to do together, as well as making some fresh bread to go with our Spicy Thai Coconut Soup meal! Nom, nom. Nom.
How to tell Spring is here (Canadian style), by Friday I could see buds pushing up through the soil, and most of the snow was gone, so me being me I made big plans to be out all Saturday and tend my garden. Then Saturday morning I woke up to it puking (yes I said puking) down with snow! WTF was my response. I had gorgeous plans of being outside in the sun, tidying up the garden, marking out new beds. Nope, nadda, we received 12 inches of snow that day. Grrrrr…… Ah well, a change of plans and instead I caught up on all sorts of reading, creating and planning that had been pushed to the side and had a lovely quiet night with gorgeous music wafting through the house, candles everywhere – as the boys were all out for the night. So there were gifts in the onslaught of snow. (At least that’s how I’m reframing it). Now, I have a question. When I was a kid my Dad told me that when it was raining and sunny it was a “Monkey’s Birthday”. Well, Sunday was filled with snow showers and sun – what’s that called? A friend told me that it’s when “The Devil is beating his wife.” I’m not a huge fan of that one, so if you know a different name, do please let me know.
Both Mercury and Jupiter are retrograde at the moment, now don’t panic that doesn’t mean you lock yourself inside and live off canned food. Mercury went retrograde on the 23rd and will be that way until April 15th and as we have all heard, this is the time to just be a bit more careful about travel, technology, communication etc. In other words, give yourself more time to get to the airport, backup your important documents and practice nonviolent communication. Jupiter is retrograde from March 8th to July 10th. Again, no reason to panic! AstroStyle explains, “the prefix re- means to go back — and retrogrades are a time to polish up projects already in the works, or to dig up ones you’ve set aside. Retrogrades turn our attention to the past, and can actually be cosmic “grace periods” when we can finish all the things we’ve started or strengthen our plans, ensuring that we don’t move forward on a shaky foundation.” It’s definitely something to meditate on. As the planets appear to be spinning backwards (spoiler alert: they’re not — it’s an illusion), it’s a good time to whip out your journal and focus on making the past present. And then a part of your future.” Yes?
Easter is quickly approaching and I noticed that the hot cross buns are out in all the stores. I will confess, I have a “thing” for them, no clue why, but I really do. I cut them in half, toast them and slather them with butter and then everything seems right with the world at that moment in time! I bought 18 of them on Saturday and by Monday there are 2 left and no one else in the house likes them (thank goodness). See what I mean? I laughed when I realised that Easter Sunday is on April Fools Day. Here, we play pranks on each other galore on the morning of April Fools, so I did let the fleeting thought of gathering up a bunch of Elk poo from my hikes (as they look like little chocolate eggs) and wrapping them in foil float through my mind – I did say it was fleeting! Instead I have mapped out a 2km long egg hunt with twists, turns and jokes to be answered along the way.
What do you get when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole? Hot cross bunnies!
Why did the Easter bunny cross the road? Because the chicken had its Easter eggs!
Hey, nowhere in this did I say they were good jokes lolol! So how are you going to celebrate this Easter? Time outside, visit with family, a large dinner, an egg hunt or just relaxing and watching it all happen?
Okay, enough chuntering away about chocolate, eggs and hot cross buns, let’s get on with the reading. The deck that was most adamant to come and participate was “The Oracle of the Dragonfae”, in fact they were a little surly that they’ve had to wait this long, but I did assure them it was worth the wait. Who couldn’t do with some magic, miracles and faeries in their life? One of the tulips in the near by vase literally threw herself out to come play (she did get popped back in when finished). So let’s take a moment and get settled and if you need a little support with that, there is a nice guided visualisation for you to use. Just breathe, relax, let the cares of the moment drop like water droplets on the floor and just breathe. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that call to you.
Ready to go see?
Did you pick?
I am Mab, some call me Queen, and it is of your independence and personal sovereignty that I wish to speak to you at this time. Each day you see and feel injustices in your world, and each time you remain mute, you allow the energy to spiral. Now is the time to make the difference, now is the time to take back the power the Mother, the Earth Goddess from whom we all were birthed, gave to you to safeguard and keep wisely – the precious gift of being on this planet.
Understand that you are energy and can use more than the old aggressive ways….use your energy and your mind, breathwork and what you call prayer, but what I call magick, to speak and allow your voice to reach others. You are more powerful than you know. When you find yourself struggling within the cage of anger and fear, breathe love, and rest and revive yourself with knowledge of your own strength. Know the Dragonfae are with you, and will help to transmit your messages around this world you dwell in now. For I know, and I tell you, that a reckoning will be made, and that you are a part of this magickal planet’s rescue team.
Be strong. Be wise. Stay safe. And change the world!
Mab is connected to our dreams, and she ensures that what we wish for, when it comes from love and magick, comes to us. You are loved and protected by Mab, and you are beloved for your unique and even odd qualities, and that blending in is not the way.
I am Dragonfae, thus I am at once a being of copious laughter, and of earnest and deep study. Being Dragonfae, I know when to put aside my serious work and my mission, and play, laugh and love. I know the importance of devoting myself to the playtime that balances, soothes and heals my heart, and lifts the heaviness that sometimes accompanies my days. Can you do this? Or are you too caught up in being taken seriously? There is a perfect balance between serious, cosmic matters and playful light-heartedness to be found. Both Earth and star are necessary for all of us. We are indeed galactic beings ourselves. But most of all, your hope and optimism is paramount right now. Take heart, for delight and joy is yours.
You are about to experience a true reversal in your inner self: you will now think magickally and attain mastery of magickal consciousness. What you think, what you are manifests about you at all times: what you are now is the delicious light-hearted magickal being you were born to be. You are like a beautiful shining star; its light magikally transforming everything it touches. Rays of light beam out from you and your body is awash with healing green energy and fresh new life. You are dancing in the air, lifted up on the strength of your own experience and friendships, and you would do well to wear the divine colour violet, while the gentle zephyr helps your move in the direction of your dreams.
When we allow ourselves to shine we become who we were always meant to be; and by example we encourage others to become who they truly are. Drop the heavy nature of punishment, guilt and beliefs that no longer serve you. You are a powerful role model for others; you have experienced the joy of setting your sights high and the healing power of self-belief. You still have many experiences ahead of you on your journey, but this energy of the star is now your companion and your divine inspiration.
Passionate love seems to be the realm of fairy tales and romantic epics, but it truly is a part of your life and being too. Know that you are a beautiful being, worthy of bliss, romance and adoration. There is a God and a Goddess for everyone and you are about to discover that for yourself.
Know that within you is everything you need to draw to you perfect love and perfect trust. Know that physical and soul passion can be ignited. Asking is the beginning.
Your search for a soul mate is over, because with you now is the truth; that by believing in your true nature – the passionate and romantic being that you are – you are drawing to you the one who will adore you. Be quiet and still, and believe. Sensual delight, physical ecstasy and bliss are yours. In order to love well, we must actively love each day. Please know that your true love lies within your own willingness to believe that you too can experience passionate love, and that you are well-worthy of its ecstasies, no matter your beliefs about your age, your health, your beauty. You are a beloved one. The Dragonfae know this. Now they ask you to know this too.
Wishing you Spring flowers, time to just BE and a fabulous Easter weekend with friends and family. There will not be a reading on Monday the 2nd as I intend to spend the weekend playing, hanging out with friends and family and most certainly looking for choccies and hunting down that Wascally Wabbit! Smile, be grateful and most importantly be kind to yourself. Also, thank you for all your amazing emails and comments, it is so wonderful to hear from you! See you in 2 weeks!