Happy, Happy, Happy Marvelous, Manifesting, Magnificent, Magickal, Miraculous, Mellow, Magnanimous Monday!
Okay, we have tons to explore this week: Gemini Full Moon Eclipse, Hope, Stones and Bones, Creatrix Circle doors will soon be opening and all sorts of other things! Phew! So grab a cuppa, get cosy and let’s away!
So let me ask, how has your sleep been? I have heard from many of you that you’re either having supremely vivid and rather odd dreams, or not sleeping well. No surprise! Eclipse energy magnifies the energy of the Full Moon and with this moon also called the Mourning Moon there are a lot of emotions and old beliefs burbling to the surface to be released and yes, some of it is grief. Grief pertaining to the changes that are happening in your world and globally, grief of the shorter days, grief about many things.
This moon is also about losing the warmth and sun to the coming dark months. It is a time to finish loose ends and relax. It is a time to count our blessings and be thankful. A time of washing away the baggage of the past and letting it go. Then focus on the joys of the future. During the Mourning Moon phase, you’re being invited to say goodbye to bad habits and toxic relationships, and get a fresh start for the new year.
So then add to it that Eclipse time amplifies the energy of the Moon, and brings to light those subconscious niggles. Even as the longest nights approach, this full moon encourages us to bring our thoughts, feelings, and past out of the darkness — before we bid them farewell.
In Creatrix Circle we had our first ever Full Moon Gathering yesterday and wowzer, it is amazing. Ritual, sharing, exploring and really being willing to dig deep. I was in awe of the amazing women there.
So how are you going to create a ritual for yourself to release whatever needs to leave? How are you going to honour that leaving?
Because the delicious piece here is that as you step into the darkness to release (with yesterday being the first candle of Advent), there is a place for Hope.
Now I will be honest, the word “Hope” has never been one of my favourite words as I find it is used far too much i.e. – I hope the kids do their chores, I hope I win the lottery, I hope the cat doesn’t cough a hairball on the clean laundry………. So the word Hope always felt a bit banal to me, thus, I went exploring and reading and have to say I really like this definition, it is one I can get behind:-
“Hope is a feeling of trust, a security, and a reason to keep going. It is a passionate desire of our heart. It is a feeling of expectation and a longing for a certain thing to happen.” – Verity Russell
So let me ask – What do you Hope for?
But it also reminded me that most of my kids went to Waldorf for their wee years and in Waldorf education, each week of Advent is assigned a “theme” of sorts and is a time for reflection and gratitude towards the different realms of our earth: stones & minerals; plants; animal kingdom; and humankind.
So over the weekend, I gathered ivy and cedar and made a wreath that sits on my dining room table with the candles of advent, and as I lit the first one I breathed in Hope, and also honoured the stones and the bones by decorating around that candle with seashells, crystals and beach stones. As the first verse says – The first light of Advent is the light of stone–. Light that lives in crystals, seashells, and bones.
Doing this reminds me we are all connected and we have lots to be grateful for (even on those dark days).
Remember Dark and Light go hand in hand.
So before we crack on with the reading, yes the doors to Creatrix Circle will open briefly in about a week or so for 7 days only, thus, if you want to find out when, it’s really easy to hop on the waiting list.
Okay, I have chuntered on for quite a while now (if you’ve managed to read this far), so let’s crack on with the reading.
When I went to the cards and was just about to ask who wanted to guide this week I was gobsmacked as this glorious deck threw themselves off the shelf and spilled out all over the floor. So please let me introduce you to your gorgeous guides for this week, The Oracle of Shadows and Light.
If you have never met them before, or worked with them:- Wisdom for Misfits, Mystics, Seekers, and Wanderers.Bittersweet..Unheard..Unconventional…Rebellious…Cheeky…
Whimsical…Invisible. They’re not the words you often hear associated with the spiritual world, are they? Nevertheless, some of the most spiritual beings who have ever lived are those who have been most at odds with what we call the mainstream. They do not fit in. They have had moments of despair. And they know being truthful, and being real, is one of the greatest strengths and spiritual paths of all! They ask you to step out from the shadows, to no longer hide your light away, and to consult with an oracle that acknowledges your individuality and strange genius! How’s that for a warm welcome?
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled to join in are Lotus Jasper – a glorious crystal for bringing peace and healing and helps unify all aspects of your life. Aqua Aura – for those who want to increase their psychic skills and awareness. Serpentine – an earthing stone and one that opens up new pathways for Kundalini energy. And last but not least Selenite to cleanse and amplify.
Thus with the thought of releasing and filling that space with Hope, acknowledging your connection to the stones and the bones I invite you to close your eyes down and just breathe. For those of you who want to go deeper there is a lovely brief guided visualisation for you to explore Hope. Just breathe, trust and allow this all to swirl. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug.
Did you remember to pick?

Come on then sweetie, let’s go have a look!

I bring you a message from a loved one: one whose spirit seems to have already departed, but whose physical presence lingers on for now . I as you now to acknowledge your loved ones who are resting, in spirit, or creating new selves for their souls. You may soon be about to meet a beloved in a new form: I ask you to stay open minded about the form in which the souls can come, and I ask you to be open to the message from the loved ancestors. For they have something to tell you, and it will come to you soon, in a vision, or a dream, or a message during a daydream that will bring such sweet tangible proof of what some people still call life after death.
There is no death. There’s only life and resting and change. Be ready to be comforted and to learn more of the world beyond this world, which is always with you, but is not always believed in, or trusted, even when we send messages to you, as clear as a flag in the sky.
You are not to delay activating this lifetime’s purpose. The message is not just from those who have passed, but of the truth that you can activate your new life now, whilst alive. It is no longer necessary to pass, to re-create the life contract and purpose you have. Do not wish to leave in order to start anew: believe that this life is a constant process of creation and that you are at a point where you can end a pattern, without ending this life. Energy is changing, and death is no longer the greatest reshaper. She comes to visit you now so the fear of mortality passes and so that you understand you can begin to rebirth yourself into a new life, now.
This little green faery signifies and embodies the life force of the green world. She is seen tending to plants that are drooping, too moist, or too dry – she is like a nurse or healer, assigned to the plant realm, great forests and small personal gardens alike. She is joyful every time someone gives energy to this realm – every little bit helps nurture the plants, which are very tired: fewer and fewer plants and trees and forests are expected to provide more and more life-giving oxygen for animals, elements, and we humans! Sometimes she becomes overwhelmed by all we humans have done to the green world – so she may be about to ask for your help. When you give her your help, blessings are returned to you threefold.
The green world is changing, and I am asking for your help. The world needs you to tend the green things in it in some way right now – and it is your time to make a contribution. Time to plant a garden, assist another with theirs, or share some food, flowers, or herbs from your own. Develop your connection to solar energy, find your own water source, and depend less on supermarkets, ATMs and electricity.
Learn to live with her, the soul of the green world. By providing the world with this beautiful example, you are nourishing and nurturing our mother, the Earth, who feels so tired some days! Find a forest, or a grove of trees, or a fairy ring of mushrooms – somewhere that speaks to your soul – and sit with her a while. When she breathes her messages through the leaves and whispers words of wisdom into your ears, you will know the right place and time to devote this sacred donation of time and energy. I thank you in advance. The faeries will be sure to help you in return!
It is a time for growth, for abundance, for the earth element to find its way true and strong in your beautiful life! Join with the natural energies of the planet – and the galaxy!
This sweet fairy is showing you a way through a barrier you have reached in your life. This may be in any area of your life – but it does feel that you have come up against a very solid obstacle. This gentle fairy, with her bright lantern, can take you to a place in this wall that has already come down, so you can move through this obstacle without force or fear. Your only requirement is to trust this fairy and then to take down several bricks after you have moved through so the wall between this world and the next, your love and your life, becomes slowly less and less solid. The wall is coming down: this is the fairy’s role, to help you move beyond the wall. Trust her. She will guide you.
Sometimes, people say you should be cautious about where information is coming from. And that is indeed true. I am simply holding up the lantern I carry and gently letting you see the likely outcome of the decisions you are making and offering a clear solution to the problem at hand. Something has come to an end. A true end, and you have, as they say, hit the wall. You could try digging under it, or climbing over it, or you could try taking down the wall brick by brick. But if you follow me, I can show you a place where the wall has already come down, and where you can move through this obstacle without pain. My guidance is safe, clear, and gentle. I am here to clear the way and light the path. It is up to you whether you make it harder than it needs to be.
Old patterns are being removed, little by little, but will need your trust. Old shielding against certain energies needs to be replaced and reworked, as it is no longer in line with what you wish for and in fact may be proving to be a barrier, which is keeping you isolated instead of protected. Trust where the light leads you – go where you can feel true love, kindness, and freedom. Avoid all that comes from anger, hatred, judgement, blame and ridicule.
Well that was quite delicious if I do say so myself! I love how this deck reflects shadow and brings it into the light. I invite you to take some time on today (or in the next few days) and do some releasing. And then ask yourself what you hope for. And if you want to hop on the waiting list for Creatrix Circle , please do. Have a fantabulous week, imagine moon flowers opening around you, and keep warm and cosy! Also, thank you for all your wonderful messages and shares. I love them! See you next week.