Inspiration, The Cold Moon and Solstice is almost here!
Happy Magickal, Miraculous, Meaningful, Majestic, Musical, Manifesting Monday!
Can you believe we are in December already? I have to say that for me it felt like 2022 just whizzed by! And here we are on the first Monday of December, closing out the year and stepping into all sorts of celebrations and expectations lol.
To help us all navigate and set strong intentions for 2023 I am opening up spots for Opening Up The Door on 2023. Your Personal Theme card reading for 2023.
This reading is designed to support and empower you for the year ahead as we dive deep and explore the themes and energy of your theme card. It shows what 2023 will bring to you personally, energetically and how to embrace and embody it all year long.
Many of you found this super helpful last year and have requested it again.
So voila, here it is!
Also, many of you have emailed and asked if there is going to be a Book of Winter Solstice. Yes, yes there is.
Too often, we go through winter out of alignment with the seasonal energy: we’re working against it, and it’s creating a lot of dis-ease in our spirits. It depletes you.
This is why The Book of Winter Solstice was created. To offer a different, deeper and more meaningful way to engage with all that our society and our soul needs.
I will be sending out an email mid week with all of the info, so that you have it in time for this gorgeous Solstice.
Okay, so with our move into December the energy has changed and the theme is “GET INSPIRED.”
As Lena explains – “December is a big month and not entirely all beauty and fun, as we are still under sluggish influences keeping us focused internally, filtering and weeding out the debris of old emotional baggage, relationships that don’t support us, habits that don’t serve us, and responsibilities that are not ours. The good news is that we are very slowly moving out of the intense grind of the past several months that for many of us has been very challenging.
The most important area of growth and focus this month is around the reflection of what inspires you and whether you have what inspires you active in your life at this time or not.
We have some powerful points of change with the full moon and the solstice times that will hold your feet to the fire in this process of observation making it one not so easily ignored.
Whatever is not inspiring will become painfully obvious and you will have opportunities to make choices, decisions and adjustments. There are a lot of aspects to inspiration that will be affected this month beginning with the personal self.
Are you inspired by who you are? Self-esteem issues are on the table and there will be many chances to forgive the past and reset one’s relationship to self.”
So let me ask, What Inspires You?
On Wednesday, December 8th we welcome in the Cold Moon, the last Full Moon of 2022! December’s long dark nights and cold frigid days bring the Moon’s annual cycle full circle.
The Cold Moon’s spiritual meaning indicates now is an ideal time to start visualising what you want to bring into your life. (Which ties in for the energy of this month of Get Inspired).
Once 2022’s Full Moon of December arrives, we’ve completed an entire trip around the sun. Now is a beautiful moment to focus on all the good things headed your way!
You’ve been working so hard and have some serious gumption, trust that the universe will help bring your intentions and dreams to fruition. The Cold Moon encourages you to follow your greatest passions and spiritual joys.
It’s a time for introspection and soul-searching, a chance to recharge and reconnect. This is a magical season full of transformation and deep internal work.
It may seem counterproductive to pause, rest, and reflect. Especially in our Western Culture that is all about the parties and celebrating right now.
However, remember your worth isn’t defined by your productivity.
Use the Cold Moon as a symbolic guide to “freeze and hibernate” as well. Slow down and be fully present in activities that truly bring you joy and pleasure. To help you delve deeper into this energy I have some lovely Journal Prompts for you to play with as well as a super easy Ritual.
Before you know it, Spring will be here, so enjoy these quiet moments of rest and solitude.
So with all of that chuntering on, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the guides and cards and asked who wanted to show and shine – the deck that came out loud and proud this week is Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle. Perfect! As we could all do with loving ourselves a wee bit more and being a tad more gentle and kind whilst we navigate these delicious times.
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them – “These guides have come to help you awaken and express your divine feminine spirit, to live from your heart, to empower your true self – and to discover your sacred rebel within, to say no to the voices of fear and hate and become a voice for love, truth and spirit on the earth.
Living as a soul, with truth, takes real courage in this world. We are often taught to follow the rules and be a good boy or girl – and that if we do this, everything will be OK. Your inner goddess thinks that is a bunch of nonsense.
She wants so much more for you. She wants you to live a beautiful divine destiny. She will show you how to be a loving rebel, breaking the rules that go against your heart and soul, changing the game and playing from the heart. She’ll show you how to live the life that is meant only for you. You are meant to stir up healing change and be a voice for what is wise, loving and true.
There are issues in our own lives and the world that need to change, that need to be healed. Your inner goddess knows how to bring about healing change with love, playfulness, courage and dignity. She is a fearless minx who will help you dance, love, storm and laugh your way into a more beautiful world, created from the heart.“
Seriously, the perfect guides for this time. Woosah!
So gorgeous one, breathe. Just breathe, BE and allow yourself to relax, your mind to calm, your breath to slow and ask your wise inner self – what do I need to know this week. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug at your heartstrings – don’t let your mind pick!
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a gander shall we?

You are going through a spiritual initiation. This is happening because you are ready for it, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. The way to pass this test is to rely on the light within you. Don’t let fear or doubt make you distrust the path ahead.
Don’t let fear or doubt make you distrust the path ahead. Don’t give in to despair or believe that things will not work out. You are learning to trust that the Universe knows what it is doing. There are great and beautiful things meant for you, and no matter what appears to be right now, they will come to you in the perfect way and at the perfect time.
Light is powerful. Some people don’t understand this. The fear in their hearts makes them cynical. That fear stops them from seeing what is true. In the absence of truth, they hold on to their judgements instead. They scoff at what they don’t understand. Be careful of allowing such people to influence you.
It’s not wise to take advice from people who are investing in creating pain. You can have compassion for them, but you must not underestimate how their negativity can taint your trust in the Universe. When we feel the light within us, when we trust in it, we are able to move beyond the fear and negativity that exists in this world. You have it within you to be that light.
The only thing that can trap you is the choice to believe in the negative and give in to the fear.
That’s not you, so don’t choose that for yourself. Don’t listen to people who would cause you to question the light. The light within you is the real you.
Be at peace, beautiful one, for the positive power of the light in you is stronger than any darkness. Keep your faith in the light. All will be well.
Deep within, you know what excites and inspires you. Your job isn’t to decide whether that inspiration is practical, realistic or even possible. Human beings have been shown throughout history that the ideas which they once scoffed at as being ridiculous or impossible to achieve can become the realities that they rely upon and take for granted as a natural part of their daily lives not long afterwards.
You too shall move from doubt to wondering how you ever lived without this passion, idea or inspiration of yours. Let the Universe show off its creative flair for the unexpected and inspirational through you. Do not give up on what truly moves and inspires your heart, for soon enough it will be part of your world.
You are a rare creature, not entirely of this world. You need to swim in deeper waters of mystery and meaning. In those deep places, you can commune with the sacred and be nourished by that which is real and yet cannot be explained. To deny this and remain on the surface of things will not satisfy your soul. It would be like eating stale biscuits, when what you really hunger for is succulent fruit, sweet with juice.
You crave mystery and magic the way most other people crave control and certainty. These yearnings of yours are not immature or escapist. They are the voice of your inner mermaid, rising up from your oceanic soul.
Her siren song is the voice of your true desires. You are connected to worlds beyond this physical reality, the worlds of spirit, healing, intuition, meditation and creativity.
When you are in touch with her you will embody your feminine freedom and spiritual independence. You will live your life according to what fills you up, living from that inner place where you feel at home, the realm of your soul.
Daily life can get us down before we even realise what is happening. Trying to do it all can push us beyond our limits, draining our energy and stealing our joy.
One moment, we are on top of the world; the next moment, we wonder what happened and why we cannot rally our spirit. If we do not learn how to rest, exhaustion, crankiness and illness eventually force our hand. It takes longer to break down and recover – and is much more painful – than it is to learn to rest as part of our lifestyle.
Rest is not only a way to prevent unnecessary suffering, it also has its own value. When we are in restful quiet, we can hear our inner voice and the guidance of spirit much more clearly. We can feel gratitude and take delight in what brings us pleasure. Rest is part of how we live well.
Peacock Priestess reminds you that you can see taking rest as an act of love and a way to be a good role model. Don’t allow guilt or shame to stop you from taking delight in your downtime. What kind of rest you need will vary. It could be a long nap, painting, listening to music, writing poetry or practising meditation, a bath with candles, visiting a temple or church to sit quietly , working in your garden, playing with animals or going for a walk and being in nature, soaking up her beautiful healing energy.
There are many ways to rest. Try some. Find out what you enjoy.
If you feel impatient for something to happen – or worried that you are not accomplishing all that you want to achieve quickly enough – then take heart.
The Universe is working with you, not against you, to bring your dreams to life. Even times when not much seems to be happening are a part of this creative process, balancing out other times when energy becomes active and intense.
What will be most helpful for you and your dreams right now is to rest. During that pleasurable rest, behind the scenes, some spiritual magic is going to be created.
This is not a time to play it safe, nor is it time to allow another to take the lead in your life. You need to believe in yourself and trust that the instincts guiding you are correct. If you need to take action, do it. Speak up: say yes; say no. Trust your inner truth completely.
Be bold.
The Universe will answer your boldest actions with affirmation, and you’ll move through the consequences of your actions with grace and courage, ending up exactly where you are meant to be.
You are ready. Life has been preparing you. Your experiences have made you stronger and wiser. You have spirit and you have courage. Believe in yourself! You are a Warrior Goddess, and empowered, divine woman.
Trust that your foundations are strong. Put your faith in the Universe. It has been your life coach and guide all along, helping you build up your inner resources, encouraging you to realise the power that has always been within you.
The Universe believes in you.
When you feel it is time to take a step, take it with confidence. When you ask for help from the Universe, ask with boldness and total confidence that your prayers will be answered in the best possible way. You have the right to require that your personal space be respected. You have divine permission and encouragement to claim your rightful place in the world. You are meant to say no to behaviour that is dishonest, manipulative and bullying.
The warrior goddess uses her sacred anger to set a boundary and speak her truth, not to attack another. She uses her inner fire to live with integrity, even if the right choices for her seem hard or frightening at the time. She knows that the Universe has her back, so she is willing to be true to herself no matter what.
She places integrity above all else. She knows that compromising her self-respect to win a battle will end up losing her the war.
Wowzer, these are delicious guides for the energy of December, the Cold Moon and Solstice. How did you feel about the cards that picked you? How are you feeling about 2023? Remember to gift yourself one of the spots for finding out your personal theme for 2023. Try out the journal prompts for this last Full Moon and take some time to do the Forgiveness Ritual (it’s very powerful). Wishing you a stupendous week filled with sparkly lights, inspiration and cosy soxs. See you next week for the second to last reading of this year!