Whoot, whoot, it’s Full Moon! This Full Moon is also known as the Crow Moon. Now if you feel inclined you are more than welcome to dance naked under the moon as I have seen in some movies, (but it’s a tad chilly here for that), so let’s explore different ways to celebrate the Full Moon.
As a kid, I used to look up at what I perceived as a delicious, benevolent face that would glow down at me and I would wonder what she was thinking, and if she could see me. (The joys of being 6). Now I have different thoughts, albeit they are most certainly sprinkled with magic dust when it comes to moon times.
Two weeks ago we had the glorious New Moon with a solar eclipse and today (Sunday, March 13th) we have a Full Moon with a lunar eclipse! This is also a Full Moon in Virgo, so there is some of that energy at play.
So what does Full Moon mean? Well if you think about it the Full Moon represents a culmination of energy, we have watched the moon wax and wane and now she is in her full glory. So this is a perfect time to deal with the stuff we haven’t dealt with. It’s all about letting go, letting go of any resentments, hurts, angers, habits that don’t serve you, thoughts that tweak you. Toxic relationships, toxic thoughts. All about the Release baby!
The question I often hear is – How do I do that? Aaaahhhh, grasshopper, walk with me a while and you will learn the way of the quiet Ninja………..
There are 3 simple steps to harnessing the effects of Full Moon releasing – you ready?
First, here I drop the F bomb on you, so if you find it offensive cover your ears, if you’re willing to explore stick with me.
FORGIVENESS. (You thought I was going to say Fuck didn’t you?) Forgiveness is key. Now I know you might be rolling your eyes right now and saying to yourself “I am a calm benevolent spirit and of course I forgive.” Well, I am going to say hmmm, possible bullshit. We all want to be perceived as forgiving, loving, kind, aware people, but forgiveness is a tricky one for a lot of us – it’s as if we feel that to forgive someone, or a situation, we are condoning it – which we aren’t. If you want to read more about Forgiveness and how an easy daily practice can have a huge impact on you, your life, your well being and your profit margin, hop on over and read How Do You Feel About the F-Word?
So back to the Full Moon practice.
Step One – Forgive. Take 10 minutes and write, put pen to paper and write down anyone who you perceive has hurt you, any negative emotions, disappointments, upsets or any situation that didn’t turn out like you hoped it would, anything you have said or done that leaves that niggly feeling of “Bugger and balderdash, I messed up there.” Write it all down, the good, the bad and the ugly. Then we get to the fun part!
Step Two – Burn It! If you feel comfie read it outloud, if not, just read it through one more time. Then (in a safe way) either outdoors, over a sink, a loo, burn it. Release, release, release, send it out to the heavens, the moon, the ether or wherever you want to. Just don’t hold onto it. After it has turned to ash and dust I personally say to myself and the moon:-
I forgive all hurt, anger and resentment from my past and present, both self inflicted and by others. I forgive anything that prevents me from receiving all that I desire and require to live the life I dream of and serve at my highest level. I cut these cords and ties and send them back to whence they came and I welcome my own energy back, healthy, cleaned and transferred. So Be It.
Step Three – Gratitude. Now why Gratitude you may ask? We have all heard how important it is to practice gratitude and if you don’t have a daily practice, I highly encourage you to implement one. In this case, as part of the Full Moon ritual, you have just released a lot of “stuff” and energy (that probably wasn’t yours) and ties to holding onto crap, so there is now a delicious, fresh clean void. What better way to fill that void than with Gratitude! Gratitude raises the vibration and helps you see clearly all the magical, wonderful things/people that are in your in life.
So take a few moments and think of at least 3 people that you are grateful for in your life. Write them down and really feel the feeling of gratitude (I think of it like a gorgeous warm blanket that makes me feel relaxed, strong and blessed). Write down a list of what you are grateful for, it doesn’t have to be huge. Are your feet warm? Did you have a nice meal today? Are your children healthy? Does your dog greet you when you come home? Did something scrumdelicious happen to you? Just pour it all out and if writing’s not your thing, say it out loud, but not like you’re reciting a paragraph from a text book. Put some feeling behind it.
Voila, your done! That’s it. It’s not rocket science, but it is exceptionally important. Think about it this way, you planted delicious seeds at the New Moon, now you are just moving the rocks, possible deadwood out of the way with this practice so that your seeds have room to grow.
Now if you want to get particular and earn possible credits or a gold star. When writing your forgiveness you can work with the energy of where the Full Moon is. So for example, this Full Moon is in Virgo and if you have ever looked at a Facebook post that does a quick and dirty description of the astrological signs you will have heard that Virgo can be rather critical, judgemental, a tad of a perfectionist etc. So ask yourself – how have I been critical of someone else, or how did I feel criticised. Does that make sense?
Enjoy. Celebrate the Release and then celebrate all the things to be Grateful for. Happy Full Moon.