Happy Magickal, Merry, Mystical, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
Did you take some time to set your New Moon Intentions? You still have time and if you want to explore what playing with New Moon Magick and Intentions that Manifest looks like. I talk about what New Moon energy is and how to use it here.
And if you want an easy (but intentional and amazing) ritual for this Virgo New Moon (trust me, you will have everything you need in your home) I have that for you here.
If you remember, last week we talked about Joy and I loved all the amazing emails and messages that you sent it sharing how you were feeling and how talking about a “Joy Meter” really resonated.
A reader did write in with this and ask me this question:
“You talked about Joy and it really got me thinking about my life. If I look around my life, it’s pretty good. I have a nice home, a great family, a good circle of friends, but my Joy level is low. I have long Covid (so a lot of fatigue), do I have to “go out and do big activities to feel Joy?”
Fabulous question and the answer is NO!
Remember, there is a huge difference between Joy and Happiness.
Happiness is caused by an externality, Joy is an inside job.
Joy is not based on externalities, for example you get a new car, you don’t feel Joy, you feel happy. As you drive the car, relish and remember how you saved for what you wanted, feel the safety, revel in the heated leather seats – you start to feel Joy when you drive the car, not because of the car per se, but because of the experience. Does that make sense?
Okay, so let’s say you agree it’s an inside job. Now what? From my experience, the more you feel anything the more it becomes a default. So if you continually feel that the world is out of whack or that there is something wrong with you as you don’t feel Joy and Passion every moment of the day – guess what? That’s your default. So it is time to gently, and with massive compassion, deconstruct that default.
It’s all about shifting the perceptual lens from which you look at life through.
An example. On Friday I had the worst panic attack I have had in nearly 5 years. As I took a break in the middle of my work day and took Danu for a yomp, out of nowhere came this panic attack and I was pretty sure that I was dying. I immediately went to the place of “Fuck I’m having a heart attack and I will die on the side of the road and Danu will be scared and get hit by a car!” (Not a helpful thought). All the tools flew out the window in a flood of cortisol and I forgot that this was transitory and I was actually okay!
The cars nearby sounded too loud, the sun was too bright and everything felt very sharp and edgy. Have you ever felt that? Have you ever had a random panic attack?
Needless to say I didn’t die (or I am writing this from a totally different place!) Lol And once I had the panic under control and had given the anxiety and fear (that had flooded up out of nowhere) a little bop on the nose. I was able to breathe again.
So I took myself out to the garden and just sat and looked around for all signs and things that bring me Joy. To bring me back to that place of connection.
As let’s be honest when you are flooded with a panic attack, anger, despair the connection gets thrown out the window.
What did I see, smell, hear or taste that brought me Joy?
I saw the hummingbirds who kept dashing in to suck up some of the sweet nectar of the wildflowers. I heard the massively fat squirrel chatter away at Kali (the cat) whilst he dashed up one of the Garry Oaks. I could smell the honeysuckle (that is now in its fourth bloom this year!) I sipped on my lovely cuppa lavender tea, and watched the 12ft sunflowers allow their heads to bob and flow with the breeze.
I kicked off my shoes and put my feet on the earth and breathed in that delicious healing energy and I could feel the Joy and Ease flooding in.
Did it cost me any money? No.
Was it “active”, yes in the way that I was participating in and with everything around me, but I didn’t need to leave my garden.
The key thing was, as frigging scared and freaked out by a random panic attack that made me feel vulnerable, less than and weak. I could shift the lens that I was looking at life through and remember to look for and EXPECT (intention) Joy to show up all around me, and it did.
Okay, I have chuntered on long enough. Let’s crack on with the reading.
When I asked the cards who wanted to talk and guide this week I laughed to see that it is the delicious Spirit of the Animals.
So in case you may have never met them, let me introduce you. “Animal Medicine, Animal Totems, and Animal Mascots have had cultural significance throughout our history. Europeans adopted animals as tribal symbols that were later incorporated into crests for nations. China has an animal associated with every birthday. The Romans celebrated the eagle as the symbol for the empire. Our ancestors observed the appearance of animals as omens and signs. Shamans and mystics rely on spirit animal helpers. Native Americans have vision quests to discover their personal animal totem. School sports teams choose animal mascots. It is no wonder that the interest in animals as emblems and how they relate to us still persists. Animals as symbols live in our deepest memory.”
Okay delicious lovely, take a gorgeous deep breath and allow your shoulders to drop and your jaw to gently relax. I invite you to see in your mind’s eye a place of stillness, a place filled with ease and flow, a place where you feel connected to earth and source. From the place pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
Did you Remember to Pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

Penguin is the bird that cannot fly but instead swims. They can see better underwater than on land, symbolising better access to the subconscious mind than usual.
Penguins are full of surprises just like the people they represent. The males and females experience role reversals. Male penguins will sit on the eggs for months while their female counterparts hunt for food.
Penguin urges you to adapt to extreme circumstances, break free from expectations and reinvent yourself. Penguin says adapt, change, find your tribe, sing and celebrate your uniqueness.
Penguin people often feel awkward or out of place. Tapping into Penguin energy can help you embrace your differences. Self – acceptance is a big part of Penguin medicine. They remind us that there is no right way to be!
Like all diving birds, Penguin relates to the truth that lies below the surface. Maybe Penguin is telling you to go below, find your deeper truth and your most authentic self.
These are things in life that really matter. Finding like minded people (your tribe) will help you see your beauty as you see theirs.
The wisdom of Penguin asks you to just be the unique and colourful person that you are!
Break free from others’ expectations.
Love your uniqueness. Just be Yourself!
While it is often called an antelope, the pronghorn is a unique species native to North America. Their thick hide protects them from the cold and predators.
Pronghorns’ energy, quick wit and speed are their gifts.
They never drop their antlers, which like antennas represent connection spirit, psychic abilities and intuition.
For Pronghorn, these gifts remain a constant in their lives. Their strong sense of smell and hearing helps them know when things are not right.
If Pronghorn has come to you, you are energetic and have an agile mind. You will have all you ever need. Your intuitive gifts help keep you alerted to danger when you listen.
There is a new path on offer, use your keen eyesight to find the way. In other words, the Antelope meaning reminds you to make your decisions wisely by using your instincts rather than your intellect
Pronghorn people are ultimate adaptors and possess the power of survival. If Pronghorn crosses your path it is saying “Do it now, don’t wait.” Trust your intuition, harness your courage and get ready to “take the leap.”
Your talents will always
Help you land on the pinnacle.
Your quick wit and keen senses
Will lead you to success.
You are being called to the spontaneous art of playful living.
Otter people swim in the iconic watery world of their intuition and feelings. Otter people are inclusive and welcome the company of family, tribe and community.
Otter people know how to “go with the flow” and master celebrating life with simple things.
Otter energy is the playfulness of a child, available to us at any age. They have a giddiness and reverence for life itself, without the presence of doubt, worry, or skepticism.
Are you fighting life’s currents?
Imagine yourself with a little more Otter energy. What would life look like? What would it take to bring you there?
Your inner child needs room to frolic and play and if you let it out, you will be sure to enjoy life and not simply endure it. Let Otter lead you to all that is good in the world: happiness, abundance, friends and love. The celebration awaits!
Be the master of playful living.
Release expectations and enjoy every day.
Let worry go and instead choose love.
Surrender to the waves.
Your good destiny of love is sure.
What glorious guides for this week as we head into September! Wishing you a stupendous week filled with Ease, Love, Joy and Remembering – You are okay! Big hugs and squeezes!