Happy, happy Magickal, Miraculous, Magnificent, Musical, Majestic, Mighty Monday!
How are you most delicious lovely? Has Spring sprung where you are? It certainly has here and there are flowers galore and everything is bedecked in vivid shades of green. I love it!
When I head out first thing in the morning with Danu and we go for a yomp and an exploration you can often see me come to a screeching halt as I pick up a gorgeous scent wafting on the breeze. Then there’s a look around and when the glorious blossom has been found I bury my face in it! (Yes, it’s like being the crazy Flower Lady).
So the other week I thought to myself, every day the flowers are changing and new ones are coming out – will I remember when they bloomed and what they were in the dark of Winter? Probably not. So to track all the bounty that Mumma Nature gifts us daily, I built a huge flower press! So now when I’m out and see a new wildflower I pick one or two, bring them home, pop them in the press and write down the date. Then come November, December, when it’s candle making time, the flowers can be added to the beeswax.
Think about it, It’s like creating a calendar of flowers, and it’s so much fun! It also makes me more aware and present to the moment I’m experiencing and all the beauty around me. Highly suggest it!
So let me ask you a question. How are you experiencing time lately?
I have had so many, many conversations over the last couple of weeks with people who are saying that time is doing a weird warp for them. I’m not talking about “Time Warp” from the Rocky Horror picture show, by the way.
Now what do I mean by time is warped?
That sense that something you did say a week ago was actually months and months ago. Or the sense that something you did months ago was yesterday. It’s most peculiar and quite a few of you have expressed dis-ease and panic about it.
Don’t panic sweetie, ground, breathe and step more into a witness mindset than a judging one. May is a pivotal month in 2021 with a Blood Moon Eclipse, Mercury retrograde, Saturn retrograde and Jupiter into Pisces for the first time in 12 years. Whoot!!!
So this coming Full Moon on May 26th welcomes in the Blood Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius. Lunar eclipses tend to be highly emotional, so we may have a hard time being objective and logical, and instead jump to action without thinking things through or respecting others. When riled up, take some moments to calm down before rushing into anything.
“Eclipses, especially a Blood Moon Eclipse, can often be intense, and bring sudden endings or disruption to our lives. They can also stir out emotions and make us feel extra sensitive.
We have not experienced a Blood Moon Eclipse since 2019, so it’s likely that we are going to feel this energy strongly. This Eclipse is also linked to a cycle we have been working with since early 2020 so there are many layers to navigate with it too.
While Eclipses can be potent, they do help us to level up and take a quantum leap forward on our path. Whatever falls away, as hard as it may be, is always a catalyst for our soul growth even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time.”
So my sweetie, buckle up, ground and breath through the chaos both external and internal. Yes? Also, ignore the news for a while, it certainly isn’t helping with the chaos feeling.
Okay, enough chuntering let’s crack on with the reading. So when I went to the cards and asked who wanted to come and guide this week and share their wisdom I laughed my soxs off when The Divine Circus Oracle jumped off the shelf!
Now if these guides are new to you please let me introduce you (as it’s exceptionally rude not too). “What is life if not a Divine Circus? Life might seem ordinary at times, yet when we look more closely, it is bursting with creative diversity, constantly evolving, pulling rugs out from underneath our feet (usually just at the moment we think we have everything under control) and opening doors we couldn’t even see were right there before us moments earlier. Life is magical, thrilling, sometimes strange and even scary. It can inspire you and touch your soul, inviting you to discover the unique magic within you, to dare to live it, to express it, to play with possibilities and embrace what sets you apart from the crowd. “
Thus, I invite you to breathe and just BE with your gorgeous self here in this moment. Take a few lovely, rich, nourishing breaths and let the cares of the moment slide off like wee little raindrops. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go have a peek?

You are clever. You know how to play an impressive game of strategy to win approval and gain allies. Even without always noticing it consciously, you can sense what people want. Sometimes you are so good at showing others what they want to see that you forget how beautiful you are when you are just being you. But your time has come, the time to unveil the one true real you and attract the allies who are not interested in what you can do for them, but who love you for who you really are.
You are ready to opt out of a game that most people play unconsciously. It’s a game of image and appearance at the expense of the true self.
So many people are so used to playing this game they no longer realise they are doing it. They don’t really know who they are and they are afraid to really find out. They live behind masks that appeal to others but slowly starve their authentic self, denying it the opportunity to experience being seen and to receive real love. Any promise of success, love or wealth that begins with you contorting yourself into something you are not is a false promise. It cannot deliver anything worthy of you.
You are not one of those fearful souls, but you know what it is like to have been caged in an invisible prison, a way of thinking and being that is not good for you. In times gone by, your soul has been shackled, your voice silenced, your true beauty hidden under more “appropriate” and “acceptable” guises, your intentions misunderstood and your words misconstrued. You’ve been like a beautiful wild creature, captured as though somehow you could be tamed and changed.
Be unafraid to discover the depths of your own being coming to life. If you do not, you shall bind yourself to a life far too bland for the colour and majesty of your soul. Being what another wants you to be is a false promise of love, and you are destined for love, real, wild, pure and true. Make sure you start by giving it to yourself, then you can share it with others and receive it from others too.
Lady Luck is on your side. A change of fortune is in store for you, a twist of fate that is meant to be. You’re a winner baby! You are about to hit the jackpot.
Do you think that luck is something that only happens to other, luckier people? Your attitude can attract luck to your side, no matter if you once thought you were the unluckiest person alive!
Luck is attracted to a certain type of consciousness, an attitude, a belief that life wants to help you, and has the infinite power and creative imagination to do that in endless ways. Attracting luck means being open to the genius of life, which works itself out perfectly, bringing benefits to us again and again, even if we have no clue how, where or why it operates the way it does.
You are being given a golden ticket, a lucky break, a change in fortune that was always meant to be for you, that was in your stars. You can turn this lucky break into a lucky streak that stays with you for a long, long time, or even forever, with your attitude, your belief in the goodness of life and the generosity of your spirit.
Feel the thrill, the gratitude, the joy of being a winner, and thank the universe for it daily! Luck will visit you soon and it will love being around you so much, it will decide to stay.
The free spirit in you is rewilding itself, shedding social conditioning and past patterns of behaviour. It is shaking off socialisation and emerging anew like a snake shedding a skin. The wild one within isn’t a save. It is raw, yes, but also wise, authentic, beautiful and with a deep instinctive knowing as to what you must be. Can a bird ever be truly happy whilst trying to be a fish? True freedom is to be truthfully yourself.
Politeness and people-pleasing, not out of respect but out of fear you will otherwise be rejected, is a form of social conditioning that dulls the wild one within. If you reject that conditioning in favour of re-wilding, of getting in touch with your true instincts and nature, you will exchange lukewarm tolerance from others for their passionate admiration and love. And for those that cannot love you, that are afraid of how much life is in you, then let them be. They do not belong in your world, nor you in theirs. The jungle of life is a vibrant, colourful and exciting place, but not everyone is ready to live there as yet. That is just the way of things sometimes.
It’s now time to let yourself off the hook, to forgive and forget, to allow what’s been to have been and to start again. No regrets. No fear. No doubt. It’s time to heed the call of the wild and ask yourself, “What would set my spirit free?”
If you cannot answer that bold question quite yet, then it’s time to get in touch with the freedom-seeking, wild one within. Dance. Play. Sing. Drum. Wear a feather in your hair and go barefoot. Let your instincts rather than your intellect guide you. Swap the certainty of the ego for the mystery of the soul.
A new song wants you to dance to it. There is no choreographed routine to learn, yet your body will create steps as you go. Will you free your gypsy soul and dance to music you’ve never heard before?
Woosah! What delicious guides for the energy right now, yes? So my glorious one, remember to step into a place of witness instead of judgement, ease instead of pushing and be gentle with your wonderful self! Have a stupendous week and remember to stop and see the flowers (and smell them). Big hugs and squeezes.