Happy Miraculous, Magickal, Mystical, Melancholy, Magnificent, Misty, Merry, Manifesting Monday!
How are you gorgeous one? Happy Samhain! (As in my practice, Samhain goes from dusk on the 31st to dusk on November 1st)!
This is the Celtic new year, the end of the growing season – the time of Death on the Wheel of the Year. This is where the past year dies & our lives shift inward in preparation for new life to take root.
This is an extremely powerful & transformative time of year.
As nature makes this final shift inward, and lets whatever remains die on the outside – you are also making this shift. And you have your own things that need to die in order for you to do so.
This time of year, and this seasonal energy, is helping you discover what those things ARE – the things that you have outgrown, the things you are ready to release in order to continue growing & evolving.
If you’re interested in learning more about Samhain & how this time of year influences you mentally & emotionally, check out the Magickal Book of Samhain, or come and join our incredible community in Creatrix Circle, where we walk the Wheel of the Year together!
I love, love, love this time of year! After the fiery intensity of summer it is so nice to move into the watery, reflective, inward and introspective energy of Autumn. And for me October and November meld together in a delicious way – inviting me to go deeper, to pull the energy in and push it down to my roots (as the plants do), and let all the pieces go that need to. A time of transformation.
I mean for goodness sakes, if we look at Biology 101 where does a seed transform? Under the ground. In the dark, warm earth where it is quiet and nurtured it can then start to sprout! (Okay I’m getting off my soap box!)
Now I know some of you may be saying “Hang on Jen, isn’t this All Souls Day, or Día de los Muertos.”
You would be correct on both counts!!! All Souls Day is celebrated on November 2nd and Dia de los Muertos is from October 31st – November 2nd. So take a moment to think about it – Samhain, All Souls Day, Dia de los Muertos are all about honouring our dead, giving thanks to our ancestors and seeing death as a transition and a time of transformation.
Make sense?
Thus, I highly encourage you to take some time to sit in the darkness, offer up a blessing to those who have passed and invite in the whispers of your amazing ancestral line.
(And yes I know our Western Culture can be super tweaky about death).
I have a super easy Ritual of Release for you to try. All you will need is your willingness, some leaves, a candle and your intention. Ready?
This Thursday we have a lovely New Moon in Scorpio and so what does this energy bring to you? New Moons are about retreating within, and Scorpio energy is also very reflective. We may find ourselves delving into the darker corners of our hearts and minds. We may find ourselves unpacking some of the denser emotions that we have been holding on to.
As Forever shares:- “The Scorpio New Moon represents transformation and can even be a catalyst if you are in any in-between phases in your life.
You may just find that shortly following this New Moon, the metamorphosis journey you are on kicks into a new gear, revealing the next step of your process.
If you are in a stuck and stagnant place, you can call on the energies of this New Moon to help create a shift in your life.
This New Moon is geared to inspire change, so think about what needs to transform in your world and then go about setting your intentions. Work with the energies of this New Moon by knowing that it can help instigate shift and change if that is what you are looking for.”
If you feel inclined, use the moody energies of the Scorpio New Moon to delve into those shadowy corners, who knows what beautiful insights will come into the light.
“And if you are stuck trying to figure out the essence of who you truly are I will give you a clue – you are far more magnificent, radiant, and lovely than you could ever believe.”
Okay I have chuntered on long enough!
When I went to the glorious cards and asked who wanted to guide and support you this week I was delighted to see The Oracle of the Shapeshifters. As we are all shapeshifting in some shape or form right now.
If these glorious guides are new to you, let me please introduce them (as that is the polite thing to do)! “These are the magickal familiars, once the companions of shamans, witches, wizards, and wise ones – and now they are here for you. Now is the time for you to undertake a great quest – to rebirth yourself within this lifetime and this quest of evolution does not need to be faced alone. We change and we change again. We fear change. Yet it comes. For us to fear change is as foolish as winter crying for the coming of spring. Change is. Fear corrupts. These guides are here to support, encourage and help you through transformation and to teach you to let go of fear. True , deep change must take place for you to fulfill your soul contract. You may have turned from possibility to what you have convinced yourself is probable: You diminish your possible self, reduce who you are, and dilute your spirit. But even when you have sought to remain invisible and hidden away, and said yes to everyone else, life will find you – and transform you. You are never alone with these beings.” Phew! So there we have it, are you ready?
Thus my gorgeous one, take a moment. Just let your breath naturally slow down, relax your shoulders and jaw. As you start to relax I invite you to see in your mind’s eye the energy of Release. What do you want to keep? What feels a tad stagnant? What messages do you need to hear from your ancestors? If you need a little more support dropping into that energy I have a lovely little guided visualisation for you.
Then, when you’re ready, pick the card or cards that make your soul breathe.
Did you remember to pick?

Then let’s go have a good gander shall we?

Unicorns help us choose between what is pure and what is polluted. The unicorns’ alicorn (a spiral horn, holding the divine ratio and perfect proportions within it) connects directly to their third eye. At this time, many messages are being drawn directly to your third eye, and so your clairvoyant capacity is growing and opening. This may sometimes be disturbing for you.
You may experience flashes of light at night, as though lightning is striking behind your closed eyelids. You will be able to see the colours and energies around beings, even see who their guides and etheric companions are.
With your eyes open, it is likely you will begin to see another world superimposed over this one. Energy will form shapes around people, objects, plants and even buildings. You will see colours and energy fields, orbs and entities – you are able to see what once you could not.
For a time this could lead to confusion, disrupted sleep, and a feeling that perhaps you may not be of sane mind. But this is not true. The unicorn and I are here to guide you through this time. The Unicorn will help purify the energy that comes close to you, and advises you to drink a great deal of water as you go through this process of the 3rd eye opening widely.
You will sometimes feel trapped in a world where you receive too many visions to make sense of – this will pass, and we will help you through this stage. Ask us what you need to know, and we will do our best to translate the images you are seeing – the energies you are able to glimpse so clearly now – into words you are able to understand. It is not the time to give in to fear and banish this visionary experience. Accepting it will lead to a great healing and the ability to help others.
This magickal being is holding tight to two beautiful cats; both of them offer her growth in her femininity, independence, and satisfaction on many levels. Both of them are very young, very tender. She feels nurturing and protective toward them both. “How can I put one down?” she asks, torn. She is being asked to choose between the two, to separate one thing from another, and she is shocked that she must make this choice.
When this comes to you, tune in. Ask yourself, your body, what it wants to do. Make a decision. You can no longer go on at this point attempting to walk in two directions at once. And that which you most fear – causing pain – will not happen when you choose. Cats are about your independence, your ability to leap high and to make it through many tricky situations. Choose. Choose now.
So are you having trouble making an important decision? You can’t see which one to choose? Which way to go? Both seem equally good or equally flawed? Hmmmm. We have come to show you the difference between two choices. You know you can take only one road at this time, and you know you must trust that that which you leave behind – that which you are telling yourself you are abandoning – will be safe and cared for. You will make it through this choice without feeling agonies of guilt. You will. The Universe trusts you to make the right choice!
Feel it – you can now choose between seemingly indivisible ways. There will be a solution to this impossible situation.
For now, put one thing down and choose the other, or no real growth can take place.
These companions will teach you how to be upside down in life for a time, to fly against the mainstream views, and to find your way when you can see no way ahead at all. They will assist you in moving far beyond the cares and conditioning that told you to stay enraptured by limiting beliefs, to remain in thrall of your fear of being different. The bats and their astounding skills, sensitivity, and talents will help you accept that you must begin to live with even more courage, imagination, and boldness – even when you are misunderstood. They will show you how, in time, you will become an inspiration, because you choose to live with valour, excitement, and beauty. The bats’ only question for you now is: What next?!
Others may say you are indeed batty, and this ascendancy has seemed mad even to you at times. The current state has been preceded by a heavy, hurtful climb. Just because no one can quite see how you’ve made it to the top does not mean you did not have to climb. There was no magickal lift, or easy way up – nor did you fly. But you did follow your instincts, and we, the bats, the ones who can see you in the dark, led you to your current home. Now you are here, and so many wonders you can see, and so peaceful and fine it feels to be high above it all. The air is fresh and clean, and you can see just where you need to go in future.
There will be a time to start the next great journey, but for just a moment, take time and enjoy the wind at your back, the incredible views stretching out before you, and the freeing sense of detachment from the cares and woes of all those who said it could ever be done, that you didn’t have the skills, that you couldn’t climb so high. You have.
You have done well. Now take a moment and enjoy the magnificent view and all the wisdom this height can offer you. See the future directions, see where you made what others call mistakes, and see how those below stay stuck. And now you need only ask for our help, especially when the darkness falls, and you will find your way to the beginning of another great journey into places that others say it is not possible to go. It is. You have shown it to be so. Now let us take in this glorious view.
Wow, wow, wow. What gorgeous guides to help us with the delicious energies of this moment! So my gorgeous lovely, sending you massive blessings and huge chocolate chip biccies (as everyone needs a nice snack). Remember to be gentle with yourself. Practise compassion. Laugh as much as possible and take the time to really step into the delicious warm and welcoming darkness. Big Hugs and Squeezes!