Happy Magickal, Miraculous, Merry, Maddening, Manifesting Monday!
It is the last Monday of August!!! This month has flown by. How are you gorgeous one? Are you staying relatively sane? Here in Canada there is so much negative energy, divisive energy and toxicity floating around pertaining to mandated vaccinations and people being excluded if they don’t have a vaccine passport. And of course, everyone has strong views on it and fear is being preyed upon and the vitriolic is high!
Which made me recall that a while ago, one of my mentors said to me “the knowledge keepers are being called.”
And it moved me. It got inside of me and moved things around, really made me very aware of my place in that world. What she meant was that much of the old knowledge (of ancient ways, but also of magic, and community, and kindness ) has been lost.
And now the knowledge keepers, the light seekers, and magic makers are being called to attention. We’re being asked to pick up the mantle and carry this knowledge into the future.
To do this we have to clear negative energy. It means that we have the ability to create new rituals, new magic, but also to rediscover what’s been lost, and uncover what has been buried. If you’ve been living under a rock—or, for self-preservation reasons, decided to stop watching the news—you might have missed that there is a lot of negative energy moving around in the world right now. And it’s heavy. It sticks to your bones and weighs you down. Keeps us small. Our energy is dark. And so it’s time to create our own rituals for clearing this energy both in our homes, our bodies, and in the world beyond. It’s our job to spread the message and bring this knowledge to light. Yes?
So how does one do this you may ask? This is one of the reasons that I was guided to form Creatrix Circle a year ago (and why we are now making it even more connected, richer and deeper). It’s also why I will be opening the doors again come Equinox.
But there are many ways to cleanse and clear yourself from the sticky negative energy around you. It could be as simple as making a smudge stick and smudging yourself, to forest bathing to deeper magick and spellwork.
One of the ways I’ve been cleansing my energy is most certainly getting out in nature, whether it is a hike in the lush coastal woods, or a meander along a long beach exploring tidal pools, or a quick run up a mountain. Every day, outdoor time for me has been key (oh yes, and hugging a tree), that’s a fabulous way to get grounded and release negativity.
I have also been playing Pokemon (yes I did say that outloud). It runs on my phone as I’m out and about (as you have to get outside to play) and the more distance I cover, the more eggs I can hatch! Also I can find very cool Pokemon in random places that I capture in one of my Pokeballs!!
Now you may be shaking your head and thinking to yourself – um, err, WTF? Pokemon??
Most of my boys play it and so we can share and trade Pokemon, go on raids together and be active together (especially when there is a monthly community day and you have to get outside and go do various quests). It’s good fun, and so as I’m very active it works!
But why am I talking about Pokemon when doing an Oracle Reading you may be thinking. Decks pick me in quite unusual ways, however, that tends to be about one per 6 months. Over this last month 3 new decks have chosen me in the most bizarre ways. One is the deck of Kali (and Goddess she has a lot to say and is rocking my soxs) and then this delicious, deep deck – Foxfire, the Kitsune Oracle, which when I read the history and lore behind it made me grin from ear to ear!
As a child growing up in Yorkshire, “the hunt” (fox hunting) was all the rage. On the day of the hunt a huge pack of dogs, accompanied by men and women dressed in red hunting jackets would ride onto the farm and and a silver cup of something would be shared before they all dashed after a poor, wee fox (and I love foxes!) Thank goodness that practice is no longer in practice!
Then I learned that in Japan foxes were viewed as supernatural intermediaries, with otherworldly powers and abilities, who worked with one of the most revered and esteemed Shinto deities of that mystical land. These are the Kitsune. When a Kitsune grows older and older, they are given more tails. They have powers, which they can offer you and share with you, and sometimes carry a kind of magickal ball, in which all of their overflowing wisdom and powers are contained and stored – a little like a battery, a reservoir of pure energy – which they can draw on for energy or offer others for energy too. If they wish to vanish, they can move into this ball.
It was this legend that inspired much of the premise for Pokemon and there is even a Ninetail Fox as one of the “evolved” Pokemon!
Through popular culture, ancient knowledge reaches out to us, and it is the pathway often chosen by wise ones – for it is easily sent out into the world, camouflaged by its external appearance as fantasy or entertainment.
So pay attention to the games you play, the books you read and the movies you watch to see where they are rooted in ancient wisdom and ways!
Okay, let me give you a proper formal introduction to these amazing new guides. Welcome to the Foxfire – the Kitsune Oracle. Welcome to the Kitsune, the shapeshifters, the foxes and the magickal beings of immense and divine power, rich with Foxfire light. They are here to help you. They care, in their wily way, about interacting with us. They wish to light your way with Foxfire. They year to connect with you, to rekindle the sacred flame within you. For you. This is their promise to you. For you are like the ancient wanderer in the forest who has at some time been very kind, for no good reason, and at no small inconvenience to yourself. And Kitsune have noticed this kindness, and so now they come to you, with their messages and their blessings, with the rice of abundance and the ancient flame with its power to bring us back to life. They wish for you to know the wisdom and the secrets and the powers that lie within you. These are the grains of rice that will feed your soul with golden light, with Foxfire, whose origins are ancient, until you shine once more like the bright soul you are.
To me, the perfect guides for these deliciously odd times.
So gorgeous one, take a moment. Come back to yourself, breathe yourself into your body (as tempting as it can be to flee it). Allow your mind to calm and your breath to slow and then when you are ready invite in the Kitsune. Invite in the knowledge that is deep within you. What do you need to hear this week? What would support you? Then when you are ready pick the card, or cards that whisper to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Come meet your guides, yes?

Hope is the offering that carries us forward into the darkness, unbowed and unbroken, despite the knowledge of the true challenges which face us. Hope allows us to see the beauty and exquisite shifts and changes within the natural world without becoming frightened of what they are omens of – the winter of the soul. You are asked to be receptive to hope, and to allow its gentle, uplifting sweetness to bring joy and comfort into the days that grow cold. Hope will allow you to be realistic, but to also stay present and without fear, which can cripple and inhibit our pleasure in the turning of the wheel of the year.
As your life moves into a time that will bring some challenges, you are given the gift of hope, which will stay with you, helping you to see the gifts in all the moments in which others will allow the challenge to steal the meaning from them. Allow the changes to take place, and treasure all the time you can spend with loved ones and with the natural world, and give yourself the time to relish the ever-changing world all about you.
Reach out and take the gift of hope, carry it within your heart, and let it warm you, even as the days become harsher, even as people grow cold. Know that this time is impermanent and that all will change, again and again. You are within a beautiful time that will not last externally, but the offering of its beauty will stay alive in your energy for all time. Give yourself time in nature, observe the changes, and watch others as they change too.
You have a natural connection to magic, and at this time, you are growing in your powers. Some of these powers are very new and very young, and it will be your task, moving forward, to nurture one in particular, because this seemingly humble beginning has great promise and many gifts to offer you. This tender new beginning is goddess-given to you, and this goddess of the Kitsune realms is the one who helps seekers to access their own personal strengths and hidden talents, and climb towards the sun, their powers growing in strength all the time.
Like the ivy, your talents will grow, you will climb, and the light will be reached. You are to nurture these newfound talents and strengths and whatever sweet new beginnings are about you,and strengthen them so that they can be sustained for many years to come. You will be taken on many adventures with the growth of this ability, and so many opportunities will be created.
Don’t let go of your dreams – hold on, climb high, and grow, and seek and find. Always reach for the light, and know that as you grow, you make everything beautiful. Find strong people to be around, and learn from their endurance and fortitude. Nature your dreams by day, and by night, let yourself be enriched by dreams.
Sometimes when we feel we are being what is called by humans “true to ourselves”, we are in fact not being true to ourselves at all. At times, we develop habits of self, and who we are has become an old story we tell ourselves and others, over and over again, until it seems natural and inevitable. This, after all, is who we are, we believe. But the truth is now here for you, and some of who you have told yourself you are is about to get a shake-up and you will find yourself walking through the gateways into a new version of who you are, and leaving behind who you once thought you were. This will be a raw time, a time when we feel vulnerable and exquisitely sensitive, yet it is good work that we do when we no longer follow a pattern, but seek instead to become who we are next meant to be. But in order for this to take place, something must be left behind before you walk through this gateway.
Choose what feels less true than it ever has before, and choose what still feels like a pattern you have attachments to. For once you walk through the gateway adorned with all the attachments and entwinings that ivy can bring, we will cease to make our former self and others and responsibilities our major commitment.
Instead, your own undoing and re-becoming will surface and demand its place in this next stage of your life. This is a gate of freedom you walk under. First, though, put down the burden of attachment to who you believe you are – or, more truthfully, who you believe you ought to be. Rebirth yourself, dear friend, and allow the gateway of the realm of the Kitsune to work its magick upon your endless reimagining of who you are.
Seriously you can’t make this shit up! So gorgeous one, wishing you a stupendous week filled with release, laughter and time for you. As next week is a long weekend, I plan on playing in the woods! Big hugs and squeezes!