Happy Majestic, Magnificent, Magickal, Marvellous, Moony Monday!
How was your Samhain, All Saints Day and All Souls day? I will say here in this neck of the woods it was deep, rich and welcoming!
We have lots to explore this week as there is big energy kicking around (in case you hadn’t noticed). With moving into November the energy has shifted, Tuesday we have a Blood Moon Eclipse in Taurus. Now I don’t know about you, but this energy is big and the word a lot of people are using is “Fated.” (North Node energy activation and all that).
And we have the 11.11 portal energy on Friday.
So snuggle up with a cuppa and let’s go dance between the warp and weft of these energies, so that we come out creating instead of tanking – yes?
As you know, we are now in November and the energy has shifted yet again (as it does monthly) and we are working with the energy of A NEW FERTILITY. But what does this mean for you?
As Lena explains; The first part of November, until the full moon on the 8th, remains an intense time between the 2 eclipses where anything can happen and the energy is tumultuous, unpredictable, somewhat accident prone, and can lean towards irritation, anger and restlessness.
Remember that this is a time that supports transformational change and should be used wisely so don’t dwell on shortcomings and negativity. Use this time as an important reset for yourself that may include some letting go of negative habitual behaviour, addictions and situations that are toxic.
Once we survive the next eclipse we have an opportunity to reboot our landscape and take a look at what we wish to initiate moving forward.
The theme of “a new fertility” is giving us the opportunity to re-evaluate how we think, what we believe and to move into a new way of being productive, sustainable and abundant.
We are moving out of a very masculine, active, aggressive time and into a more feminine expression of support which includes a necessary attention to what is fertility and how we are bringing it into our lives.
To have the most fertile ground requires fertilising it. Our fertiliser is the compost of our past patterns, experiences, lessons, trauma, grief, successes, disappointments, karmic relationships, challenges, opportunities taken, opportunities missed and anything else we have experienced in our past.
Turning the past into good fertile compost requires letting go of your attachment to it.
Re-read that again!
It’s a time of big release of old dross and also releasing the attachment to it.
In other words you can’t say you have released it and still talk about it daily!
On Tuesday, November 8th – Well, here we go. (Are you ready?)
A dramatic full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus will appear (which also happens to be Election Day in the United States). Again, what does this mean for you?
This is a transformative and some have called it a “fated” eclipse. It holds similar energy-ish to the one we had in May and it closes the eclipse portal that we have been experiencing.
Now if you remember, eclipses really uncover stuff. I mean bring it to the surface like a boil!
An eclipse is a time where the dealings of our worldly life (money, relationships, work, family) can get a little wonky.
On the other hand, the mystical part of life becomes incredibly enhanced!
If you remember, Full Moons are a great time to let go and release energy that is no longer serving you which opens you up to new energy coming in which can support in healing, opportunities, advances, upleveling consciousness, partnerships/relationships, wisdom, financial, and/or abundance.
With this transformative Blood Moon Eclipse there is an uplevelling on all levels of our consciousness and our spiritual journey. Which requires releasing the dross (are you seeing where I’m going with this?)
I have purposely used the word Transformative for this Blood Moon Eclipse, because if you are willing to do the work, release the dross, old baggage and welcome in new fertile energy; life will shift. However, be clear on what you desire.
“Transformation can always be challenging and often requires the painful work of peeling back layers, shedding skin, and birthing into the new. Each of these steps carries its struggles and magic, but under a Blood Moon Eclipse, the intensity level can be turned up.”
So how to navigate this? Take some time to journal and release. Ask for strength, power and support for letting go of any drama that is not serving you well, acknowledge the karmic lessons you have learned and set an intention to embrace a new fertility where new ideas, insights and inspiration have a chance to take root and flourish.
This Friday (November 11th) is Remembrance Day, also known as Armistice Day. It marks the day World War One ended at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918! 104 years ago!!!
Now I appreciate you may have been fortunate never to have experienced war, or had to fight in a war. However, many people are not that fortunate and so I do feel it is very important, especially with what is happening in the Ukraine, to acknowledge and sit with it.
To Remember.
The Poppy to me is a symbol of Remembering those who bravely went to fight for our freedoms and well being. It is also a symbol of Hope, hope for our troops that are still deployed all over the world and Hope for a time of Peace. As someone who was in the Military reserves and a reserve police officer, and also having friends who were or still are in the military, let alone a father who was and a grandfather, I feel very strongly about the respect and honour that is due to those sacrifices and those that are still away from home.
Personally, I think it is important to focus on those types of events, the ones that inspire Hope and Peace, and don’t get me wrong, there are all sorts of wars still being waged all over the world. But drop back into that space of Armistice, Hope and Peace – it is sooooo possible on every level in this world (at least that is my belief).
Thus on Remembrance day we have the potent energy of 11:11. Great Jen, what does that mean for me (you may be asking)?
Close your eyes and remember the last time that you set an intention. Did you feel doubtful that your wish would come true, or did you have faith that the universe was listening, ready to help you bring your vision to life?
11/11 is one of the most powerful days of the year for manifestation – a day when we’re reminded that our guides are always with us, supporting us on the path to our deepest dreams. There’s a reason why we’re told to make a wish whenever we see 11:11 on the clock. 11 is a master number, and its frequency speeds up manifestation, opening up channels through which angelic beings can send their wisdom and support.
“The number 11 grants us access to the 5th dimension, where the constraints of time and space do not exist. On 11/11, we experience 5D energy in the form of synchronicity, alignment, and acceleration. You might experience that “right place, right time” feeling – the reassurance that you’re on the right path, and everything you’re seeking is seeking you in return.”
A lot happening yes, amazing yes, transformative yes. But are you willing?
Okay, let’s crack on with the reading.
When I went to the cards and asked my guides who they wanted to work with they picked these glorious guides.
Now if these are new to you, please let me introduce them.
These glorious guides give you needed glimpses into your everyday life and help you see where changes can be made to enhance your life here on Earth. There is so much more to our world than we often perceive.
There exist many dimensions and numerous beings that reside in these realms. All of these elemental beings are interconnected with us. We do not live independent of one another but are interdependent. These wonderful beings are here to help.
They not only take care of the Earth, but they work hard to take care of us. We are familiar with many of these beings, such as angels, faeries, and elves. There are many more we are not conscious of, but they, nevertheless, contribute to the workings of our planet. Remember as you go through your day, to ask for help from the elemental world whenever you need it. The need is never too small to call on their help. It is through helping us that they advance in their spiritual development. We are their work. We in turn can spiritually evolve through allowing them to help us. To all these amazing beings we say Thank You.
Interestingly enough the crystals that came to share are all glorious beach stones and the herbs were most adamant. So we have Sage and Rosemary. Grounding and Flow is what they are saying.
Okay darling one, take a breath. A glorious slow, sensual breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Feel your jaw relax (which helps your pelvic floor and diaphragm to relax) and as you breathe see in your mind’s eye a glorious Red Poppy.
It dances in the breeze and its paper like petals glow with the richness of its colour. As you start into the centre of it, allow yourself to be drawn in, ask your higher self, wise self – what karmic patterns do you need to release, what do you want to create space for that makes you feel hopeful and peaceful.
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that invite you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

Faeries have no need to worry about finances. They just trust they will be provided for, and so they are.
Trust has a lot to do with the finances of humans also.
Asking and then trusting that things will work out for you opens a pathway for your good to come to you.
This is a time when financial issues are at a head in your life. There are opportunities opening up for you. Keep your eyes open and be willing to check out any offers that come your way. The Universe knows what you need and will provide if you stay grounded in faith.
Look carefully at how you use the money that is given to you. Do you use it wisely? Are you saving some each month? Paying bills on time?
If you find yourself resenting bill paying then change your attitude and face it with joy. Thank Spirit that you are able to pay your bills. Send each payment out with a blessing attached, that “…every person who comes in contact with this money be blessed.” Finances will surely take a turn for the better.’
Have trust and believe!
A wee mantra for you:
Mother, Father God…I ask for your divine intervention on my behalf.
I ask for the perfect solution.
I ask for the perfect timing for the manifestation of the solution.
I am willing to accept your guidance and your wisdom…
And I expect the miracles,
Which are a demonstration of your love.
So be it.
Keep your eyes out for a coin today.
Look at this card. This angelic being is bound round and round, yet her bindings are not secured.
She can choose to unbind herself at any moment.
Situations are not always as dire as they seem. You must look deeper at things going on in your life. Are you seeing all the different sides of a situation? Perhaps you are feeling restricted when it is your choice to simply decide to be free.
We often bind ourselves with limited belief systems and outdated thinking patterns. What habits can you change in order to release yourself from your limited thinking? Many situations are not black or white or good or bad. It’s up to you to sit and see both sides.
Ask for clarity and to see all facets before making up your mind. Find your pedestal where you can see your truth and release all that does not fit your chosen reality.
Choose wisely what you want in your life. All of the choices we make create a vibration that affects all other life in the Universe. If one chooses wisely, it will be what is also best for others. You have much more control of your life and circumstances than you realise.
A wee mantra for you:
I am a being with the gift of choice.
I am open to truth.
I choose to bring into my life, all the good that exists for me.
I choose freedom.
My life abounds with positive options.
I choose wisely with my best interest in mind.
So be it!
Choose the other one today!
This is about reading, writing, study and all intellectual pursuits in general. It’s also about the stories of your life. If someone were to write about your life and the stories of it, what would they say?
For those who love to read, be sure to allow yourself plenty of time for relaxing with a good book. For those who do not care to read, consider what you are missing out on and consider reading more.
It may be time to delve deeper into an area of study and learning that interests you. Perhaps furthering your education, with much reading to do.
There is one caution, if your nose is always in a book to the exclusion of people and other activities, you may want to make sure that you are not trying to hide from life. It’s fun to live in another dimension for a bit, but be sure to come back to your own plane of existence.
It may be time to consider exploring something new and furthering your education.
A wee mantra for you:
Princesses, goblins, and romantic things,
Treasures and pirates and magical rings.
Wings that are wispy and bells that ring clear;
Banishing dragons…the crowd roars a cheer!
Such are our stories and so they are told,
Both of the meek and also the bold!
Life is a story, about which I write.
I’ll make it a good one filled with bright light!
So be it!
Seek knowledge today!
Wowzer, glorious guides for this transformative and intense week. Wishing you a stupendous week filled with ease, laughter and reflection as well as unpacking the dross trunk! There won’t be a reading next week as this is a long weekend and I will be taking time to play, Remember and reflect. Big hugs and squeezes.