Happy Magickal, Musical, Magnificent, Mysterious, Manifesting Monday!
Yesterday was the delicious Blue Sturgeon Full Moon, packed with all sorts of wonderful energies to play with, did you take some time to do so? It could be as simple as lighting a candle and reflecting on the traits within you that are like the Sturgeon. Remember, we talked last week that Sturgeon are strong and impressive. They’ve survived millions of years by adapting and persevering through many different challenges. You are just as powerful and resilient whether you realize it or not.
So I don’t know about you but this week has been rather funky. It “seems” as if the world is going absolutely bonkers and there is a lot of blaming, shaming, judgement and mixed messages. Let alone what Mumma Earth is kicking up. And yet we are being “encouraged” to just go back to normal, don’t rock the boat, just be normal. (Yet what the fuck is normal? Lol)
What made it more “interesting” for me, was in an interview, for a wonderful Summit of amazing women, that I had at the beginning of the week I said “What do we do when we are feeling good – we throw the tools out of the window and forget about them until next time.” Yes – I did say that outloud on an interview lol.
Interestingly enough, after I said that – my next time came quickly after that interview as I noticed I felt edgier, drained, things felt sharp and my Intuition and Inspiration had gone into hiding. So much so there was a day where I was wondering what was happening as I had zero energy (and if you know me, my energy is super high, like an Energiser bunny!) I felt a total lack of inspiration, which was triggering my Virgo tendencies in a huge way as we are in the midst of an amazing transformation of how Creatrix Circle is going to be and a few other wonderful goodies that are coming out. So needless to say the “to do lists” were calling persistently like an old relationship that didn’t realise we had broken up!
Thankfully I have friends who will be “real” with me and they all said “Step back, you’ve taken on the collective and need some rest time.” Gulp. Thus, I popped myself into the amazing macrame hammock chair that I made and made self care the number one item and guess what came up?
Inspiration (which as we know is tied to Intuition). The word “inspiration” means “breathing in.” The Hebrew word ruah and Greek pneuma mean both “breath” and “spirit”. To get inspired, we must breathe in spirit. Well that makes total sense don’t you think?
So as I swung in my chair (putting my logical/analytical mind in a box on the garden table), I turned to the breeze that was blowing around me and my breath for wisdom and got quiet. Just letting the thoughts arise and blow away like leaves in the wind and as I did this Inspiration drifted gently into the stillness I had created.
Yes!!!! It was like a gorgeous river of amazing images and words filled with fishes of Intuition. There was just the breeze that made the chair swing gently, the rustle of leaves, me and spirit. It was so delicious I stayed there for 3 hours (and I can’t normally sit still for that long). My Inspiration, Intuition and Magickal well being felt nourished and heard. The next day I grabbed a plethora of Sharpies, a huge sheet of paper and everything was mind mapped out – not from my ego brain, from my intuitive heart brain. It was magnificent!
So let me ask, what are you doing for yourself to fill your Inspiration tank? What does that look like for you (as well all do it differently). Is it sitting and breathing in spirit, is it writing, walking, going to the gym, having a great conversation with a friend. What Inspires You?
Okay, enough chuntering – let’s crack on with the reading. The cards that flew out and at me this week are the amazing Divine Circus Oracle, which made me laugh my soxs off – as the world does feel like that right now, circus like.
Now, if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them (as not to would be rude!)
“What is life if not a Divine Circus? Life might seem ordinary at times, yet when we look more closely, it is bursting with creative diversity, constantly evolving, pulling rugs out from underneath our feet (usually just at the moment we think we have everything under control) and opening doors we couldn’t even see were right there before us moments earlier. Life is magical, thrilling, sometimes strange and even scary. It can inspire you and touch your soul, inviting you to discover the unique magic within you, to dare to live it, to express it, to play with possibilities and embrace what sets you apart from the crowd. “
Thus, I invite you to breathe and just BE with your gorgeous self here at this moment. Take a few lovely, rich, nourishing breaths and let the cares of the moment slide off like wee little raindrops. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that call to you.
If you need some help and support releasing the “shoulds”, the weight of energy around you I have a lovely guided visualisation for you. It’s fun, we are going on an explore!
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go look!

Appearances can deceive; yet when the time is right, incisive intuition slices through the illusion and the truth hits you between the eyes. That is the perception of reality behind the illusion. You know it when you experience it and you know that you have to trust in what you see! So give yourself permission to acknowledge and accept the power of those insights. Don’t talk yourself out of the truth. Intuition might only last for a second; and yet it can change the way you look at things forever, setting you on a more authentic course and allowing for changes to take place that you might have previously believed were impossible.
You might need to look closer to understand what is happening, or to trust in what you are already perceiving, even if a part of you doubts it because the truth of the matter in such cases would be so at odds with superficial appearances. Trust in your insight, no matter how startling, surprising or shocking that intuitive hit might be.
Get focused on what matters to you, then you won’t lose precious energy by either worrying about what could go wrong or trying to sort something out in your head. When the time is right, even the most confusing situation is going to come into focus, and your understanding of the matter, and what you need to do or not do, will be crystal clear. Set an intention for clarity and trust in what you see!
If you were proud of who you are and everything you have learned in your life, free from shame, guilt or judgement, what would you choose for yourself today? The choices you make for yourself from a place of feeling good are going to be more loving and helpful than anything from a place of self-judgement. You’ve nothing to regret, you’ve learned a lot and you are a beautiful unique being on a wild divine journey. Be kind to yourself. Keep your head up! Then it will be easier to keep growing and glowing.
Dear wild one, have you felt like you’ve lost your footing? Got a bit clumsy? Made a mistake? Have you been second-guessing your choices? Don’t you dare doubt you! Be proud of all you’ve done and how far you’ve come. Never be ashamed of who you are, or the journey you’ve taken.
If you feel that life is getting you down, or you should have, or could have, made different decisions in life – be reassured, you are doing a great job! You are meant to have learning experiences. What matters is that you choose to learn. And you do! In your own time and your own way, you make sense of things, and you grow wiser and stronger as a person.
If you feel any ridicule, judgement or shaming is coming from those around you – trust you are stronger and wilder and more beautiful and true than any of that mean-spirited fearfulness. Let the mud that is being slung slide right off or remain stuck in the hands of those throwing it your way. Keep your sense of inner dignity intact. Never make yourself smaller to placate the fear in another’s heart. Take pride in who you are. Be proud to be you! And know that this is a way to respect and honour the creative loving power of the universe that created you!
Have you ever felt like you were on the outside, looking in – maybe like everyone else has found their place, really belonging to someone or something, having set themselves up for life, with you still working out how to just get past the security guards at the front gate? It’s time for your outsider status to change.
There are times to break free from the crowd, to stand alone and have the courage to be the outsider. If you are brave enough to endure the times when you feel like you don’t fit in, you gain a precious treasure. This is the ability to know who you really are and to learn to love that self. When you are solid in your self-esteem, and your self-knowledge, the powers you have developed as an outsider – including different viewpoints and ways of understanding the world – can be brought back to the rest of the world to be shared, to create a better world for all. It’s a bit like a soul version of sharing your holiday pictures with the family after a big adventure, opening up their minds to other worlds and maybe even inspiring them to take their own journey.
But if you’ve spent long enough on the outside, on the fringe of life, perhaps leaving people behind, it can take some intention and attention to change course. You might have become used to being the lone wolf or standing so apart from the crowd that there’s no-one else around you. That will have served a purpose, but you are invited to shift your ways now – from setting yourself apart – to returning with that wisdom to share with others. It means believing you can sail straight past the security guards at the door, straight into the most deliciously wonderful party and into the VIP room at the centre.
You have learned to accept yourself, so you’ll not hand your power over to others, as though their approval means more to you than your own self-possession. You can be amongst the crowd, and take your rightful place there, yet still be an individual, very much at home, belonging and sharing your treasures with others, still exactly who you are in truth.
It’s time to take pride of place in something that matters a lot to you. Accept it. It is your time to feel as though you have been chosen and that you belong.
Oh wow, what gorgeous guides for this week! Seriously, you can’t make this shit up! What matters to you, be proud of who you are in your real/raw state and get ready to step into a place of community and connection. Whoot! So most gorgeous bean, wishing you a stupendous week filled with tapping into what you truly value and need, appreciating how far you have come and of course INSPIRATION!