Happy Last Reading of 2024!
I think we can all agree it has been a year, and here we are amidst the holiday season prep and doing.
I do invite us all to remember that for some this season is most challenging, they may feel alone, have lost someone, feel overwhelmed or a myriad of other things.
Last weekend I took all the females in my family (daughter, girlfriends, friends) to go see Mom’s The Word: Talking Turkey, an incredible play.
Wowzer, it was funny, it was poignant, it was real and raw.
5 women acting out and sharing their Holiday experiences, things that worked, things that didn’t, people that had died. Wowzer.
As we just welcomed the Winter Solstice on Saturday, it opened the door into Winter for us.
And for those who asked if they can still join The Omen Days Journey, yes!
The amazing Solstice gathering was recorded and we start on December 26th. So come join us all, it will change how you end the year!
This is a magical season full of transformation and deep internal work.
It may seem counterproductive to pause, rest, and reflect.
However, remember that your worth isn’t defined by what you’ve accomplished.
Slow down and be fully present in activities that truly bring you joy and pleasure. Before you know it, Spring will be here, so enjoy these quiet moments of rest and solitude.
So why not create a to-do list for this Winter holiday that captures your inner child.
What would you like to do to bring more holiday magic to the season?
With so many obligations during December, find time to slow down and read a book you enjoy.
With the longer nights and colder days, it’s a perfect time to snuggle up and relax.
Pick something purely for pleasure or a non-fiction book that can help you learn something new or change your perspective.
Spend time in reflection and creating the space for the next year (and no this is not a TO DO thing), that’s why we do The Omen Days (and yes, it doesn’t start until the 26th so you have time to join.)
This is about really looking at what nourishes your heart and soul at this time.
Yes, there are some family obligations, but if spending 2 hours with Uncle Mervin makes you want to pull your hair out, then only spend an hour – and have boundaries!
Okay enough of me chuntering as we all have stuff to do!
Let’s crack on with the reading. When I sat with all my lovely decks and asked who felt a strong urge to come support and guide us this week as we head into the dark and the shortest day I was tickled to see who hopped up.
The glorious guides who were adamant are the Sacred Destiny Oracle. So in case you have never met them, let me introduce you – and if you have met them before, let me reintroduce you (as not to do so is rude!). “You have a sacred destiny; we all do. There is a powerful and profound reason that you are here on the planet. However, sometimes it may be difficult to understand what that reason is and perceive what is required on your journey into the future. It may be a challenge to know what the next step in life should be. This is the time to call upon the energy of nature and majesty of the natural world to provide answers to the heartfelt yearnings of your soul. In ancient traditions, shamans, medicine women, witches, visionaries, and prophets all accessed hallowed knowledge by observing their natural environment. These wise beings stepped through mystic gateways into inner realms to bring back meaning to the seemingly random event of life. “
I seriously snorted tea out of my nose when they appeared. Why? Re-read the last two lines.
Okay darling one. Please take a moment to just relax. Don’t worry about if the lights look great, or how you are going to deal with Uncle Tony at the Xmas dinner. Just BE here NOW. Take a massive deep breath out first through an open mouth. Then allow your breathing to find its open delightful, rich rhythm and let your shoulders drop.
As we have just lit the third candle of Advent, Joy, the candle of the animal world.
So what does Joy feel like to you right now? Is it elusive or is it permeating your being.
If you want to play with Joy a bit more I have a guided visualisation for you.
Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that tug.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go look, shall we?

Be clear about where you are going. Do not compromise!
Follow your dreams; you deserve the best. Prioritise your life.
Once you decide on a direction, hold the course. Do not veer. Do what’s important, and release the rest. Place your intent and passion on one thing, rather than scattering in many directions,and you will be successful.
On the path, it’s easy for the traveler to be distracted by people, events, and even shiny objects. Do not take any side roads. Stay the course.
Keep going, no matter what emerges on your path that distracts you. It’s easy to get lost and forget where you’re heading. Recommit yourself to your destination.
What you focus on is what you create, so put your attention on what is worthwhile, beautiful, and inspiring.
Refrain from focusing on what’s not working: only focus on the direction you want to go.
Just around the bend, a miracle is waiting to happen.
Release fear and uncertainty, and majestic wonders wait to unfold for you.
Watch for them and embrace them. Some come in an unlikely form. Trust that all is unfolding for your highest good. Expect miracles in your life.
What is expected tends to be realised. The more you become aware of the small marvels in your life, the more you will grow in magnitude. Celebrate and cherish them when they appear, no matter how small they may seem.
What others see as ordinary, you see as wondrous. Look at your life in a new way. Let go of fear and expectation, and allow the Goddess to solve your challenges in mysterious and wondrous ways.
Don’t limit the way you think miracles can appear in your life. All is well.
Stop playing it safe.
Get ready for new horizons and change in your life. A journey is coming.
It might be to foreign lands or faraway places, or may be an inner shift that changes your destiny. It’s all beneficial. Sometimes we can feel wobbled when we are not in our normal surroundings, however, you are safe and protected. Good fortune ensues.
Part of the glory of travel is stepping out of old habits, routines, and the repetitiveness of everyday life. It can feel daunting, yet in no small way your life is a spiritual voyage. Change is coming. Things are not as they seem. There are no wrong turns; every adventure and missed-venture is part of the course.
You are on a pilgrimage of the soul. Keep your metaphorical bag packed; some unexpected experiences are ahead. Be ready for anything. The joy of travel is that you can begin to experience the everyday as if you are seeing it for the first time.
Nothing should be taken for granted.
Absolutely perfect! How did that feel for you? Wishing you a stupendous Holiday season. Remember to play for goodness sakes and don’t get caught up in what you think it “should look like”, sending you massive warm hugs, big gingerbread kisses and golden light! Talk to you in 2025.