Happy Magnetic,Magickal, Marvelous, Musing, Merry, Musical, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!!!!!!!!
It’s Solstice, it’s Solstice, it’s Solstice! (Can you tell I am uber excited?) Saturday morning I spent time making lovely decorations for the animals that are deliciously edible if you are a bird, racoon, deer etc. So today is off to the woods to hang them all and then some glorious rituals, fire, frankincense, myrrh and dragon blood to welcome back the sun.
Thank you for all the wonderful comments on the Book of Shadows, I am tickled to hear how much you have been enjoying it – and it will take you from Solstice all the way through to the New Year. Also, huge thanks for the comments on the Solstice visualisation, that was such a fun one to do and figuring out how to add music to it was a delightful opportunity for growth!
A few have asked if the doors to Creatrix Circle are closing – Yes. They will close Wednesday at midnight and open again in March. Thus, if you want to surround yourself with an amazing tribe, start deepening into yourself, come and join – we would love to have you.
So here we have The Great Conjunction (which we have been touching on for the last couple of weeks). There are so many things to say about this epic moment, and of course it seems rather typical to have another “different and altering” experience to close off 2020, wouldn’t you agree?
With this Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn we head into a new element (that of Air) and what is referred to as The Age of Aquarius. As Forever shares:-
Aquarius energy allows us to focus on what is good for the whole. Rather than focusing solely on our own needs and wants, we are able to see that we are all connected and that we all need to come together in order to create a better world.
When this energy is in balance, it allows us to create a more peaceful and compassionate world where we are able to put ourselves in the shoes of others, where we are able to create supportive and loving communities, and where we are able to work together and share common goals.
This is the Age of Aquarius utopia that has been sung about and talked about for decades. This is the better life we can envisage for ourselves, where we are all honored for our individual spark but then also connected and working together as a whole and for the greater good.
Both Jupiter and Saturn coming together in this conjunction is like the Lord of Karma meeting the planet of expansion. Here, Jupiter is able to shine a light on all of our Saturn lessons. It is able to soften them, make us see them with more clarity, but also in many ways, expand them.
As the Jupiter Saturn conjunction is so pivotal, this energy affects us on a global level too. It is almost like Earth is waking up to its karma. In many ways, our entire planet is advancing to a new level and looking for debts to be paid.
Whatever our collective Earth karma is, this Great Conjunction has arrived to set things into balance.
This in turn is a delicious invitation to all of us to look at this time to see what in our own lives, families, communities and work needs to be brought into balance. Then when this is uncovered, taking new seeds and planting them in the warm darkness of this Solstice time, to create and weave something new.
I have been saying all year – we are all in this together and what is no longer true or authentic has to fall away. This is the time of the collective, connection, collaboration and creating something new! Whoot! (So excited!)
Which makes this the last reading of 2020. As I am now doing what I am told, lol (yeah it happens sometimes), and taking this time to rest, be still, create and listen. So I will be back in the New Year-ish.
Okay, enough chuntering away. This week we have fantabulous new guides to support us. When I went to the cards to ask who wanted to share, I was tickled pink to see the guides that were adamant, they have never shown up publicly before, but they were super clear it was their time. So please let me introduce you to the amazing Fairy Blessing Guides.
Faeries are present in every droplet of water, every blade of grass – they are everywhere there is a trace of nature – thus every field, flower, and forest is theirs. They inhabit the wild rainforests and the old castles; they dance within standing stones and burial mounds; they are on the top of mountains and within the grove deep in the valley; and they appear in the cracks in the pavement and beneath the cities in the old, tangled tree roots. Faeries are part of this world, and they were here before we were born into this world, and they know us better than we know ourselves.
For humans, many of us have lost our sense of play, our sense of relationship with nature, our courage to be ourselves – as well as our hope, creativity, and personal power. We have looked outside of ourselves and nature and the sacred ones for answers, and in doing so, we have become quite lost. The blessings of the faeries can bring us back into relationship with ourselves, back into relationship with the elements and the elementals, so that we can become more at home within the world, while creating a personal world which supports our dreams, our wishes, and our purpose.
Yes! Perfect guides for today and this time! As always remember, when you receive a blessing you offer a blessing.
So gorgeous one, breathe, breathe yourself here to this present moment. This is the only moment that matters. As your breath gently slows I invite you to ask the question – what needs to come into balance for me? No judgement, no pushing. Just allow it to flow up with ease and gentleness and then when you are ready pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
If you really want to go deep you might want to grab the Solstice Visualisation.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go see.

The Faery gift so that you, too, shine with an inner radiance.
Let this gift from the Shining Ones bring you blessings of your own abilities to shine the world, beloved one.
You are now given the gift from the realm where once the great Tuatha de Danann, the People of the Land, of the goddess Danu, the old faerie tribes of ancient Ireland, ruled and kept the balance of all things.
They bless you now with the gift you need most at this time. Simply close your eyes for a moment, and see the glow, the radiance emitted by the energy within and all around you.
Now, see that shining self begin to grow stronger, and larger, and more visible to your spirit eyes.
With this gift, your radiance is strengthened, so that now you shine within the world, and can be seen, recognised, and offered good fortune and bounty. Your light is a lamp for the world, and it is beautiful to behold.
This time will bring unexpected kindnesses and easeful movement in achieving goals that are best for your soul, as well as a sense of being recognised and cared for by those who have that touch of shining blood within them, too.
Blessings of the Shining Ones, to you, friend.
The Faery gift of a balance and home that can be found within yourself.
Accept now, faery friend, this blessing of the fae, the ability to find balance, a centre, a home from which strength can spring forth. They who cannot be parted from the land, who resist all who attempt to banish them, who dwell between the worlds, now offer you this gift of balance and stability.
When this gift comes to you, you will be as centred and balanced as the land, with a sense of deep belonging and love of where you are, and a feeling of your home being the safe, joyous, and fulfilling place it can be. When this blessing comes to you, there will be great balance, as you will be connected to the terrestrial, and to the celestial. When this blessing comes, you will find you have the influence and the ability to create what you need within your home and heart, and you will be able to resist any who oppose you or do not understand you.
With this gift comes the ability to find the right location for you, the place within the world where you are meant to be at this moment, and to know that it is destiny at play.
You are of the earth and the stars, faery friend. You are finding your own domain, and you will be blessed with a home that is your own, with a stability and balance within that space, and you will celebrate just who you are, without fear of discrimination or misunderstanding. Healthy relationships can be yours when this blessing comes to you, and strength, power, and influence are yours when this gift is made yours.
Be blessed, friend, with the gifts of the faeries, and know that you will find the place you belong in this world.
The faery gift of a situation or condition being healed in a beautiful way.
To you now is offered the immense faery gift of healing. Faeries heal – they tend to and care for the wounded parts of human hearts and bodies and minds, they care for animals who are unwell and delicate, and they tend the plant world and the allies of the elemental realm. Faeries and their gift of healing is yours now – bring to them your hurts, concerns, and sorrows.
They will help to heal you by sending you sweet, intense charges of energy. They will heal you by bringing to you the plants and the animals and the natural spaces and places that can bring you to a better state.
There is no obligation with this energy; it is pure, and safe, and fresh as spring water or wild strawberries. Let their light now shine upon you, and move to whatever part of you is in most need of comfort and strength. Let the old hurts or pains and challenges be offered the gift of faery help and healing. Let whatever load it is you have carried be lightened with their love. Let there be harmony within your form. Let the healing energy that moves through all the natural world, and is concentrated in abundance within the faeries and their medicine, move to you, through you, leaving you relieved, soothed, healed, and replenished.
Let hurts fade away, and let hope and healing rise again. The faeries are there to assist you, friend. Let the faery gift of healing be yours this day.
Woosah! Breathe in the Blessing, offer a Blessing. So most gorgeous one, I wish for you stillness, joy and ease. May your sleep be peaceful and your day be filled with joy and connection. And I will see you in 2021! Big Blessings, Hugs and Squeezes.