Happy Magickal, Messy, Mysterious, Magickal, Manic, Manifesting Monday!
How was your Easter or Passover? Mine was delicious, filled with play, food, family, dirt and lots of outdoor adventures!
So let’s get down to it, shall we?
Because this week we open up the Eclipse portal this week- whoot! (No, don’t run away and hide in the closet).
However, before we start – do you remember that I said your mantra this month should be “Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries?” (I hope you have been putting that into practice.)
So let me ask, before we dive into eclipse energy – do you pay attention to the signs that are trying to communicate with you? I often hear from clients and friends that they are asking for a sign, but because it doesn’t come in the neat tidy package they expect, they ignore it.
Signs are everywhere (think about the stop sign just down the road). Or the feather that flutters down on your path with no bird in sight.
Signs are a way of the Universe/Divine communicating and chatting with us.
Could be numbers that show up, animals that randomly appear, feathers dropping from the sky, a friend you haven’t heard from for years phones, the perfect thing you were desiring manifests.
Why am I bringing up signs?
As we open up the eclipse portal many of you have shared they have been experiencing physical symptoms, vivid dreams, that restless energy where it’s as if your skin is fitting a bit too tight, strange signs, insomnia and oh such much more.
Including zero tolerance for bullshit and arseholes.
Totally get it! (Signs)
What does this Eclipse mean for you?
On April 19th/20th (depending where you live) we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries (think about that sign).
This is a hybrid solar eclipse which is a combination of an annular and total eclipse, where the former becomes the latter and then it reverses back.
In other words “The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse is a hybrid between an Annular Eclipse, where you can see a ring of fire around the Sun, and Total Eclipse, where the Sun is completely blocked.”
Hybrid Eclipses are incredibly rare and can suggest a transition or perhaps a shift between two worlds. Just as the Eclipse moves from Total to Annular, perhaps something in our lives is preparing to shift too.”
Eclipses uncover hidden emotions, beliefs, thought patterns and habits.
They bring to the surface the bits and bobs we have been either trying to stuff into an already over crammed closet, or have continually swept under a rug (and we wonder why the rug has a bump in the middle!)
However, This is a very powerful portal for transformation, change and moving into the next level of productivity and manifestation.
Eclipses often act as portals to the life that our soul needs us to lead, so we evolve.
The energy of an eclipse can be like a reset button for our lives, allowing us to release old patterns and make way for new growth.
This can be a challenging process, as it often requires us to confront our deepest fears and limitations. But if we’re willing to do the work, eclipses can also be incredibly transformative times that lead to greater clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.
Don’t be afraid to embrace the intensity of the upcoming eclipse season.
Trust that the universe has a plan for you, and that this powerful energy is leading you toward the life that your soul needs you to lead.
Okay, with all that being said – let’s crack on with the reading.
We have new guides this week, and they are so appropriate!
Please let me introduce them.
Have you ever seen something and felt like it was more than what it seems at first glance? A sign? We’ve been conditioned to write off these experiences as pure coincidence or nothing more than random occurrences, but that is not always the case.
Signs and symbols are the Universe’s way of communicating with us. Our willingness to become an active participant in the conversation is a choice.
The Universe is always communicating and signs speak to us in a very personal way, allowing each of us to have our own one on one relationship with the Divine. Almost like the Universe has given you a nickname or a secret code that only you can crack.
These guides are a conduit for that energy.
You are being invited into a conversation with the Divine and your Higher Self that will feed your soul and reveal the very answers you are seeking.
Let go of doubt and follow the signs.
Okay, let’s drop in shall we?
I invite you to just gently breathe yourself back into this moment. Just this moment.
Let the dross of the day or the mind drop to the ground and feel your breath filling your whole being. Allow it to take whatever pace it needs. Then invite into your mind’s eye a glorious swirling vortex of energy. In that energy is interwoven so many glorious messages from the divine just for you and the pieces that you have been stuffing under the carpet.
Let them come up, with no judgment, just watch them, breathe in and welcome the signs from the divine, breathe out and let go of the bumps under the carpet.
Then when you are ready. Pick the card or cards that call to you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s have a gander, shall we?

Look at your hand, the palm of your hand. There is power in your palm.
When you rub your palms together vigorously you create a ball of energy. A ball of energy that is palpable and can change things.
So what are you passionate about? Have you thought about your purpose?
You are being invited back to yourself and your destiny.
Prepare for fated events and glorious moments that seem out of your control.
You may notice an increase in coincidences, and things may align in ways that seem to be impossible. These forces are pushing you toward your destiny. You are being nudged to follow your soul’s calling.
If you don’t know what that is yet, take some time to feel into what you are drawn to and what you may enjoy.
You may experience such random connections that lead you to exactly where you are destined to be. Allow your intuition and spiritual senses to guide you.
If you are feeling like you are destined for more, but not quite sure what that might look like. Accept that you don’t have an explanation for everything and allow the Universe to work its magic and guide you.
Fate is stepping in and leading you to your next phase.
The lotus flower represents the quiet strength and ease that follow once you have achieved a heightened level of awareness. There’s an inner knowing, peace, and spiritual connection that shifts your focus from constant worry to allowing yourself to approach situations as they come, with this awareness..
After many life lessons you have grown and acquired valuable wisdom. Situations that may have previously caused stress or strife now roll off your back.
Approach life with a pure heart and calm mind, which allows you to rise above the noise.
With this enlightenment lifting you up, it is still important to stay grounded.
Serve as an example for others who may be struggling or not possess the same level of understanding you now have, so be patient and accept people for where they are in their journey.
Remember to connect with your ancestors and your roots. You have lots to share.
Have you ever looked at your watch, a clock and the numbers are repeated?
Maybe it’s 3:33, 4:44, 11:11 or others. Repeating numbers are among the most recognisable symbols of the Universe that are speaking directly to you.
Once you start to notice an angel number, it becomes difficult to ignore, whether it be the building number 1111 or a receipt for $3.33 from the petrol station.
Each pattern of numbers has its own individual message and energy, but overall, numbers are signs of synchronicity and alignment in your life.
They tend to show up as confirmation that you are not imagining the signs you are picking up all around you.
Trust you are on the right path.
There are many different instances in which angel numbers can speak to you, including the time on the clock, license plate numbers, phone numbers and more.
Listen to your intuition, as you could be receiving critical guidance about the road ahead.
The Universe is guiding and supporting you in your journey, and the synchronicities are a constant reminder.
Trust that you are exactly where you need to be.
Happy Monday! Happy Eclipse Portal. Remember to keep your boundaries healthy and strong, release the dross, embrace and work with this gorgeous energy that wants to help and support you. Huge hugs, see you next week.