Happy Magickal, Magnificent, Musical, Magickal, Manifesting Monday! How are you delicious lovely? So guess what’s happening this week? Frigging Lots!!!
Mercury goes retrograde on Thursday (making 6 planets in retrograde this month). Summer Solstice occurs on Saturday, June 20th and we have a New Moon Eclipse in Cancer on June 21st! Buckle up Betty, there is so much happening right now! But don’t fret and run to the closet or the woods, let’s look at how you manage it all.
Firstly, many of you have reached out asking if I will do a Private Reading special for Solstice and if I can give you rituals, visualisations and magick to do. Yes, yes I am and can! From June 15th – June 29th all Private readings will be 20% off, however, when the spots that are open are filled it might finish sooner. Also, I have created an amazing bundle, which I fondly call your B.O.S.S. (Book of Summer Solstice) that is 35 pages of support, rituals, information, spells, a glorious guided visualisation and things to make and how to harness the energy of this important festival. And as a gift she is 70% off.
Okay, this year Summer Solstice (aka Litha) comes to us this Saturday (June 20th) at 2:53pm PST. If you are in the Southern Hemisphere it is your glorious Winter Solstice (aka Yule). And I’m so excited! As I’m sure you know by now, I love celebrating most things – heck I will even celebrate a thunderstorm. However, I love, love, love Solstices and Equinoxes the mostest (and all the other celebrations).
Now you may be thinking – Jen what’s the big deal, what does this Solstice thing matter? Honey, ask me about the ritual and intention I set 2 years ago now and what happened in the space of 2 months, that now allows me to live by the ocean!
Thus grasshopper Solstice does matter, it matters very much. It’s one of the biggest celebrations on the Wheel of the Year. We are now moving from the element Air (ideas) to Fire (Action and Passion) and Summer Solstice is the celebration of the sun, which is masculine and all about Passion, Action etc. Which if you think about it is kind of ironic as it also heralds what we know as the “hazy lazy days of summer”.
Summer Solstice also marks the longest day of the year – Whoot!
Now if you have no clue about Summer Solstice or Litha as this celebration is called, as well as Midsummer’s Eve, I will give you a quick and dirty and if you want to find out more, you will most certainly experience it in the most amazing B.O.S.S! (Book of Summer Solstice).
Solstice comes from the Latin words sol, meaning Sun and sistere, meaning to come to a stop or stand still. On the day of the June solstice, the Sun reaches its northernmost position, as seen from the Earth. At that moment, its zenith does not move north or south as during most other days of the year, but it stands still at the Tropic of Cancer. Which makes it either the longest day or the shortest day of the Year.
Summer Solstice (also known as Litha) is all about abundance, growth, expansion. It’s the celebration of the Sun! Think about it, the farmer plants the seeds in the cool of the Spring in the wet ground and as the Summer Solstice approaches things have sprouted and are reaching up as if they are doing a glorious sun salutation. It’s a time to watch the ripening and fruiting of the plants around us and our ideas. This is a delicious inner fire/power celebration that acknowledges the abundance that grows from tiny seeds. This is a time of really reclaiming your inner power and brightness and mapping out the harvest you desire for the next while.
It’s also a stupendous time for magick! I mean for goodness sakes even William Shakespeare wrote about it in 1596 in his play Midsummer Nights Dream (so that’s how long the magick has been around.) There is a line in the play that says “If we shadows have offended, think but this; and all is mended: that you have but slumbered here while these visions did appear….”
Midsummer’s eve was believed to be a time when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest – a time of powerful forces and magical happenings, when fairies were thought to be about and at their most powerful. This otherworldly sense underpins Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, where the fairies use their magic and cause mayhem in the forest.
The magic gets mixed and at one point, Titania, queen of the fairies, falls in love with Bottom, who is unwittingly sporting an ass’s head. But don’t fret – you won’t end up wearing an ass’s head (unless you really, really want to!)
This is a day of inner power and brightness!
Now let’s add to this Solstice energy the Solar Eclipse of the New Moon in Cancer the day after – yes? Lol.
This eclipse is the most powerful of the year.
Having a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the Global Axis indicates an opening of a new timeline, a new world, and a new dimension of being. It represents a point in our history, but also in our hearts, where a new world has dawned.
This is powerful energy that doesn’t just come and go on the day of this Eclipse. We feel it building before and, we feel it building for a long time after. In fact, the steps and choices we make around this Eclipse have the potential to last for many years to come.
Can you say – Holy Mother of God! Or – “We are living in interesting times!”
When I said at the beginning there was a lot happening, I wasn’t joking. Then throw in all the retrogrades (which unearth things from the depths) – yup. Buckle up. But there are so many delicious ways to ground, take time for ritual, to breathe, to ignite something new.
So with all of that chuntering on, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the guides and cards and asked who wanted to show and shine – the deck that came out loud and proud this week is The Oracle of the Divine Circus. The reason I laughed is these glorious guides are playful, but deep. They think outside the box and invite you to do the same. (Which I think is a very good idea at this present moment!)
If you have never met these glorious guides, please let me introduce you. “What is life if not a Divine Circus? Life might seem ordinary at times, yet when we look more closely, it is bursting with creative diversity, constantly evolving, pulling rugs out from underneath our feet (usually just at the moment we think we have everything under control) and opening doors we couldn’t even see were right there before us a moment earlier. Life is magical, thrilling, sometimes strange and even scary. It can inspire you and touch your soul, inviting you to discover the unique magic within you, to dare to live it, to express it, to play with possibilities and embrace what sets you apart from the crowd. “
The crystals that wiggled and jiggled are:- Rose Quartz – to remind us to not stuff the feelings, numb or avoid, but to feel and know your heart is strong. Orthoceras – which is a fossil (do you see the little fish in it), assist you in moving from the old to the new and to be receptive to the fresh, innovative forces that are available to you. Fossils can assist you in your quest for transition, transformation and personal growth, helping you to understand the process of change. Rhodonite is a stone of compassion, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and that nurtures love.
So sweetie, breathe, receive and allow. Allow yourself to tap into your inner being and ask what it is you need to hear right now.
Did you remember to pick?

Ready to listen?

You have something to say. There is a unique voice within you that wants to be expressed creatively in the world. Whether it is a conversation you need to have, a truth stated, a song to be sung or a book to be written, honour your voice. Know that it is inspired and can help not only your own spiritual growth, but support others on their path too.
If you do not allow inspiration to flow, you will feel blocked,a s though something that needs to happen naturally is not happening. It is an uncomfortable sensation that can lead to feelings of depression, self doubt, lack of confidence and eventually wear away at your self-esteem. Sometimes we unintentionally hold ourselves back from expressing the inspirations, ideas and imaginations we feel because we are afraid – afraid that we are making it up, that we will be judged or fail to deliver a worthy expression of the idea. Maybe we think someone else will do it better anyway, or we simply don’t choose to value our inspiration enough to make it a priority in our lives and don’t set aside time and devote energy to it to bring it to life.
Have trust, courage and confidence in yourself and to follow through on the gift of an idea that has been given to you. This is not a time to keep quiet, play it safe, hold yourself back, or allow others to step up and speak for you. It is your time to speak your truth, to express yourself, to have confidence in your own ideas and inspirations and in your own voice. The time has come for these ideas to transform into physical reality.
Don’t look to what has been to find your destiny. Your future is bright and blessed. If the pain of the past feels a little too close for comfort, White Duchess steps in to help you leave behind the emotional storms of your past and move into her protection. A time of transition is upon you and soon your feet shall settle upon sacred ground, and calm shall prevail, inside and out.
Are you one of the many suffering in a dark and stormy inner world of post-traumatic stress? Do you believe that because there have been struggles in your past, and perhaps at times even great pain, that this is how your future shall be too? Or perhaps you have been striving towards a dream and it seems so long since you began that you are losing hope of ever breaking through into successful fulfilment and a new life.
Don’t look back. Let the past be put to rest. Whatever has haunted your dreams, whatever has caused turmoil is over. It is not needed anymore. There is a future destiny calling to you now. It is time to transition through into a new world, into your new life. Trust her and believe in the positive power of your future.
Sometimes, what you want is right in front of your nose, just waiting to be recognised. At other times, what you want is more like a treasure hidden within the depths of your oceanic being. You have to go diving deep to find what you desire. What you most want, need, desire, and crave has been bubbling up from within you. It’s time for you to discover an inner treasure. It’s time to go fish!
You are an ocean of consciousness, deep and vast, and filled with so much creativity, energy and healing power. Did you know this about yourself? Even if you did, you are about to discover that there is more to you than you realise. Within those hidden depths, there is magnificent undiscovered magic which wants to come alive in your world. There’s something truly wonderful wanting to capture your attention. It wants to be caught! So much so, it’s practically jumping out of your inner ocean, like a flying fish, wanting your attention and a place in your world.
There are powers, abilities, gifts and new ways of being surging up from your unconscious mind. You are bringing forth more of who you are, but it is the “you” that you haven’t really known existed before. So at times it’s going to be surprising, exciting or even a little uncomfortable, as you get used to the extra energy stirring up from within.
Oh my gosh, I so love my guides and the cards. Finding Your Voice, Releasing the Past, Going within to find your gift. Perfect for this time! So my most glorious one, I wish for you a most amazing week. Remember, the Private Reading special goes until June 29th. And the Book of Summer Solstice is available now until June 23rd. Sending you massive, massive blessings and hugs. It’s going to be an interesting month – muhahahaha. Remember to be kind to yourself and to breathe.