Happy Magickal, Moony, Manifesting, Marvellous, Majestic Monday!
How was your Full Moon?
Did you take some time to explore the energies and how to create your own ritual? Some of you have shared that you loved the Harvest Moon Ritual, and I’m so very glad.
As when we look at the Moon through a symbolic, psychospiritual, archetypal, or even purely energetic lens, the moon is a very real presence in our lives that can help orient us on the spiritual path.
So why not use it as a spiritual tool that you have in your toolbox?
And speaking of spiritual tools we have Equinox (aka Mabon) rapidly approaching on September 22nd. I am wiggly, piggly, jiggly like a labrador puppy as I love this time of year and most certainly this celebration and the energy that comes with it.
Mabon is often referred to as “Witches Thanksgiving” (no, it doesn’t mean you have to be a witch). It means it’s the second harvest festival on the wheel of the year, a time to give thanks for the bounty in your life, to release the things that you may have outgrown and to be grateful and count your blessings! Yes? Counting our Blessings is a powerful practice and something I do every morning in the woods, on the beach, in the midst of a golf course!
And yes! There will be a Mabon Magickal Manual with everything in it to empower you as we change seasons. She will be released this week, probably on Thursday. Thus, if you are part of our wonderful email community – you will certainly get first dibs to her!
Well, I don’t know about you but it’s been a heck of a week.
It’s as if time sped up exponentially and things felt rather tight, and that there wasn’t enough space or time to get them all done! (Most annoying!)
Also, the Queen dying!
Yes, I know she was 96, but think about it if you are under the age of 70 and living in a Commonwealth country (or the UK), she has always been part of your life. She was on the stamps, you would see her royal visits, read about her in the paper or whatever it was.
She was a constant.
So yet again, another massive change in the last few years that has been full of so many changes!
Top that off with the fact Mercury just turned retrograde, along with 6 other planets plus Chiron.
So a couple of things to note.
Mercury retrograde helps you slow down to re-evaluate your life. (Which ties into the energy of the Fall Equinox of balance, evaluation, gratitude and harvest).
And if you know absolutely nothing about Chiron, let me tell you it is often referred to as “The Wounded Healer”.
I’ve been doing a lot of research, exploring and working with Chiron for the last few years and it is frigging empowering!
Now you may be thinking to yourself “Jenn, I’m not a healer, I’m an accountant.”
If you are in any field of work, life, volunteering where you interact with another human being, animal or plant – you have the opportunity to show up and share your glorious healing capacities.
Whether, as in the case of the accountant, the number healing, the forward planning, the support and guidance. Yes?
So if you understand that Chiron represents the primal wound for you and shows how you can heal others. The wound and its healing can happen at any or all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
To heal Chiron’s wound is to move into wholeness and acceptance of your innate goodness.
To begin with you tend to focus on the negative side of Chiron – the wound and its suffering. As Martin Lass says, “we express the negative and repress the positive.” So you don’t tend to notice the gifts of Chiron until you can grow towards them on your healing journey. This means facing the wound and looking into your inner darkness and pain. Only then will the wound begin to heal.
Healing means balancing all sides of the Self. It doesn’t necessarily mean getting rid of the wound altogether, but accepting it and seeing the perfection of your life as it is. In the end, the gift is the wound, and healing is the result of love.
Okay, I could spend hours talking about Chiron, but we have a reading to crack on with.
When I nattered with my guides and they picked the cards I grinned like a Cheshire Cat. I love these delicious guides. As we all need Blessings!
So please let me introduce you to Blessed Be as these guides may be new to you “May these cards and guides offer you ways to enter into deeper appreciation of your life and its manifold blessings. May you have hope, understanding and kindness. And most of all, may you know deep within your soul, that thou art blessed.”
The crystals that were wiggling are:- Black Moonstone – for “feeling”, and understanding via intuition and emotional “thoughts”, rather than via intellectual reasoning. Smoky Quartz – is amazing for balancing and grounding as well as helping you to vibrate at your fullest potential as it releases negative emotions, and last but not least – Carnelian – stabilising, it restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success.
Okay so let’s get centred shall we. Just gently breathe yourself back into your body, be here now, just at this moment. I invite you to see in your mind’s eye the Divine Mother (whatever she looks like to you), breathe. Then imagine her putting one hand on your feet and one hand on your head and saying “Everything between my two hands is beloved and blessed by the Goddess.”Breathe that blessing in, allow it to swirl through you and know how loved you are. Then when you’re ready; pick the card or cards that wish to bless you this week.
Did you pick?

Shall we go see?

“A blessing to help you through a conflict that must be faced with courage and compassion for all involved.”
Battles in our lives are not always the way we have seen them depicted. They may not be a fight, or a confrontation, or the clash of swords swinging. Most of us do not want the battle, we want the peace, and to talk and parlay our way through the differences and the difficulties within our lives.
Many times we may walk away, knowing that the battle will bring more damage than we can face. And at other times, we must walk through the fires of confrontation and go into a battle we did not want, but which can no longer be avoided.
So, this is a blessing on those who are to face a battle they wished was not theirs to fight, but it has become clear that they have no choice but to confront, to bring out their arms, and to fight. It may be with the law, it may with wits.
It may be through speaking your truth, and it may be by refusing to accept what another has determined is enough for you. It may be with a challenge, or a condition, or an injustice or a cruelty.
Whatever the nature and form of the battle before you, accept now this blessing upon you, for your courage. For your reluctance to bring aggression into the world. For your refusal to run. For your determination to see this story through, and for the belief you now have in yourself and whatever cause it is that you now stand up for.
For your warrior’s heart, which is blessed with courage, and strength, of the feeling of fear, yet the ability to stand your ground. For the swinging of the sword, and the raising of the shield, For the quiet in the chaos that you will find, and for the sacrifice you will make, in order to see this through.
You are blessed, and your warrior spirit is rising, and it is blessed, for you are no aggressor or foolish conqueror. You are a soul who will no longer run from what stands between you, and the rest of your beautiful life.
“A blessing to help accept the difference between you, so that they inspire conversation and exploration, interest and discovery, rather than separation and rejection.”
May the division between you be left behind as you both begin to build a bridge of light formed from the willingness within your hearts to find your way back to a common vision. May the differences be worked through with the highest good of all concerned the foremost goal. May the differences that remain be ones that bring spice and change and agility to your ways and thinking, and may the bridge that is built between you all be strong and sturdy, lasting through the ages.
May the newfound unity recognise that there is not sameness, but a oneness of vision and a weaving together of dissimilar threads to create a glorious picture of paradox and complementary opposites. Let the antagonism and focused-upon rejection give way to humility – a willingness to listen, and may those who are unquiet and bellicose in their rumblings and threats be stilled by the knowledge that all will gain when peace is found.
May the love that can be born between people find its way through the fear. May the sense that when together, more can be achieved than when stubbornly apart, melt away the fences and walls that hold us from each other. Let us live and let live, give and take, share and receive, and come to an understanding. And let none of us involved in the bringing together of separate parties set alight that bridge.
Instead, let us quietly, surely and with intentions matching actions build the way to reach each other once again. United, so much can be done. We can raise each other up, and as you do, each of you who brings your heart to this task of healing will stand firm upon the solid ground you are now building. Unity is yours, friend.
“A blessing to bring awareness, to shape and set the energy of the day, and to frame it with light and the possibilities of healing, adventure and gratitude. “
May your soul feel called by the song of the day. May this day be gentle and good, clear and sure, filled with grace and gentle reminders of your own divinity. May the people you meet this day show generosity of spirit, be hospitable and welcoming, and open and candid in all their dealings. May the sky be filled with blue and white, may the green beneath your feet be solid and soft to walk upon. May the rain fall soft and nourishing, and trees whisper to you the secrets that you need to know.
May any challenges you encounter find an answering strength and courage within you, and when you come to your rest this night, may you remember the many blessings this day held, and account for them with the Gods, and be thankful for each of them, no matter how small.
So my delicious lovely, I wish you an amazing day, an incredible week and the blessing to wrap you in a blanket of love. Keep your eyes peeled for the Mabon Magickal Manual, and remember to slow it down, play with the shadows and come back into wholeness. Big hugs and squeezes and see you next week!