Happy Magickal, Mystical, Magnificent, Majestic, Meaningful, Miraculous, Manifesting Monday!
Thank you so much for all the welcome back messages and emails I received and the huge response and questions about how to join Creatrix Circle. I was really touched and every word was so appreciated. (Note for you – Creatrix Circle doors open on Wednesday September 16th.) So for those of you who are part of our glorious email community, you will get a link as to how to join.
Also, thank you for all your interest in if there are going to be Equinox bundles. You betcha! As you know I love, love, love Equinox – that magnificent time when we are in a place of equality and stillness. Where magick is created. The bundles are ready and there is the delicious MMM (Mabon Magickal Manual) for the Northern hemisphere and OMM (Ostara Magickal Manual) for the Southern hemisphere. 30+ pages of ritual, spells, guided visualisation and all sorts of goodness to really harness the energy of this switch and to walk with the forces that surround you. And as it’s my birthday month, they are 70% off!
For those who are joining Creatrix Circle these bundles will be free to you for the year (there are 8 – 10 bundles of marvelousness)!
So let me ask – how has your week been? With Mars having gone retrograde have you noticed any “oddities” occurring in your world? One of the most prevalent feelings that Mars in retrograde brings up is frustration. Then there are the others – lack of drive, anger, etc. And with Mars back in Aries it’s certainly a fiery, furious retrograde!! Gulp!
I will say for myself, this last week Mars retrograde hit me like a sledgehammer and has been a huge challenge in tenacity, faith and flexibility (oh and not telling people to bog off). Tech stuff developed a massive “challenge” state for me, so as you know, the doors open on Creatrix Circle on Wednesday and I am so proud of everything that I’m being guided to create. However, tech kept testing, pushing and not playing nicely at all. Which to be honest was so frigging annoying and made me want to bang my head against a wall. Then when I went to upload the amazing Equinox bundles (both for North and South) everything you could think of went wrong! Grrr. Thank goodness for glorious mugs of tea and a doggo who listens to me rant!
Top that off with the smoke swirling in so thick and blanketing everyone in a weird zombie apocalypse-like smog, it has been so interesting to see how we all are responding. (Anger, frustration and temper tantrums seem to be the go to). Sigh. I have seen so many police interventions in the last 4 days it isn’t funny!
I had a client phone me a few days ago in tears as everything was too much. The pandemic, the opioid crisis, the smoke, the energies that have shifted and become even more rampant, you name it. Her question was “Has the world gone to hell?” No, we haven’t, but there have certainly been a lot of wake up calls to encourage us to look at life differently and to appreciate we are all connected and to create community, connection and support for one another. Which, if we are honest – is not highly prevalent in our Western culture, unless they are someone we know.
So as we walk through all of this it is supremely important to practice self care, time outs if you need them, grounding practices, connection with like minded people and ritual (hence the Equinox bundles). And do please remember to breathe, and remind yourself – this too shall pass. Do things that nourish you, support you and celebrate you. Yes?
Also, I invite you to to join me in sending huge love, prayers and energy for all of who are having to deal with the fires close to home, hold them in your hearts.
Okay, enough chuntering. Let’s crack on!
When I went to the cards and asked who wanted to support and guide this week I was not surprised to see the glorious Divine Circus Oracle hop up and down (as seriously life feels a tad like a circus right now). Amazing crystals came to join in and the most soft and sweet pussy toe flowers joined right along.
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them. These glorious guides are playful, but deep. They think outside the box and invite you to do the same. If you have never met these glorious guides, please let me introduce you. “What is life if not a Divine Circus? Life might seem ordinary at times, yet when we look more closely, it is bursting with creative diversity, constantly evolving, pulling rugs out from underneath our feet (usually just at the moment we think we have everything under control) and opening doors we couldn’t even see were right there before us a moment earlier. Life is magical, thrilling, sometimes strange and even scary. It can inspire you and touch your soul, inviting you to discover the unique magic within you, to dare to live it, to express it, to play with possibilities and embrace what sets you apart from the crowd. “
Okay, let’s settle in shall we, it doesn’t have to be for long. But I invite you to get still with yourself. To really just BE for a moment, to let all the cares, worries, to do things just drop away. Just BE. As you slow down your breathing allow the thoughts to scatter off to the side and really invite your wise inner self to speak to you about the energy of Equinox. What do you need to know as we mark this time? What can support you in the coming week? To help there is a lovely guided visualisation where we do some demolition and construction. (No tools required).
Okay, did you remember to pick?

Let’s go look, shall we?

If you were proud of who you are and everything you have learned in your life, free from shame, guilt or judgement, what would you choose for yourself today? The choices you make for yourself from a place of feeling good are going to be more loving and helpful than anything from a place of self-judgement. You’ve nothing to regret, you’ve learned a lot and you are a beautiful unique being on a wild divine journey. Be kind to yourself. Keep your head up! Then it will be easier to keep growing and glowing.
If you feel that life is getting you down, or you should have, or could have, made different decisions in life – you are doing a great job! You are meant to have learning experiences. What matters is that you choose to learn. And you do! In your own time and your own way, you make sense of things, and you grow wiser and stronger as a person.
If you feel any ridicule, judgement or shaming is coming from those around you – trust you are stronger and wilder and more beautiful and true than any of that mean-spirited fearfulness. Let the mud that is being slung slide right off or remain stuck in the hands of those throwing it your way. Keep your sense of inner dignity intact. Never make yourself smaller to placate the fear in another’s heart. Take pride in who you are. Be proud to be you! And know that this is a way to respect and honour the creative loving power of the universe that created you!
In a world where we are bombarded daily with differing opinions and ideas, remaining true to you and your own point of view is nothing short of brilliant. Let go of confusion, distortion, comparison and compromise. You do not need to compare yourself to another or measure up to anyone or anything else. What matters to you and your successful life journey is to be in touch with your own truths. You know what you feel, no matter what anyone else says or believes. Stay true to you!
We have to trust that the inner vision, the hope, the dream within us, is going to be strong enough to stand the rigours of birth, and be able to come to life in the world. Sometimes we have to trust that we are enough, that we have goodness, value and worth, and so are worth the time, effort, patience and commitment required to transform our ideas into realities.
Stay true to you and your course. Do not allow yourself to be swayed by another, no matter how well-meaning their intentions may be or how impressive their arguments may seem. Do not water down the strength of your vision, your dream. You are meant to be birthing something unique into being. The world needs your originality! Pray for courage. Trust yourself.
Rooster Mama is her own person. She’s a rebel, a maverick, a renegade – an offbeat individual who dances to her own rhythms. She is the authentic eccentric who doesn’t fall in with the plans other people make for her, but creates her own consciousness with optimism and flair for self expression. She says you are unique, positive and rebellious too.
In a world where we are taught we need permission to do almost anything, it takes guts to decide to give yourself unconditional permission to be unconditionally yourself! When you do, however, an exhilarating sense of freedom, excitement and happiness bubbles up from within.
Permission to be strangely beautiful, weirdly wonderful and divinely eccentric creates charisma, energy and inspired ideas. Your own opinion of yourself becomes more important than the voices of fear that want to control you because they are afraid of the power within you.
You have compassion for that which is enslaved by fear, but you don’t buy into it. Rooster Mama sees this divine defiance in you and how it empowers you to make your own choices, to choose your own consciousness, the power to live your life in whatever way you see fit, whether others understand or not.
It’s time to shake things up, redefine yourself, even if that means letting things get a bit wild in the henhouse for a while. She reminds you to be bold, to be proud and strut your stuff.
Wowzer, fabulous guides for what is currently happening and what is coming down the pipe! Remember please to be gentle with your gorgeous self. If you want to get a bit more support and don’t feel called to join Creatrix Circle yet, the Equinox bundles will help massively. Sending you huge love and squeezes. Breathe glorious one, breathe.