Happy Magickal, Mythical, Moxie, Melodious, Marvellous, Magnetic, Mirthy, Manifesting Monday!
How was your long weekend (if you were in a country that had one?)
I did go and participate in some of the Canada Day celebrations, but I will say hanging out with 10,000 people is very short lived for me. Let alone with the heat! So I retreated to the garden to rest, relax and play. It was perfect.
Here, in the city where I live, we have had Pride month and it culminated with a fantabulous parade yesterday!
I have to say I love Pride month, a time to celebrate the diversity of the human package that we come in. As an ally I honour each person’s right to choose who they are, how they identify and whom they choose to love.
When I was a teen in Oxford, most of my closest friends were people who were a good 15 years older than me, and were gay men. Gosh! I had so much fun, I learned a lot and I always felt safe, loved and appreciated.
There was a lovely chap called Gaz who was an incredible illustrator and would create the most magickal, whimsical imagery for children’s books and he would share the most amazing stories. He was a very special person.
Last year I helped run a booth, because as a lay chaplain and someone who performs ceremonies, rituals, weddings and funerals it felt important to share that diversity and inclusivity were welcome.
I dressed as a glorious butterfly, thanks to my amazing niece who has a tickle trunk of costumes and odds and bits, and had the most amazing connections and conversations!
This year, I helped carry a 50 foot long Pride Flag and showed up as a dark faery, armed with bubble wands galore! Again, great conversations, connections and lots of joy and laughter.
So I will say the people who came out to heckle the parade, or the ones that sabotaged some of the pride banners that the city had painted and created on the walkways, really?
I appreciate there are some people who don’t “approve” of diversity, inclusiveness and want everyone to conform to their ideal and opinion.
But in my world – everyone has an opinion, just like an arsehole.
Doesn’t mean I want to hear it, smell it or see it! (Just saying!)
I hope we get to a place and time where we can include and accept everyone, with no regards to colour, gender, identity, religious beliefs and so much more. That would be an amazing healing for the human race and to be honest, our planet.
Okay, enough chuntering, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the guides and cards to ask who was willing to support and guide this week – there was no choice whatsoever. These new guides were adamant they wanted to support.
So as these are new guides, please let me introduce you.
Faeries are magical beings who are guardians and protectors of our precious planet. They care for plants, flowers and trees, and us daft humans. They want everyone to experience their ancient wisdom and to feel reconnected to the Earth, our home, and to self.
The faeries are delighted to spiritually support and encourage you on this fantastic journey as you walk upon the faery path. And they remind you – there’s more to life than what you can see with your physical eyes.
Okay sweetie, let’s take a moment to drop in. Take a glorious deep breath out and allow the energy that you have been holding in your lungs to expel. Then take a glorious deep breath in and invite in the energy of inclusivity, what does that feel like for you? Let that energy meld into your heart space and gently open.
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that resonate for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a gander shall we?

Healing can take many forms, even just through listening – when we feel we’re being heard it can make us feel better, so people who have the ability to listen with love and without judgement are already healers.
Sometimes just being in the presence of someone who is receptive to our thoughts and feelings can help us to feel uplifted and healed.
Do you feel you are able and willing to give this healing?
Hands-on healing is a technique many feel drawn to, and perhaps this is something you, too, wish to explore. Are you in need of healing yourself? Is there something that you are pushing through “because it’s expected?”
It’s important to listen to your body, mind and soul and take time out so it can heal naturally. Make sure you’re getting all of the correct vitamins and nutrients. And remember sleep can also be an amazing healer.
Explore healing therapies that may be new to you, such as aromatherapy, flower essences, hands on healing, art therapy, colour therapy – whatever piques your interest.
Believe and trust that you have the capacity to heal yourself and others. Explore and embrace that piece of yourself and allow it to flow.
Hope is the key to the door that can lead you away from any predicament you are in.
No matter how hopeless things may seem, if you look deep inside your heart your spiritual heart wisdom will reveal a glimmer of hope, and this can lead you to a brighter future.
This gorgeous faery reminds us to always tap into hope, because looking for hope and joy and changing your beliefs can literally change your future.
As you can see on the card a rainbow and a dove of peace are shown and they often come together reminding us that anything is possible. Sometimes we just need an extra boost, so the faeries fly in on the wings of a dove to let us know that they’re with you with any difficulties you are experiencing.
Remaining hopeful while those around you are full of doubt and negativity can be extra challenging, but remember that hope comes from deep within our hearts and is an excellent habit to cultivate.
Heart wisdom and hope will see you through whatever is going on for you and those around you right now, so have courage and trust as the Faery of Hope walks hand in hand with peace and miracles.
The faeries love to leave hints and clues for us in nature. It’s one of the many creative ways in which they initiate communication with us.
For example, faeries often leave feathers or release floating dandelion seeds to let us know they’re nearby. The appearance of a friendly bird, such as a robin, is another message that they are close by.
Faeries and other creatures often work together as they’re all in harmony with the Earth, whose wisdom can come in many forms. Just allow yourself to be receptive and use your intuition to decipher any signs that you see.
If possible, sit next to a flowing stream and visualise your cares being resolved and any concerns flowing away. Alternatively, imagine your hopes and wishes flowing towards you, looking out for any significant signs from nature as you do so.
You could also leave your own sign for the faeries next time you’re out in nature, letting them know you wish to connect with them. Leaving a tiny wooden fairy door next to a tree is a sure sign to the fey that you’re a faery friend.
The faeries will pick up on your intentions and help to manifest them. If you don’t have access to a stream, it can be just as effective to visualise the process.
Those are some gorgeous delicious messages! How did the card you picked resonate for you? Have a stupendous week, delicious lovely. Remember to breathe and to celebrate your diverse unique self! And most of all have fun! (Life is so much better when we remember to play!) Big hugs and squeezes and bubbles galore!