Happy Mysterious, Magickal, Mellow, Merry, Musical, Misty, Manifesting Monday!
Before we start, do you remember Sesame Street? Every show would be brought to you by the letter something. Thus, this week’s post and reading are brought to you by the letters “RE”. (You will quickly see what I mean!)
October is here and here she came flooding in with brilliant blue skies, leaves that are rapidly changing into brilliant hues of oranges and reds and a lot of Chutzpah! So what does this mean for you? Lots and Lots! Lol.
October brings a big shift in energy, we have 6 planets in retrograde (yup 6!), a New Moon on Wednesday, Canadian Thanksgiving, doors to Creatrix Circle opening in a few weeks and Halloween (Samhain) – a time when the veil is very thin.
So grab a cuppa and let’s have a look at all these pieces shall we, so that you can move through this month with grace and ease.
Okay, let’s start with the energy shift of October. We are being asked to step into the energy of Release-Reinvent. (Doesn’t that sound exciting?) As Lena shares:- This month we get to see what we are made of, where our commitments are, who and what supports us, and whether we are on the right track or not. We get to go through the excruciating process of letting go of old beliefs, wounds, possessions, comfort, illusions, identities, dreams and attachments. We are releasing on a deep level whether we like it or not.
This is the birth canal of our new story. It’s dark, uncomfortable, pressurized and scary, but there is no going back. The new story is in the unfamiliar landscape we are birthing ourselves into, highly creative and full of raw potential. If you can get out of the fear and negativity, judgment, blame and disappointment, you will feel highly energized, inspired and excited about what you can reinvent for yourself.
In some ways this is a pivotal month with such a powerful focus on transformation that it is impossible to avoid it. You can ease the discomfort by being proactive and disciplined about how you manage your release and reinvention.”
How does that make you feel?
So now let’s look at the 6 planets that are retrograde. We have Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Now before you dash off to hide in the closet keep in mind what a retrograde can bring. When a planet is Retrograde, it’s energy becomes more inward. During this inward phase, we have the opportunity to review or reflect our ‘inner-self’ as it relates to the past. We also have the opportunity to RElease, REview, REinvent, RElax, REassess, and REalign.
Which to me are all amazing things, yes?
However, do notice the energy for October is Release and Reinvent and now with 6 planets retrograde this is being compounded even more. Okay, let’s move onto the New Moon in Libra that happens on Wednesday October 6th.
With this Libra New Moon we have four cosmic bodies in Libra, creating a stellium and bringing the element of air strongly into our awareness.
The element of air rules over our thinking processes, and can be fuel for inspiring ideas and new ways of thinking about things. The strong element of air can also stir the winds of change, guiding us to open our minds to new possibilities or opportunities.
It will also ask you to spend some time in introspection. Looking inwards and seeking balance. What needs to be REleased to come to that place of balance? What can be shed in order for you to move forward with ease and joy? This is a great time to REconnect to your internal compass and decide what you wish to carry and what you want to leave behind.
So my gorgeous one, do you see now why I said this reading was brought to you by the letters RE? There are so many wonderful opportunities this month, and especially this upcoming week to really spend time in that delicious space of REleasing, REflecting and REaligning. And it doesn’t stop at the end of this week by any stretch, but with the New Moon it is the perfect time to make some very intentional New Moon wishes.
This upcoming weekend it is Thanksgiving here in Canada. The time (yet again) to REflect, REceive and REmember all the things that you are grateful for (and to also eat some amazing food)!
Then the week after that the doors to Creatrix Circle will be opening to welcome amazing women who really want to deepen into their path, whether it is that of the Witch, the Wise Woman, the Healer of the Mystic. An incredible community where we REmember our true stories and unpack our magick and power. So I am very excited about that as we haven’t opened the doors for 9 months! I’m also thrilled that the doors will open in time for new members to join in our Samhain gathering.
Then last, but certainly not least, is Halloween (Samhain). My most favourite holiday and celebration. Samhain is the festival at which we honor our ancestor of blood and destiny. Samhain reminds us to awaken to our fullness and shed any outmoded forms of being so that we can shapeshift into a new reality.
So my darling one – there is lots happening this month (and we will delve into things deeper as the weeks go on).
With all this being said, let’s crack on with the reading. Phew!
This week we have amazing new guides who want to share their wisdom and insight with you this week. Ready? Let me introduce you to the amazing Sacred Traveller guides.
Your life is a spiritual quest that may be fraught with uncertainties; however, it’s through this sojourn that you transform, heal, and bring greater love and awareness into your life and into the world. Your encounters on the pilgrimage of life are conduits that can transport you to the heart of God and beyond. At every turn on your path, you have a sacred companion at your side, giving you powerful advice. This loving escort is akin to your soul; it’s your Sacred Traveler. The Sacred Traveler constantly whispers to you – through signs, synchronicities, and symbols around you – and also communicates through spontaneous thoughts that nudge at the edge of your consciousness. Your life and the experiences you have are not an accident – there’s a plan for you, and you have a destiny.
So my darling one, settle into your bones. Breathe yourself back to your body and just let your breath slow on it’s own accord. As you take a moment or two to centre, invite into your mind’s eye the Release you need, the Realign you desire and what that looks like for you, breathe those in.
If you need a bit more support there is a lovely guided visualisation to help you into this space.
Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that call to your heart and soul.
Did you remember to pick?

Come and see what they want to share with you.

Sometimes the mist and fog are so thick that the traveler feels uncertain about everything. Where am I going? What am I meant to do? Why can’t I see what’s ahead? However, it’s in those moments of “Unknowing” that the deepest and most profound answers to life’s big questions can emere.
The secret is to traverse slowly and carefully so as to not fall off the path. Be careful. Proceed with caution in all things as you sense the best direction. Listen to the whisperings of your soul. Trust your inner voice.
Even if you can’t see what’s around the next corner, go forward, slowly and gently. You are safe. When you take the time to go slowly, new perceptions emerge that you can’t see if you’re moving fast. Move away from the rapid pace of everyday life, and step into the majesty of stillness.
Resist the impulse to go ahead with your first instinct. Take time to tune in to your deeper intuition. Power is born in those times when you relax into the present moment.
There are times when the most empowering thing the traveler can do is to step off the path, stretch out, and lie on the earth to watch the clouds float by. This act is renewing and regenerating. When all the activity of the road diminishes and the traveler allows a languid relaxation to emere, this is most often the time when the presence of Spirit can be felt.
This is also the time when significant signs appear. Whatever is most relaxing to you – stretching out in a hammock, watching clouds, taking a candlelit bath, or walking on the seashore – do it….and the challenges in your life will diminish and often simply drop away.
Lie back. Relax. Put everything aside and take time to renew your energy. It’s often when you totally relax that new insights and awareness can emerge.
Take deep, full breaths. Put your feet up. Be present in each moment. Do nothing. Watch clouds. The answers that you seek will emerge easily, but first you need to stop all activity. Take naps. Evaluate your life.
The sacred traveler sometimes experiences the unexpected on the road. Perhaps a bear appears or someone with less than pure intentions emerges from the woods. Courage doesn’t mean that you’re not afraid. It means that in spite of fear and hesitation, you take action. Face your anxiety and go beyond the boundaries of limited perceptions of yourself.
Any journey of the heart needs courage, and you’re on such a journey. It takes bravery to go forward when you can’t see around the next corner, but do it anyway. Do not allow yourself to be limited by the beliefs of others or even your own limiting beliefs. Go beyond the boundaries of self imposed barriers.
Live passionately, valiantly and courageously.
This isn’t the time to be timid or hold back. Gather your inner resources and go forward gallantly with your banner of truth waving in the wind. Throw your shoulders back and move forward fearlessly. Take risks. It’s okay to feel afraid, just don’t let it stop you. Don’t play safe.
Opportunities will pass you by otherwise. Speak up for yourself. Honour your truth. You are a light bearer for others. Through your example, people find and act on their truth with courage and grace!
Oh my golly goodness! You seriously can’t make this shit up! What perfect guides for this time!!! So my gorgeous one, I wish for you a week where you too play with the letters RE, and allow yourself the time and space to Release, Reflect, Realign and Receive. Sending you massive hugs and squeezes!