Happy Magickal, Meteoric, Meretricious, Moodling, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
How are you gorgeous one? I hope you are not getting your tinsel in a tangle or allowing your lights to get zapped as the holiday season approaches.
This week we are going to explore leaning into the Pause, that space that allows us to take a breath, reflect, just BE and BE open to inviting in something new, (which is all the various energies at this time!) But before we dive into that…….
First off, apologies as quite a few of you said you never received the invitation to the Omen Day’s Journey that went out last week. Most peculiar as some of you did receive it and others didn’t.
However, don’t fret pet, there is still time to join this year’s amazing Omen Day’s journey, as we have a gathering on Solstice to tap into that delicious energy and open the container, and then we start on December 26th.
So if you have been looking for a more meaningful way to close the year, and get insights into 2025, this is for you!
Yesterday we had the final Full Moon of 2024 in Gemini which was a huge (note that word) RELEASE Moon. And the interesting thing with this moon is we experienced a lunar rarity.
What do I mean? In other words we experienced a Major Lunar Standstill which only happens every 18.6 years.
This means that the moon rises and sets at its northernmost and southernmost positions on the horizon which creates this standstill energy as it is visible far longer than any of the other moons.
A standstill, a pause, a suspension if you will……..
Then let’s look at the Christian season of Advent, which invites us to see that waiting and expectation have power.
This is counter to our instant gratification culture.
When we not only wait, but prepare ourselves for what may be, we can be more open and ready to receive whatever arrives. A pause, a stillness, a presence.
Yet us glorious humans rush from one thing to the next, not allowing that space to be empty.
Sometimes we don’t even acknowledge all our growth and progress, because we have to keep filling the space. And in the holiday season it ramps up even more.
Which reminds me of a glorious quote from Howard Thurman that says:
In the stillness of quiet, if we listen, we can hear the whisper of the heart giving strength to weakness, courage to fear, hope to despair………..
So can you practise being Present, Leaning into the Pause and just saying Woosah?
Use the glorious Solstice energy to help you with this!
Oh and I meant to say to all those who have emailed and asked if there are still spots available for the Opening the Doors on 2025 reading – yes, there are a few left!
Now enough chuntering from me, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the cards to ask who would like to be present this week it made my heart smile to see who showed up. The amazing Faery Blessing guides were most adamant. As after all, who doesn’t need a Blessing?
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them as it would be rude not to.
Faeries are present in every droplet of water, every blade of grass – they are everywhere there is a trace of nature – thus every field, flower, and forest is theirs. They inhabit the wild rainforests and the old castles; they dance within standing stones and burial mounds; they are on the top of mountains and within the grove deep in the valley; and they appear in the cracks in the pavement and beneath the cities in the old, tangled tree roots. Faeries are part of this world, and they were here before we were born into this world, and they know us better than we know ourselves.
For humans, many of us have lost our sense of play, our sense of relationship with nature, our courage to be ourselves – as well as our hope, creativity, and personal power. We have looked outside of ourselves and nature and the sacred ones for answers, and in doing so, we have become quite lost. The blessings of the faeries can bring us back into relationship with ourselves, back into relationship with the elements and the elementals, so that we can become more at home within the world, while creating a personal world which supports our dreams, our wishes, and our purpose.
Yes! Positively perfect!
So gorgeous one take a breath. Just a normal breath and then as you carry on breathing allow it to slow down. Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Allow in your mind’s eye a gorgeous rainbow swirl to form, this pattern is made of release, stillness and peace.
It gently removes the heaviness and invites you into the ease and the quiet and it melds with the abundance and appreciation of who you are. As you breathe just let it swirl, you don’t have to control it.
If you need to go a bit further, I have a wee visualisation for you.
Then with this energy pick the card or cards that call to you. What Blessing is for you this week?
Did you remember to pick?

Shall we go look?

The Faery Gift of Being the Ruler of Your Own World
With this faery gift from the formidable and enchanting faery queen, Queen Mab, comes the blessing of being the owner of your own life. This is a powerful blessing indeed, for with this blessing comes the most precious gift of all, that of knowing that your life is yours to live.
With this blessing, let you now take up the reins of your life, let you decide what it is you do, and who it is you are, and who you are now becoming. It is your life, this wild and sweet thing, to be lived only once, and it is rare and priceless. You shall no longer be owned, nor forced, nor pushed, nor pulled, for with her gift comes the solidity of determining your own fate – for you are a being who has often been pressured to give away the crown that declares that you are the sovereign. With this blessing, it is returned to you.
Let yourself be a queen, a king, and know your world is as great as any other person’s. Your life is a jewel, and no more shall you spend it pleasing others. When this blessing comes to you, all who you know you will love and support you, and you will now take back the power that you gave away. You will climb the stairs to your throne and look upon your world and know that you will be a strong leader of your own soul. And you will inspire others to do the same.
With this gift from Queen Mab will come the sure knowledge of what is wise for you to do, and what would be foolish, and to know the difference between pleasing others and doing what is in the very best interest of the path of your soul.
You faery friend, are a magnificent being, and your life, your world, and your very being are royal. Be most loyal to your ownself, and know now the gift of great and deep self-respect, and of choosing what is right for you.
Blessings of the great and good Queen Mab to you, friend.
The Faery Gift of the Untamed Heart
Within you is a wild place, a place that is pure and untouched by conditioning and should and should-nots……and it is to this place the faery blessing of the wild within comes and rests and takes root within you this day.
This blessing is a calling back to your wild self, to the self that has been shaped and pummelled by the forces of family and culture and manner and jobs and timetables and by all of the things in the human world that can cage us..
And so the fae offer you this shining blessing, which returns you for a moment to your own wild within, so you can remember what it felt like to be natural, to be unthinking and uncensored, to be innocent and dancing, to move when called to, to have that primal, instinctual self take hold and fly with you.
When this blessing comes, let that wild within flow all the way through you, and find places and spaces in your life to allow the wild within to have its moment – dance without fear of judgement; speak, words falling like waterfalls from your lips; sing and use the voice the great gift of nature has offered you; and never feel awkward or strange or like you do not fit in…..
Instead knowing you are a deep part of all that is around you, and that somehow, by your very presence, you ignite a little of that wild within inside every soul you meet.
May the blessings of that wild within offer you a return to the natural, most innate parts of you, and let them arise and dance and sing and be loving towards all.
Let the untamed heart of you warm all that is about you, and bring you back to that sense of deep belonging to the earth, and to the stars.
Blessings of the faery gift of the wild within to you, friend.
The Faery gift of a Sanctuary, a space in which to feel completely supported and loved.
The Faeries know what it is like to find the safe places in the world – for theirs are under siege, and have been for such a long time. The faeries know how to find the little home in the forest or the garden that is growing wild, the roots of old trees and the hollows beneath the sacred hills.
In these places, they have grown stronger and stayed safe, and they now transfer to you a part of this gift. You will now find places and spaces within the world where you will feel free to be completely yourself, where you, too, can grow strong and bright again, and need have no fear.
Let there be a shelter and a sanctuary for you and your soul, where you can learn what it is you are meant to do next, and where there is no harsh word spoken, only guidance that can help ease us all into the next stage of our lives.
Let the safe spaces become our homes and our workplaces, our friendships and our schools.
Let the world become a safer space, and let the natural world shelter you with her turnings and showings of the changes about you.
Make not a fortress of this space you find, but let it begin to grow in your heart, so that wherever you go, others feel safe with you, and the world changes, in small but bright and beautiful ways, all as a result of this blessing of the faeries.
Blessings of a sanctuary, a safe space to you, friend.
Woosah gorgeous one, Blessings are amazing! Sending you huge blessings and hugs as we enter this holiday season and please – if it resonates for you, come join the Omen Days Journey, if it doesn’t and you just want to see what 2025 is going to give you there are a few spots left for Opening The Doors for 2025.
See you for the last reading of 2024 next week.