Happy Magickal, Moony, Mysterious, Magnificent, Moodling, Manifesting Monday!
How was this Full Moon for you (the one that happened on Saturday?)
I will say for the few days prior to her culmination my dreams were most certainly odd, one of them had a feral mole in! (As in the animal).
When I bolted up from the dream the moon was pouring in her light all over my bed, so I bathed in moonlight.. Which was fabulous!
Remember, this moon invites change and transition for you, to step into something new and melded with the Wood Dragon energy – YES!
But as we know – change and transition can feel hard and scary, but this is the year dear heart, this is your year.
Also, just as the moon was coming to culmination (what a great word) – The Numinous Collective Doors Opened!
I will say I am so fucking excited and tickled about this project, as between Lisa and I we have about 55 years of teaching, living and breathing this stuff.
This is such a powerful, glorious and rich container – hence why we are doing applications, as that is the transformative energy around it.
If you are really serious about your growth, transformation and really stepping into yourself and your Sovereignty – come check out The Numinous Collective!
I’m tickled that March is romping in at the end of this week as I love Spring and most certainly adore Spring Equinox! It’s that beautiful point of birth, creation and planting your intentional seeds, but we will discuss that more next week.
However, do let me remind you to holler White Rabbits on Friday as the first thing you say when you open your eyes!
Why? Good question – I have been doing it since I was wee, but I went and did a bit of digging as to where the saying came from.
What I found was, in fact, “White rabbits, white rabbits’ was written in the ‘Notes and Queries’ book from 1909.
The word must be spoken aloud, and be the first word said in the month to bring great luck.
It also was a common belief among RAF bomber aircrew during WW2 that saying “white rabbits” the very first thing upon waking would protect oneself.”
Don’t you just love finding out where traditions have come from? I do.
Okay, enough chuntering let’s crack on with the reading shall we?
When I asked my guides how they wanted to share with you this week I was tickled to see that they picked the wonderful Sacred Destiny Oracle, who have been rather shy about doing public readings, but this week they were 100% on board.
So in case you have never met them, let me introduce you – and if you have met them before, let me reintroduce you (as not to do so is rude!). “You have a sacred destiny; we all do.
There is a powerful and profound reason that you are here on the planet.
However, sometimes it may be difficult to understand what that reason is and perceive what is required on your journey into the future. It may be a challenge to know what the next step in life should be.
This is the time to call upon the energy of nature and majesty of the natural world to provide answers to the heartfelt yearnings of your soul. In ancient traditions, shamans, medicine women, witches, visionaries, and prophets all accessed hallowed knowledge by observing their natural environment.
These wise beings stepped through mystic gateways into inner realms to bring back meaning to the seemingly random event of life. “
Woosah! Perfect guides for this perfect time! (You seriously can’t make this shit up!)
Thus, I invite you to slow down for a few minutes. Just breathe yourself back into your body and the here and now. Let your breathing slow down, your jaw soften and a sense of release and creation fill your mind’s eye. Gently swirling and soothing you. Then, when you are ready, pick the card or cards that whisper to you.
If you need a bit more support there is a wee guided visualisation for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a peek!

Our beautiful home galaxy is so large that if you travelled at the speed of light, it would take you 100,000 years to go from one end to the other. (It is small compared to some galaxies – for example, the Hercules A galaxy would take 1.5 million years to cross at the speed of light.)
The realm of galaxies is so vast and so wide that it is beyond human comprehension, which is why the galaxy often symbolises great enlightenment as well a faith in the forces much greater than us.
So what does this sacred landscape want you to know?
Enlightenment occurs when one steps out of the confines of an ordinary definition of self and expands into a greater awareness of the self within the Universe.
You are now reaching into the invisible realm of Spirit and connecting with what you cannot see. Forces beneath the surface are supporting you on your journey.
Have FAITH in yourself! You are so much more than you believe yourself to be.
Have patience that there is a plan unfolding. The sky’s the limit! You are entering into a time of expansive transformation in a luminous and remarkable way.
Trust that the changes ahead are for the greater good, for most certainly they are.
And if you ever doubt, step outside and let the stars remind you!
The towering ancient trees in a forest look distinct from one another.
Yet beneath the surface of the earth, their roots are intertwined.
The roots act like a kind of communication system throughout the community of trees. Instantaneous messages travel through this underground system. Nutrients can travel on this network.
Trees at one side of the forest can supply the nourishment required on the other side of the forest. Danger at one end of the network is communicated to the far end of the intertwined roots.
What does this Sacred Landscape want you to know?
Support is all around you, even if you are not consciously aware of it. Allow yourself to be supported. Give encouragement to others.
The more you allow yourself to be supported, the more your dreams can come true. If you believe that you have to do it all alone, you will.
Your true family is not just blood relationships; sometimes the strongest family ties are friends who know who you are.
Sometimes they are your ancestors and soul families who reside in the Spirit.
It’s time to find your community and your “people.”
It’s the time of remembering that your people are at your side – believing in you, loving you, and standing strong beside you.
Call on your community, and ask for their assistance. They are only a thought away.
As the sun risers over the far mountains, mists begin to spiral upward, illuminated by the golden, radiant rays of morning light.
In many traditions, mist symbolises what is called the “mystic veil”, which represents an entrance point into unseen realms.
In ancient and native cultures, mists are associated with mystical and magical inner dimensions. Mist in the mountains represents higher states of consciousness.
What does this Sacred Landscape want you to know?
The upward, spiralling mists rising in the mountains suggest that those in the realm of Spirit – your spirit protectors, ancestors, and guardians – are close at hand, assisting you on your upward journey of illumination.
They are protecting you and supporting you.
Your spiritual life is expanding by leaps and bounds.
Even if you can’t see what’s ahead, Spirit is close at hand.
Where’s your tribe to connect with and support you?
Trust your heart and what you feel more than what you see and what you think, and you will be guided in the most perfect direction.
Don’t let fear influence your choice.
Woosah, what glorious guides for this delicious week. So my dear one, wishing you a week filled with ease, release, creating and laughter. Oh and a big posy of bobbly headed daffodils. Remember to check out The Numinous Collective – we look forward to welcoming you home!
Big hugs and squeezes!