Happy Mysterious, Marvellous, Musing, Magickal, Mellifluous, Manifesting Monday!
How was your Solstice? Did you take some time to soak up the sun’s energy and light your inner flame? The things that make you feel filled with passion, hope and joy? I hope so!
I took the day off work and the whole day was splendidly delicious. A couple of the ways I celebrated was to go for a walk in the woods and watch the sunbeams dance amidst the myriad of green branches and light up the moss.
Then, down to the ocean, the same spot where my sister and I visited 5 years ago and celebrated Solstice.
The same spot where the Solstice intention I set then came to pass exceptionally quickly, and changed my life in a way I couldn’t imagine.
There I offered up the beautiful Sun Wheel that I had woven of ivy, St. John’s wort, ocean spray and feverfew – all filled with my releases and my intentions. It was incredibly powerful to cast it on the ocean and watch it gently float further and further from shore, as it slowly unravelled.
Yesterday, we had a glorious Solstice gathering within Creatrix Circle, and I will say I love the women that are in this circle. They blow my hair back with their openness, their vulnerability and their depth.
And for all those who have emailed and messaged saying that they missed the open spots for the Solstice Reading Special and will be another one – the answer is possibly at the Equinox, we shall see.
So let’s talk about Possibilities shall we?
I bring up Possibility as with the Solstice just passed, this is the time to really look inwards and outwards and see what you can create, manifest, call into being or try.
I was listening to something the other day and a Chinese Medical Practitioner shared that when someone dies of old age what is really happening is their heart stops believing in Possibilities.
So when someone dies of old age, their heart no longer sees possibilities for that lifetime and their spirit departs.
Sit with that for a minute. Mull the word Possibilities around in your mind for a moment.
On a deep and tangible level Possibility opens our heart to the experience of life.
Possibility is the very thing that makes life worth living. That gives our Spirit something to live for on this planet.
The opposite of Possibility is when we feel stagnant, stuck, trapped or confused. Which we all experience at some point or another and is one of the most blaugh feelings in the world.
However, what is happening here is your Spirit is asking you to perceive Possibility again.
Possibility is asking this question – “What opportunities are here for me?”
Possibility is looking at a dead end and seeing that the path continues. You may not know where it’s going, but it’s there waiting for you to see it and take a step onto it.
Possibility opens our heart to the truth of life’s wonder and connects us back to where we are meant to be, which is allowing the Divine to dance with us.
Possibility opens the portal of our perception.
…….and most often times our perception is rather limited.
When we are in the mindset of Possibility we are able to see new ideas, innovations, ways of being that we couldn’t see before.
So ask yourself this question – “In my dream of dreams what would be possible for me?”
The minute we step out of our daily routine and rut we are opening ourselves up to greater Possibilities.
So are you willing this week to play with Possibilities?
Possibilities and the Solstice energy tie in deliciously with the Buck Moon energy which is coming in on July 3rd.
The spiritual meaning of the Buck Moon is a powerful time for abundance, strength, passion and possibilities.
This moon is a lovely time to reflect on your life and decide what steps you’d like to take next. What vistas are you willing to perceive in your life? What are you open to?
Make time for fun and joy!
Turn off technology and be present in the joyous season of summer.
Find activities that fill up your soul with happiness and pleasure as this is when possibilities come flooding in.
So with all of that chuntering on, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the guides and cards and asked who wanted to show and shine – the deck that came out loud and proud this week is Love Your Inner Goddess Oracle. Perfect! As we could all do with loving ourselves a wee bit more and being a tad more gentle and kind whilst we open up to all the delicious possibilities that are available to us.
Now if these guides are new to you, please let me introduce them – “These guides have come to help you awaken and express your divine feminine spirit, to live from your heart, to empower your true self – and to discover your sacred rebel within, to say no to the voices of fear and hate and become a voice for love, truth and spirit on the earth.
Living as a soul, with truth, takes real courage in this world. We are often taught to follow the rules and be a good boy or girl – and that if we do this, everything will be OK. Your inner goddess thinks that is a bunch of nonsense. She wants so much more for you. She wants you to live a beautiful divine destiny. She will show you how to be a loving rebel, breaking the rules that go against your heart and soul, changing the game and playing from the heart. She’ll show you how to live the life that is meant only for you. You are meant to stir up healing change and be a voice for what is wise, loving and true.
There are issues in our own lives and the world that need to change, that need to be healed. Your inner goddess knows how to bring about healing change with love, playfulness, courage and dignity. She is a fearless minx who will help you dance, love, storm and laugh your way into a more beautiful world, created from the heart. “
Seriously, the perfect guides for this time. Woosah!
So gorgeous one, breathe. Just breathe, BE and allow yourself to relax, your mind to calm, your breath to slow and ask your wise inner self – what do I need to know this week. Then when you are ready, pick the card or cards that tug at your heartstrings – don’t let your mind pick!
If you need help with getting into the flow, there’s a lovely guided visualisation for you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look shall we?

To become truly yourself, shining your divine beauty and light, you will go through a process of releasing what is no longer right and true for you.
Like the caterpillar who sheds the chrysalis when it is time to emerge as the butterfly, you will let go of the person you once thought you needed to be.
This can feel freeing, exciting. It can also seem frightening.
You may feel crazy sometimes, trying to hold onto a past that is no longer available to you and grasping for a future that is yet to be.
Sometimes, it can feel like a dark night of the soul, filled with questioning and confusion.
Others may not understand what is happening, and you may feel as though you can’t really explain it, either. In such times, we have to trust that all the changes and uncertainty are part of a process of growth – letting go in order to open up to something amazing and new.
This is happening for you now. You don’t have to be afraid. You are going through this because you are ready for it, even if you think you’re not.
There is a loving reason for all of it, even if you cannot see that right now.
Put your faith in the mystery. Trust that the answers will come – and so will the joy of all that you have grown into. Stay true to your path and know that you have a bright destiny ahead.
For now, let the process happen. Fear can make us try to force something that isn’t quite ready yet. Don’t try to impose a meaning, take action or understand it all prematurely. Don’t think too hard!
It’s OK to relax and trust that the moment of clarity will come when the time is right.
Making a choice can be hard, as if to say yes to one thing, you have to say no to fifteen other things! Remember that saying no is just saying, “not right now”, rather than “never”.
There is a higher plan for your life that includes all of your passions. You can do it all, but just not all at once.
Your soul knows how to build your most inspired and beautiful divine life, as though it were building an extraordinary temple for your spirit.
It knows that the foundations need to be prepared and the walls built before the windows, doors and skylight can be installed. The roof may be absolutely one-of-a-kind incredible, but if you try to lay the roof before you’ve built the walls, you are going to have some problems!
There is a certain order to how things need to happen, which the soul intuitively knows.
That is why listening to the soul and trusting your inner guiding voice makes more sense than trying to accomplish everything straight away and ending up with so much less than you deserve for all that effort.
Every moment of patience and sacrifice that you make now is stored up by the Universe as a sweet grace that you will receive back later, as everything falls into place so perfectly.
Tune in and trust your soul to show you how to gain everything you ever dreamed of, one simple step at a time.
You have beautiful dreams and wonderful visions of what life could be. It is not enough to imagine them. You want to live them! This is exactly how you are meant to feel.
For that to happen, you must practise feeling grounded, taking practical earthly steps, one at a time, to bring your dreams to life. The Universe will send so much help your way, but you are the one who must take the steps. Spirit cannot do that for you.
Even if you are not sure how your biggest, boldest dreams can come together, you can still ask yourself, “What is it that I can do now?”
Sometimes, it will be an obvious action that you can take, and, sometimes you will need to pray and meditate and ask for the way forward to be shown.
When you can do something, do it. When you cannot, rest and wait for your intuition to nudge you when the time is right to take action.
Remember, you are an Earth Goddess. You have the power to manifest your visions, to bring your beautiful ideas to life in the world. This is what you are here to do. Remember to love yourself enough to recognise your creative power and use it joyfully each day.
There’s a fantasy that wants to become reality for you. Don’t let a few gritty moments or human imperfections prevent you from experiencing the joy of heaven on Earth.
Oh my gosh, I so love my guides and the cards. Perfect for this time! So my most glorious one, I wish for you a stupendous week filled with Possibilities and the energy of the Buck Moon. There will not be a reading next week as it is Canada Day here and I am going to dance with adventure and possibilities. Huge hugs!