This Saturday, September 10th we welcome in the Harvest Moon or the Corn Moon, which is in the sign of Pisces. This is the Full Moon that is closest to the Equinox (which is September 22nd).
Each Full Moon brings with it the energy of the astrological sign that it is in. However, I will be very clear here – I am not an Astrologer! I use astrology in my own life and with clients, but if you asked me to decipher your transits and all that, I would look at you as if you were bonkers!
(Although I can recommend some incredible astrologers to you, who make sense of it all).
Thus, I often bring the Seasonal Lens to my Moon work.
What does that mean?
For me, it’s more about where a moon falls on the wheel of the year.
Each moon cycle has a distinct natural energy. So when I talk about the moon cycles it’s all about the seasonal energy each moon holds, as well as some of the astrological energy.
Ask yourself – what is nature doing around you right now?
How does that make you feel?
Is nature stretching & growing or are things drawing inward?
Because if we are honest and tuned in, whatever’s happening in nature is happening within each of us too! And you can see the personal growth work you’re experiencing simply by watching what’s happening in nature.
The spiritual meaning of this glorious Harvest Moon is one of balance and abundance. It’s a time to honor and appreciate your home; a time for reflection and gratitude.
We are beginning to turn inward during this time of balance; as is the natural world around us. We feel the coming of the darkness and are pulled towards our spiritual side in a new way.
Now is a lovely time to realign with your spirit, soul, and Self.
So let’s create a ritual that embodies gratitude, the abundance of the harvest season and the release of summer.
Remember the steps for creating your own ritual.
What you will need:
- A pen
- A piece of paper
- A candle
- Matches or a lighter
- A fireproof container, bowl or cauldron
- A large jar filled with water (with a lid)
- A crystal that resonates for your intention.
On the night of the full moon write down an aspect of yourself or your life that you need to surrender on a piece of paper or something/someone you need to forgive. Remember, forgiveness is a super power!
For example, you might write “I let go of my shame,” “I let go of my perfectionism,” “I let go of the friends that do not support my highest good,” “I let go of my past,” “I let go of my self-destructive tendencies,” etc.
Prepare a fireproof bowl, container or cauldron and place it in your sacred space.
Open your full moon ritual by visualizing the light of the moon encircling you.
Smudge and cleanse.
When you are ready, begin to burn your piece of paper over your fireproof container. Watch as the paper curls up into ash. You may like to say within your mind or out loud “I release this, back to whence it came to be transmuted and transformed and so it is. “
When the paper has turned completely to ash, scatter the ash to the wind. Alternatively, you can bury the ash. When you are finished, say within or out loud “it is done, it is done, it is done.”
(Note: if you are burning paper indoors, please ensure you practice caution and common-sense.)
Now take your jar, fill it with water, pop your crystal in it (please make sure that your crystal is consumable and will not dissolve in water.)
Pop a lid on your jar and find a place where it can bathe in moonlight.
If you can sit in the moonlight with your jar, all the better.
Hold your jar between your hands and pour in all your gratitude. What are you grateful for? Who are you grateful for? What makes you feel splendiferous? Whisper those into your jar.
Then hold it between your hands close to your heart and say out loud:
“As I sit beneath the Full Moon tonight,
I’m filled with an illuminating and positive light,
I am grateful for_______ and __________,
I honor these last days of summer and warmth,
May this next season bring love, growth, and joy,
to myself and those I love.”
Then leave your moon water to bathe overnight and all your gratitude wishes to be infused with the Divine Feminine of the Moon Goddess.