Happy Miraculous, Majestic, Musical, Manic, Moodling, Merry, Manifesting, Magickal Monday!
How was Eclipse for you?
Now if you remember an eclipse can generate an awareness of something larger, running the show and they poke holes in our ego/identity revealing things within us that we have been avoiding or are totally unaware of.
An eclipse uncovers things. Some we want to see and others we really don’t. Lunar Eclipses are like extra potent Full Moons. They illuminate areas of our lives that need to be cleared and swept away. They shine a light on all that no longer needs to be present with us. They reveal to us where we are holding on too tightly, and where we have to surrender and let go.
So if you have been feeling a tad vulnerable, a bit weebly – it will all be okay! Just breathe into that space and trust that as you shed old things you create space for new seeds to be sown.
For all my wonderful American friends “Happy Thanksgiving!” I have to admit that I find it a tad odd to have Thanksgiving so close to Xmas, but hey I love to celebrate most everything (ask my kids). It could be winter solstice, summer solstice, equinox, Full Moon, New Moon, Chinese New Year, Easter, Valentine’s, the sun is shining, the snow is falling – you name it!
Even simple things like the first flowers of spring, or having gorgeous flowers on my desk whilst it is grey and rainy outside. Life is a celebration and quite frankly I chose to celebrate as much as possible.
Though to be honest this week, I found it challenging to celebrate as my faith in humanity had tanked somewhat.
We have had torrential rains and the devastation they have created has been huge. Towns gone under the water, people homeless, cars caught in mudslides, huge chunks of major roads wiped out. Many areas of BC took a shit kicking to say the least.
Many people have been amazing, and really pulled together to help each other and those in need, however, the masses – wow.
The masses dropped into “Screw everyone else, it’s all about me” (like the beginning of Covid) and went into a place of panic and fear. So how did they deal with it? Panic buying and hoarding! It has been mind blowing to watch.
A woman with two grocery buggies filled with milk, (just milk), and when asked if she was buying for a restaurant, friends and family her response was “Fuck no, this is for me.” Line ups at the petrol stations that are over a 100 cars long, in fact so long they are blocking traffic and emergency vehicles and buses couldn’t get through. A chap with 40 packs of toilet paper! What on goddesses green earth do you do with 480 rolls of lou paper? People screaming and being abusive to each other or the employees in stores.
It made me shake my head and think “A nice cabin out in the woods far away from this is a great idea!”
I mean seriously! Did we learn nothing from the onset of Covid, that we are all in this together? Apparently not. So I have avoided stores and petrol stations like the plague as the frenetic selfishness and level of entitlement has been too intense. And to be honest – disgusting to watch. It’s as if a flock of locusts have descended on all the stores, yet the ironic thing is – There is No Shortage. Other than the one that has just been created by panic buying. Sigh.
So this got me to pondering and on Friday when the Eclipse happened there was a lot of releasing going on. And then I remembered the Thanks game, a fabulous game to play any time of the year, but even more appropriate with American Thanksgiving this week.
Ready to play?
I invite you (no matter where you live) to harness the energy of Thanksgiving and really give thanks for all the pieces that make up your most delicious self and life (yes, even the ones you judge harshly).
Give thanks for all the various people, places and things that you are thankful for – they could be present day, past day or future day. List them all in your mind one at a time and as you bring them into your consciousness, smile and blow them a kiss (yes, seriously blow them a kiss).
See the kiss leaving your hand and turning into a gorgeous gold butterfly that flies off to that person or part of yourself and gently lands on their right cheek and brushes them softly with your blessing, thanks and appreciation.
I sent so many lovely golden butterflies out to the amazing women in The Creatrix Circle especially as we had our very first Tea Time this weekend which was filled with laughter, sharing and empowering each other.
Now, think of all the people, places, things or situations that you have a challenge with, or that you don’t feel so kindly towards. Take a deep breath in and exhale.
Bring them up one at a time in your mind’s eye and blow them a kiss. This time as the kiss leaves your hand it turns into a delightful little pink heart filled with love and forgiveness and wings its way through the ether to gently land where it is meant to.
Another big breath in and as you exhale wrap your arms around yourself in a HUGE bear hug and see glorious golden light surrounding you like a cocoon and give thanks for your body, your heart, your soul, your mind and the delicious light that is you. Big squeeze and as you release your arms gently open your eyes and smile.
It definitely helps in any situation, but especially when stupidity seems to have taken the steering wheel of society!
So with all of that chuntering on, let’s crack on with the reading. When I went to the guides and cards and asked who wanted to show and shine – the deck that came out loud and proud this week is The Oracle of the Divine Circus. The reason I laughed is these glorious guides are playful, but deep. They think outside the box and invite you to do the same.
If you have never met these glorious guides, please let me introduce you. “What is life if not a Divine Circus? Life might seem ordinary at times, yet when we look more closely, it is bursting with creative diversity, constantly evolving, pulling rugs out from underneath our feet (usually just at the moment we think we have everything under control) and opening doors we couldn’t even see were right there before us a moment earlier. Life is magical, thrilling, sometimes strange and even scary. It can inspire you and touch your soul, inviting you to discover the unique magic within you, to dare to live it, to express it, to play with possibilities and embrace what sets you apart from the crowd. “
So just settle in delicious lovely. Allow yourself to calm and to just breathe. Then when you are ready pick the card or cards that pull at you.
Did you remember to pick?

Let’s go have a look, shall we?

Some blessings are obvious – the door that opens, the person who says yes and the instant success of an idea. But not all blessings are instantly recognisable. Some blessings are so veiled that at first you might consider them to be an unwanted development. A concealed blessing is either already at work in your life or on its way. Don’t worry if you feel like things aren’t working out as they should. Soon enough, the disguise will be dropped, and the blessed unmasked in all its beauty.
Blessings are the mysterious workings of the universe, there to help us along our unique life path to live our truths and fulfil our potential. The universe has the knack of knowing just what it is we need, even when sometimes we might think we need something altogether different. This is how it can be that something we resist and reject in our lives can become the very thing we are most grateful for later on. We realise it has been a blessing masked, something actually helping us, even though it might have come in the form of a challenge or struggle before we eventually gain great benefit from it.
The Divine Disguise brings you the promise of peace of mind and a realisation that the universe does really know what it’s doing. It’s in your corner, on your side, cheering you on and helping you avoid unnecessary pitfalls, even if you don’t know they exist. The real beauty of a situation isn’t obvious to you yet. It could be a delay or change in plans that runs out to be in your favour, even if at the time you aren’t sure it signals failure! It could be the wrong person saying no so the right person can say yes. It could be being blocked from turning back to your past, so you must continue forward to the magic of your future.
Don’t worry. Even that which appears most troublesome is going to reveal itself to be working in your favour.
Bells are ringing from deep inside. Something that once had to hide is seeking your attention. It wants out! It wants to be free! As you release what was once shut away, your discomfort shall turn to glee. You are a spiritual adventurer! You are not afraid to go to the edge of what you know, of who you have believed yourself to be. Even when before you lies the darkness of unknown worlds, of undiscovered parts of you, even when you feel uncertainty, discomfort or doubt, you are still willing to figure out what it’s all about. This fine and fierce attitude gives you a special kind of grace, the grace to discover that you are a living, wild, divinely free and empowered force to be reckoned with in this world. That discovery sets you free from fear and unleashes you upon a path of loving wild creation and joyful abandon!
So you’ve come to a place in you, and in your life, where you don’t know. You don’t know what’s happening. You don’t know how to work through it. You don’t know who you are (well, not all of who you are). You don’t know what you don’t know. You are at the point of not knowing because you are growing. There will be surprises. There will be discoveries. You’ll feel awkward at times, like you are trying to see in the dark. You’ll wonder if you are supposed to be so confused, if you are supposed to feel like you aren’t sure who you are anymore, or even if the things that once made sense in your life are supposed to seem so fragile, as though life, once thought rock solid, actually turns out to be a house of cards. The answer, of course, is yes. Yes, it’s a royally divine mess.
Don’t be afraid to let there be some inner rattling and rampaging. You are at a time when you are naturally diving into the darkness for a healing purpose. So ask the difficult questions. Do things you wouldn’t normally do. Experiment with thinking in ways you wouldn’t normally think. Be willing to let everything change for the better by first letting go of how things are now. The messier your inner world seems to be right now, the more you can expect complete and utter transformation as a new order comes into form. Expect the unexpected, for you were born to grow into what is happening now.
It’s time to let the wild thing within out!
Shhhhhh! Can you keep a secret? It’s time to play your cards close to your chest. Soon enough, you’ll be ready to stand upon the mountain top for all to see and hear. For now, let things unfold in the guarded privacy of your inner world. When the time is right to be seen in the light, you’ll know what is true and what to do. Until then, be patient, be private, be committed and wait for the right time to shine.
Sometimes being less visible, less transparent, less “seen” for a time is helpful. It doesn’t mean being dishonest or deceptive, but it does mean keeping your intentions and your truths to yourself until you see the best way to attain your goals. In fact, the best way to attain your goals might be more of the “iron fist in velvet glove” approach. You might find that gentle persuasion works far better than direct confrontation, which can unintentionally inflame a situation and trigger defensive reactions in others instead of finding a way to bring resolution.
If you have been frustrated that you are not breaking through into a more prominent position or not being seen as clearly as you would like, don’t worry. That will -pass and you will be given your time to stand up and be seen at the right time.
When it is time to show your hand, to reveal your intentions and speak more openly and publicly about what has been gestating, you’ll know it; but for now, let things come together away from prying eyes. Just for now, it’s time to keep a secret.
Oh wow, positively perfect for this time. (Seriously, you can’t make this shit up!) So gorgeous one, sending you huge love, ease and thanks. I am thankful for you exactly as you are – perfectly imperfect, which is the best way to be. Be kind to yourself, and remember to play the Thanks game when you need a tune up! Big hugs and squeezes.