Happy Mellow, Mothering, Meditative, Mindful, Magnificent, Manifesting Monday!
Okay, grab a large cuppa of something warm and magickal, as we have so much to chat about this week! Are you ready? You settled and cosy?
We have the last Full Moon of 2024 coming up this Sunday on the 15th.
We have Solstice (which I friggin love) rapidly approaching.
The glorious Omen Days course (which I hope you will join – it’s a game changer to putting the year to bed and creating something for 2025 – ask the last 185 people who participated, lol.
And Personal Theme readings! Let alone the Book of Winter Solstice (aka BOWS).
So where should we start?
Personally, I am going to start with Omen Days, aka the Sacred Days and Yuletide. These are the glorious days that happen from Boxing Day to January 6th (do you see why we have the song “12 Days of Xmas?”- hijacked from the Omen Days.)
These are days that are reckoned with at the end of the year to catch the Roman calendar up with the Solar Calendar.
As such these days between December 26th and January 6th are considered to be time out of time. Almost like you’ve slipped the bounds of the normal calendar. And you’re in an in-between space. A liminal space.
Interestingly in our culture the same is true. That period between Xmas and the first days of the New Year tends to be a very amorphous time; a time when you very much feel like you’re in transition or in limbo.
This is where the magic gets created for 2025.
And as I mentioned – I have created a glorious course with all sorts of yumminess that will have you ditching your “New Year’s Resolutions” with abandonment. So come play with us!
I would love for you to experience a different way of putting 2024 to bed and envisioning 2025. One that you can feel in your bones, and cells. That calls to your ancient memories.
So why am I bringing that up first?
First to let you know registration will be open on Thursday December 12th (so watch your inbox) and secondly………..
The Full Moon in Gemini that happens on the 15th is the last full moon of 2024.
Let’s be honest, this has been a most “interesting” year….
This Full Moon is a powerful point of release.
While it is important to honor where we have been and our journey thus far, this Full Moon is also signaling us to let go of all that is heavy.
What is no longer ours to carry? What do we want to leave behind in the ashes of 2024? It is time to set those intentions. It is time to release all that we no longer wish to bring with us into the new year.
Write it all down; get it out to the Universe. Let the Universe, let yourself know what is no longer going to join you in 2025.
“Take a moment to pause. Quiet your mind. Perhaps take a deep, enriching breath and just honor where you are today.
You have made it.
Whatever 2024 had in store, you are now at the end of it.
And you should feel proud of just how far you have come.
Through all the ups and downs, through all the trials and tribulations, here you are.
Open, ready, and eager to learn. Eager to keep deepening your spiritual understanding of the world we live in.
Hold space for that for just a moment.
Honor yourself. Love yourself more than you ever have at this moment. “
Which again ties into The Omen Days and puts this year to bed with intention, awareness, compassion and forgiveness.
Okay, now do you see how all the pieces – Omen Days, Full Moon, and Personal Theme Readings tie in?
Oh hang on, I forgot to mention Personal Theme Readings – or Opening the Doors to 2025 as I call them. Instead of writing about it (and making you question when I am going to shut up), you can pop over and see if it resonates for you. Spots are limited, so if this calls to you I highly suggest grabbing one.
Wow, that was a lot to impart (and I hope you absorbed most of it). Let’s crack on with the reading!
Okay so when I asked my glorious giddy guides who they wanted to play with this week. I was a tad surprised!
Now if these are new to you, please let me introduce them (as not to do so would be rude!)
At the edge of the mind awaits the holy wilderness of the soul.
It beckons you, like a great forest filled with vast mysteries and wonders. While this mystical realm exists in a higher dimension, beyond normal reality, it is real nevertheless. To enter this mystical realm, it’s simply a matter of having an open heart and an open mind.
In this healing and holy place, long-sought answers to your deepest questions become known. Ancient wisdom emerges. Revelations about your future are revealed. Hidden talents and abilities are activated with you. It’s a place where miracles unfold, and your spirit can fly.
In the deepest sense you remember who you are.
Okay gorgeous bean, here we are with the holiday season rapidly approaching, and yet the place of Solstice. The longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
The place of release and moving into the warm, feminine darkness that nurtures and supports. I invite you to take a long, deep, luxurious breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Let your face relax, your jaw relax and the worries of the day drop to the floor like soft gentle rain drops or snowflakes.
Then I invite you to see in your mind’s eye a glorious warm dark night sky, you feel safe, you feel supported and held and as the clouds pull away you see stars that will guide you. Breathe that in. Allow this gorgeous Feminine Darkness to gently wrap around you and guide you and then when you are ready pick a card or cards that call to you.
You picked yes?

Shall we go see?

New Beginnings
You feel a tap on your shoulder, and in a flash of yellow, you see a Daffodil Fairy fly by you. In a high, sweet voice she says, “The best is yet to be! It’s time for a new beginning!” With glee, you race after her into the forest.
Life goes in cycles. Just as spring follows winter, a new cycle is beginning in your life. In the phases of the earth, the plants die in the fall so that there can be new birth in the spring – it’s the universal dance of death and rebirth. There’s a time to end and begin, and this is the close of one cycle and the beginning of another.
We associate the daffodil with spring, as it is one of the first flowers to emerge after the snows. Its shape echoes the feeling of trumpeting in the new season; its colour suggests vitality, radiance, and sunshine.
It’s time to wipe the slate clean; it’s time to release the old and start again.
It can be difficult to release familiar routines, situations, or relationships when they no longer empower you; however, your higher self encourages you to not cling to the old, but set sail into new waters. If you find yourself afraid to let go, you are urged to face your fear and allow yourself to stretch in a new direction.
The Creatrix is at your side, and wonderful opportunities will be born in your life. Wholeness occurs when you can say yes to both endings and beginnings.
It’s time to start a new project or a new cycle. Life force and vitality are emerging. Release that which doesn’t serve and support you. Make way for a new start!
The fog in the forest is so dense, you can’t see your hands in front of your face. You take a step forward; the soil is soft and spongy. You realise that you are standing in a bog and to go forward is to risk sinking deeper into the mud.
The best strategy is to be still and wait for the fog to lift.
Be quiet and still. The time is not right to go forward now.
It’s hard to see what lies ahead, and the truth of things may not be as they initially appear. Events that seem one way may, in fact, be completely different.
Just as the egret exhibits great patience as he waits for a fish to emerge, so too must you be still and allow the truth to emerge. In this state of obscured visibility, your imagination can surge forward and spark your intuition.
If you can wait long enough, your sixth sense will be ignited. Listen to your inner yearnings and pay attention to those seemingly random thoughts.
Water represents emotions, feelings, and the subconscious. When the water becomes condensed as fog, it obscures the true shape of things. We can’t see clearly the way we can in the light.
Don’t allow unexamined emotions to overwhelm your growth.
Have patience. Wait until the fog lifts before taking action. The truth will emerge in time; you just need to go deeper.
Follow your intuition.
“You are safe.” These words seem to emerge from the land and radiate from the trees to echo in your soul. You hear these words again and again.
The Sacred Guardians of the Land are whispering to you, “You are safe.”
You know that you are protected and cared for. You can feel tendrils of their loving energy wrap around you and embrace you. Their unleashed power cocoons you in safety.
You are enough, just as you are. No matter what has happened or occurred in the past, the truth is that you are absolutely and unconditionally enough as you are.
You are loved. You are cherished.
Do not be concerned about outside forces and the judgements and expectations of others. You are protected in your own energy field. Envision a protective shield around yourself and around your home. Spend time with people and in situations that uplift your energy rather than draining it.
You are safe and surrounded by a glorious protective shield. You are not alone; your life is guided and protected by higher forces.
Within this knowing-ness you can soar to great heights. Breathe wee one. Trust.
Oh my giddy aunt! Those glorious beasts were delicious. How did they resonate for you? So darling one, wishing you a week of ease, grace and flow. Don’t get tangled in any one else’s stuff, tinsel or lights. If it resonates for you to come join Omen Days – please do. If you want to find out your Personal Theme, please do. If you just want to be left the fuck alone and celebrate Solstice as you like – grab the Winter Solstice book.
See you next week.